Israel bombed: suspect of Middle Eastern appearance

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The Chaser - Live in Sydney 4-6 July Print E-mail
Friday, 14 March 2008

Our live stage show returns to SYDNEY - at Penrith Panthers (Fri 4 July), Blacktown RSL (Sat 5 July) and Souths Juniors in Kingsford (Sun 6 July). 

Click here for all dates, venues and ticketing info. Or else check the right of this page under "Chaser Events". 

After heeding Today Tonight’s complaints about the outrageous waste of taxpayers’ money on their show The War On Everything, the Chaser team has decided to take some time off from TV in the first half of 2008. The Chaser will adopt a purely user-pays approach this year, mounting a national tour of a new live production, The Chaser’s Age Of Terror Variety Hour, from March to July 2008.

The Chaser rents world's cheapest billboards Print E-mail
Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Image(UPDATED with unintentionally hilarious new video clip!) Now that we've back in primetime, we're determined to become totally impossible prima donnas. So we demanded that the ABC get us LOTS OF BILLBOARDS to promote the show. Eddie McGuire gets them. Viagra gets them. So we want ‘em. Big ones. Typically the ABC cried poor. But we insisted. So they got us the cheapest billboards they could find.

Here's what they got us. Let this be a lesson to you: read the fine print.
The War moves to primetime Print E-mail
Monday, 29 January 2007

The show's new timeslot was announced on Sunday – it'll be on Wednesdays at 9pm, after Spicks & Specks

The Chaser's War On Everything Print E-mail
Tuesday, 31 January 2006
All the information on our latest TV series.
Bookshop appearances Nov/Dec 2005 Print E-mail
Friday, 18 November 2005

We're travelling around the ABC stores of this great nation, and a few other unlucky bookshops, to sign copies of our new Chaser Annual - and in fact anything at all you care to stick in front of our faces. Except cheques. But they'd probably bounce anyway.


Chaser events