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Maintain the Rage - National Young Workers Conference

Registration is now open for Maintain The Rage - the National Young Workers Conference which is being held in Melbourne on 12-13 September 2008.  Registration is FREE.

September 12

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From VTHC Secretary, Brian Boyd
Delaying New IR laws problematic


Young Unionists Network

           Trades Hall &
         Literary Institute
By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
On the 14th July last key members of the federal ALP Members of Parliament Industrial Relations Caucus Committee visited the VTHC.  They were addressed by 15 VTHC affiliates about their concerns in relation to the ongoing operations of Howard’s IR laws and, in particular, what the new proposed Rudd IR legislation will look like.
ALP IR Caucus chair, Mike Symon MHR, led the delegation that included Maria Vamvakinou MHR, Jacinta Collins, Victorian Senator and Gavin Marshall, Victorian Senator.

The affiliates that addressed the briefing included: MEAA, CMFEU-Mining Division, ANF, AEU, TCFUA, ASU-Private, ASU-Authorities, CPSU-PSU, CFMEU-Construction, CEPU-Telecommunications, CEPU-Postal, AMWU, CPSU-SPSF, MUA and UFU.


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VTHC All Unions Delegates and Shop Stewards Mass meeting - 30 July 2008

The VTHC Executive Council has recently re-affirmed its decision to call an all unions' delegates and shop stewards' meeting.  Unions are urged to maximise the turn out at this important mass meeting set down for 10.00 am to support Noel Washington.  read more

Vietnamese Delegation Visits Melbourne Trades Hall

On 23 June, four comrades from the Vietnam's National Institute for Labour Protection visited Trades Hall and were greeted by the VTHC Secretary. read more.

Stand with our Ambos

Ambos needs your help to send a message to the State Government that you stand with them in their campaign for a better, safer ambulance service for all Victorians. read more

MSAV - Senior Industrial Officer position vacant

The MSAV is seeking to recruit a Senior Industrial Officer as part of a small, progressive industrial team. read more

Noel Washington and the ABCC

Noel faces jail as he has been charged by the Department of Public Prosecutions and is set to appear in the Magistrates Court in August. read more

International Greenpeace visitor Sven Teske visited Trades Hall Melbourne

International Greenpeace visitor Sven Teske visited Trades Hall Melbourne to talk about their Report ‘Australia’s Energy Revolution – A Sustainable Australia Energy Outlook.’ read more

Trade Union Leader from India visits Trades Hall

Mr Nambiath Vasudevan, Secretary of the All India Blue Star Employees Federation/NTUI, is welcomed to Melbourne Trades Hall by VTHC Secretary, Brian Boyd and an AAWL more

Fight for Fair Work Laws

Join the fight for a fair and universal industrial relations system. read more

Employer Shame File

VTHC’s Employer Shame File exposes some of the shameful practises of employers targeting workers’ rights to speak out to protect their jobs. read more

Stand with Victorian Ambos

Victorian Ambulance Union Campaign -  needs your help to send a message to the State Government that you stand with paramedics and their campaign for a better, safer ambulance service for all Victorians.  read more

Building Industry Taskforce

The ABCC has extraordinary powers to target workers in the building industry read more



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