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Spry VPS Hosting Cheap VPS HostingSmall Business Hosting and Domain Registrations
.com/.net/.info/.us Domain Registration available starting $7.95 annually | more info
Spry believes in backing our promises with real guarantees. We offer a unique Always On! uptime guarantee because we have invested heavily in our equipment and network. | more info

Spry.com is committed to affordable user empowerment. We do this through offering the most stable, feature-rich vps hosting products in the industry, coupled with outstanding support and powerful Control Panels. Our award winning Virtual Private Server product lines provide the power and flexibility you'd expect with a top of the line dedicated server at an affordable price.

The technologies we offer with our web hosting products include PHP, MySQL, Perl, Python, WHM / cPanel, Plesk, cPanel, Java, SFTP, SSH, SSL, FTP, Telnet, Unix, e-Commerce shopping carts, and more. As the leaders in Linux VPS hosting, we have enhanced the Linux kernel to enable features not available on other virtual private servers.

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Root access hosting| PHP and MySQL| Web Hosting with PHP and MySQL| PHP Hosting| Virtual Private Server

Customer Quote: Spry's Virtual Private Server has enabled our business to go to the next level. I want to thank the support staff, they are truly talented.
- Holiday.com BizDev Manager