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News :: Children & Education : Durham-UNH : Housing

UNH Housing Dir. Conk Lies to Forest Park Tenants

Forest Park is a residential community at the University of New Hampshire which provides family housing. The tenants are mostly graduate students, with some undergraduates, including many international students. They are as diverse a community as you find at UNH and contribute much to both the academic and cultural missions of the University.

Despite this fact, Forest Park residents are facing buildings with inadequate maintenance, construction vehicles driving up and down adjacent roads, and rent increases which many cannot afford. For this population at risk, these rent increases mean the difference between being able to stay in school or withdrawing, between having adequate food to feed their children and malnutrition. The tenants fight a battle every year with the Department of Housing over rent increases and the budget.


Announcement :: Durham-UNH : War

Scott Ritter to speak at UNH about Iran on March 7

Thursday, March 8, at 7 pm: "The Case for Engagement with Iran" a talk by Former UN Chief Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter, in the Strafford Room of the Memorial Union Building (MUB), UNH, Durham.

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News :: Elections & Legislation

Senator Hillary Clinton Speaks at Dover High School


Hillary Clinton graced Dover with her presence on Saturday, February 17. The Dover High School cafeteria stopped serving sloppy joes and chicken patties just long enough to be transformed, bedraped by “Let the Conversation Begin!” and saddled with a center stage.

Liberals and democrats from across the seacoast packed themselves into the cafeteria to hear Senator Clinton wax political. She spoke of everything from Iraq to Iran, from health care to mental health care, from global warming to health care. Hillary supports universal health care.

The crowd was 1200 strong, filling the balcony and the floor of the cafeteria. Signs warned that the campaign event could be taped and broadcast. Other signs announced “Hillary!” and still others told us where the bathroom was. As we entered the event, baby boomer rock played to our sympathies for a kinder, gentler America. Outside, Dover police gave out parking tickets to cars parked along Alumni Drive.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Astronauts and Other High Flyers

The media celebrates astronauts' deaths while ignoring the total cost.

I spent a good part of my enlistment in the United States Air Force at Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. I happened to be there when three astronauts died in a fire in Florida. The media focused on the event with laser beam precision and devoted innumerable man-hours revealing the details to an eager public.

On January 27th of this year we celebrated the 40th anniversary of the tragic deaths of the three United States astronauts who were incinerated in that space capsule on the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida.


News :: Durham-UNH : Elections & Legislation

Senator Barack Obama Visits UNH


Yesterday was the official start of “Obama-mania” in New Hampshire. About 2400 people filled the Lundholm Gymnasium at UNH, waiting in anticipation, while strains of “Rescue Me” and “A Change'll Do You Good” played in the background. While awaiting the senator's arrival, I asked a few people what had lured them out to hear Obama speak.

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Commentary :: Globalization

Through Being Cool


I like being cool.

I like cool things. I like irreverent, funny TV shows. I like to see “the man” taken down a peg.

I like Andy Milonakis. I like the Colbert Report. I like Family Guy.

And I LOVE Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force is a perfect amalgam of slackerdom, surrealism, and superheroes. Sometimes I even imagine myself as a superhero who does nothing all day. I can relate.

As a loyal viewer, I was expected to respond with a middle finger of solidarity when Boston “overreacted” to Adult Swim’s marketing campaign. I should have laughed at the stupid city officials who thought a lite-brite was dangerous.

But I didn’t laugh. I felt manipulated. Was something wrong with me? When did I turn into such a square? Was I actually on the side of “the man?”

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Commentary :: Housing : Urban Development

The Cocheco Waterfront Development Plan is an Unoriginal Project of Gentrification

Condos, townhouses, and yuppie art galleries are not the way to distinguish Dover from any other waterfront mill town on the rebound.

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News :: Children & Education : Durham-UNH : Elections & Legislation : War

Cost to New Hampshire of Iraq War

Even before an additional 20,000 troops are sent to Iraq, NH citizens and businesses will pay about $1.5 billion for Iraq war this year. That sum equals nearly one-third of the entire state budget and would pay for health care for one-third of the state's residents.

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Regional News


Since it only comes once every four years, like the plague in Renaissance England, we may as well ask: whom do you support in the NH primary?
Hillary Clinton
Dennis Kucinich
Barack Obama
John Edwards
Bill Richardson
Joe Biden
Chris Dodd
Tom Tancredo
Rudy Giuliani
Ron Paul
John McCain
Mike Huckabee
Mitt Romney
Fred Thompson
Alan Keyes
Vermin Supreme
Someone other than Chris Dodd who will lose


I honestly don't think there are probably five people in this Senate who understand this number here, that what we're dealing with is not a defense number of $430 billion. It is a defense number of around $553 billion and going up.
-- Sen. Gregg explaining that the emergency supplemental spending for Iraq is neither supplemental nor for an emergency.

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