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The Chaser Print
Chaser Publishing Pty Ltd

PO Box 293
Darlinghurst NSW 1300

Telephone: +61 2 9280 4554
Fax: +61 2 9280 4564

Information: You can contact The Chaser using this form, but please be aware that because we are in a TV production period, it may take up to a week to reply.

Please note that while we appreciate the thought that goes into the ideas people send us, we are not recruiting writers for the TV show or website, and are unable to reply to the high volume of ideas we receive. We will not use your idea without attribution, but by submitting it via this form you agree that if something similar is used in our show, you waive all ownership, copyright and royalties to it.

Sorry to get all legalistic on you, but we don't want to be sued because someone emailed us a similar, much funnier idea than something lame we thought of ourselves and used!


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