Beating Hearts Press

The Beating Hearts distro is on hiatus until at least the end of September.
However a lot of our books, zines and music will be available from the up and coming Severance Distro, based in Sydney. So by all means browse our website as usual, but if you're wanting to place an order you'll need to contact Severance Distro at:

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24th May, 2008

Now in stock: Derrick Jensen's new double CD Now This War Has Two Sides

Beyond the Ruins CD - GATHER
Liberdade Imposta Liberdade Conquistada CD - POINT OF NO RETURN

Plus a slew of crucial new pamphlets:
Anarchy and Ecstasy: Visions of Halcyon Days by John Moore
Comin' Home: Defining Anarcho-Primitivism by John Moore
The Disgust of 'Daily Life' by Kevin Tucker
Egalitarian Societies by James Woodburn
The Original Affluent Society by Marshall Sahlins
A Post-Historic Primitivism by Paul Shepard
Technological Addiction by Chellis Glendinning
The Achievements of General Ludd: A Brief History of the Luddites + Lessons from the Luddites by Kirkpatrick Sale
Animal Liberation: Liberate to Devastate or Devastatingly Liberal?

4th January, 2008

The CrimethInc section has finally been restocked, with two new additions: their brand new book Expect Resistance, and the legendary Catharsis Passion CD.

19th November, 2007

The long-awaited Primitive / Survival Skills section is up!

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