Feature articles

Seeing the Big Picture on Drive-Thrus and the Need to Start Somewhere

Tony Weis

Seeing the Big Picture on Drive-Thrus and the Need to Start Somewhere

In the increasingly heated debate over whether or not the city of London should establish a moratorium on new drive-thrus, an advocate for the moratorium was recently told by a vocal opponent (a city counselor) that they had lost sight of the ‘bigger picture’ of jobs and economic growth. Advocates for the moratorium have also been criticized by some activists who suggest that prohibiting future drive-thrus is a marginal issue amidst so many other ‘bigger’ problems.

Double Jeopardy - Cancer Medication

Ted Cooper

This story focuses on the high cost of some cancer medications and the financial burden that puts on those who do not have private health care insurance. While the province does cover some expensive medications for those in need, others that have shown some success when used in conjunction with chemo therapy are not covered.

Thinking About Protest Tactics

Steve D

What reasons might there be to choose one set of protest tactics over another?

Shawn Brant’s Arrest

Sue Collis

Shawn Brant’s Arrest – Statement by Sue Collis, Tyendinaga Mohawk

(May 4th, 2008) Eight days ago, on Friday, April 25th, 2008, my
Shawn Brant, was arrested and detained on assault and weapons charges. Since that time, Commissioner Julian Fantino and the Ontario Provincial Police have issued public statements that have, it seems, misstated the events leading to my husband’s arrest.

UWO PIRG - De Ratification - Expression of Disappointment‏

Council of Canadians-London Chapter

Dear USC President Tom Stevenson, The Council of Canadians - London Chapter has been informed of the recent decision de-ratifying the UWO PIRG and are deeply concerned at the CPC's apparent inability to seriously consider the points outlined in the UWO PIRG's response to the initial notice of de-ratification. We understand that UWO PIRG has submitted an appeal and we urge you to accept it and reverse the CPC's unfair decision.

Was UWO PIRG's support for Palestinian human rights a factor?

Edward C. Corrigan

It is not clear from the email what grounds were put forward for deratification and if any warning were given to UWO PIRG as to problems and any opportunity to correct procedural errors. I am not sure how other UWO student clubs are treated and what circumstances are required before deratification. UWO PIRG  has been the official sponsor of a number of  pro-Palestinian speakers on campus since the deratification of  Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) at Western several years ago. The pro-Palestinian stance of the SPHR club was clearly a part the attacks on that club.

Suppression of student groups at UWO

Steve D'Arcy

On Tuesday, 22 April, 2008, the University Students Council (USC) of the University of Western Ontario went too far.

Ten reasons to question the nobility of the Canadian military in Afghanistan

School Burner

Ten reasons to question the nobility of the Canadian military in Afghanistan

1.    The Afghan mission that Canada is involved in is lead by the United States. This means the same people who decided to go invade Iraq and “justified” it, are the same people to justify the “The War on Terror” in Afghanistan. I point this out and do not explain the previous statement’s blatant significance because if you still think invading Iraq was “just”, I will not be able to reach you here nor, I suspect, in any lifetime.


Edward C. Corrigan

University of Western Ontario President Davenport has accepted an award from the Jewish National Fund despite the protest of 36 members of the University of Western Ontario faculty. Many individuals including many Jews, contend that the JNF is a racist organization that discriminates against non-Jews. For example there is a letter signed by two Jewish organizations and 34 individual Jewish signatories protesting a JNF event being held at Windsor Castle to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the state of Israel.

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