Durban Group for Climate Justice
Durban Group for Climate Justice
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Who are we?

The Durban Group for Climate Justice is an international network of independent organisations, individuals and people's movements who reject the free market approach to climate change. We are committed to help build a global grassroots movement for climate justice, mobilize communities around the world and pledge our solidarity with people opposing carbon trading on the ground.


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Convergence Centre, COP11

Oilwatch at COP11

Climate Justice activist on march

Durban Group at the World Social Forum

Watching film Crossing the Green Desert







carbon trading

New Book Exposes Scandal of Carbon Trading
“Bad for the South, bad for the North, and bad for the climate”

October 4, 2006: The climate change debate will heat up further this week with the publication of an exhaustively-documented new book which claims that the dominant “carbon trading” approach, adopted by the Kyoto Protocol and the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, is both ineffective and unjust.

The book, published by Sweden’s Dag Hammarskjold Foundation together with the international Durban Group for Climate Justice and the UK-based NGO The Corner House, argues that carbon trading slows the social and technological change needed to cope with global warming by unnecessarily prolonging the world’s dependence on oil, coal and gas.

Download the electronic version at: DD2006_48_carbon_trading/ carbon_trading_web.pdf
[pdf 22.6MB]

Ford offset scheme

Shadow boxing at Ford
by Professor Michael Dorsey

May 11th, 2006 - In late April Ford Motor Company and TerraPass announced "Greener Miles", a program offering Ford vehicle owners the opportunity to offset the climate impact of their driving through the support of projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Fact is the average fuel economy of Ford's fleet is 18.8 mpg, dead last among the top six automakers in 2005--for the fifth straight year, according to the EPA. The blatant disregard and contempt Ford's engineers pay to fuel economy and efficiency means that Ford's vehicles release more CO2 into the atmosphere than all of Mexico. Ford is playing games and peddling gimmicks in its new partnership with TerraPass. If Ford wants to reduce CO2 and get serious about climate change it will increase its fleet overall MPG and not peddle spurious offsets based on cooked mpg numbers.

Climate Justice Convergence Centre Programme

The Climate Justice Convergence Centre was organised by the Durban Group with partners to run parallel to the COP11 talks in montreal in late 2005. The centre was a space where the voices of those struggling against oil and coal extraction, refineries, pollution 'offset' projects, a destabilized climate, oil wars and all the other effects of fossil fuel dependence were heard. Photo-exhibitions, films, speakers and workshops examined issues ranging from energy use to tree plantations to the World Bank, the G8, carbon trading, nuclear power and genetic engineering.

Organizers: The Durban Group for Climate Justice, Sierra Youth, Energy Action, Indigenous Environment Network, Environmental Justice Climate Change Initiative, FERN, Transnational Institute, Global Justice Ecology Project, The Corner House, Sustainable Energy & Economy Network/ Institute for Policy Studies, Chesapeake Climate Action Network




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