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Friday Jul 4
6PM Anti- July 4th Celebration
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The indynewswire show airs weekly on Freak Radio, Friday mornings 10-12 noon, broadcasting news and opinion from independent media worldwide, focused on indymedia sites but also drawing from other websites. This week features audio from KBOO, Radio4All, Puerto Rico Indymedia and Portland Indymedia. Topics include the attack against the tree-sit protesting contruction of the I-69 NAFTA superhighway, farmworker Maria Isabel Vasquez Jimenez who died in the fields last month while picking 'two buck chuck,' police brutality in Portland, political property destruction, sentencing in greenscare cases, the campaign to free Chip Fitzgerald and much more.


Indymedia Newsreal, a monthly television series, brings progressive grassroots organizing, going on in your backyard, to a national television audience. Newsreal is a longstanding collaboration between the Independent Media Center and Free Speech TV. Newsreal is shown on Free Speech TV every first Thursday at 5pm PST and sent on disc to community screening groups who show it during public screenings or include it on public access shows.

Each program covers actions taken in local communities, by ordinary people, to address critical issues like air and water pollution, war, reproductive rights, homelessness, for-profit prisons, sweatshops, racism, police brutality, indigenous struggles, and more. Newsreal is comprised of segments submitted by video-makers throughout the world. Read More

imc_video.gifJuly 2008 Indymedia Newsreal
Skidmark Bob of Free Radio Santa Cruz interviewed media analyst John Anderson about the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) to be discussed at the G8 summit in Japan and H.R. 4279, the Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property (PRO IP) Act of 2007. Although ACTA's title might suggest that the agreement deals only with counterfeit physical goods (such as medicines), what little information has been made available publicly by negotiating governments about the content of the treaty makes it clear that it will have a far broader scope, and in particular, will deal with tools targeting "Internet distribution and information technology." The PRO IP Act proposes to make substantial changes to federal copyright law, including the appointment of a copyright Czar.
Thu Jun 12 2008 FSRN Loses Funding
Free Speech Radio News in Crisis Free Speech Radio News (FSRN) is facing closure after its major supporter substantially reduced funding.

FSRN broadcasts a half-hour, worker-run daily newscast on more than 100 stations nationwide. It has regularly highlighted the voices of marginalized communities most affected by social and economic policy changes. Headlines editor Shannon Young says that FSRN is an unmatched model. "Our international network of community-based reporters is unique for a US-based news outlet."

FSRN has been given notice by the financially-strapped Pacifica Foundation that its funding will be cut by more than $13,500 a month - effective immediately. The reduction represents about a 25% cut in income for the grassroots news collective. Since FSRN is barred from on-air fundraising, it must seek to offset the cut with income from affiliates, foundations and individuals.

A massive cut in funding from Pacifica on a moment's notice will make it impossible for Free Speech Radio News to produce a daily half-hour newscast.

Read More | Free Speech Radio News | Pacifica

Earth First! Radio News is a no compromise weekly radio program produced at Free Radio Santa Cruz. Focussing on direct-action and bio-diversity, EF! Radio provides eco-action and activist news, calls-to-action, updates and commentary on current events worldwide. The May 29th broadcast features updates from the North American Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network, Tre Arrow Defense Committee, Support for Rod Coronado, Buffalo Field Campaign, as well as news from Montana, Australia, Chile and more.
Andrew Flood spent the last several months traveling around the USA on a 45 city speaking tour about anarchism in Ireland. Andrew recorded interviews with anarchists, edited audio on bus rides, and posted articles to indymedia ireland once he accessed a wi-fi signal. Together, all those interviewed give an impression of 'the other America.'
Earth First! Radio News is a no compromise weekly radio program produced at Free Radio Santa Cruz. Focussing on direct-action and bio-diversity, EF! Radio provides eco-action and activist news, calls-to-action, updates and commentary on current events worldwide. Stories from Earth First!, Sea Shepherd International, Earth Liberation Front, Animal Liberation Front, Greenpeace, Canopy Action Network and actions by many other movements and local groups that defend Mother Earth are included with news about endangered animals, plants and ecosystems.
Indynewswire: 5.9.08 Kathy Redmond on the De Anza Rape Case danielsan writes, "This news show airs weekly on Freak Radio, Friday mornings 10-12 noon, broadcasting news and opinion from independent media worldwide, focused on indymedia sites but also drawing from other websites. On the 5.9.08 indynewswire:

"An interview with Katherine Redmond of the National Coalition Against Violent Athletes (NCAVA) on the De Anza Rape Case, closed last week by the CA attorney General Jerry Brown's office, citing lack of evidence. An extremely disturbing case, and an even more disturbing response from the Santa Clara County DA and the state AG. More than a year later, Katherine Redmond discusses this and other cases nationwide.

"Lakeside Organics: yes, local and organic, but labor exploitative. Detention Centers are the new Indian Schools. Eric McDavid was sentenced to nearly 20 years. A look at the calendar: today is John Brown's 208th Birthday! Celebrate with a weekend of direct action." imc_audio.gifRead More and Listen to Audio
Sat May 3 2008 (Updated 05/05/08) Sami al-Haj Finally Free After Years of Torture
After six years, Al-Jazeera cameraman freed from Guantanamo On Thursday May 1st, Al-Jazeera reporter Sami al-Haj was released after six and a half years at Guantanamo. Upon his arrival in Sudan early on Friday, Al-Hajj was carried off a US air force jet on a stretcher and immediately taken to a hospital. His brother, Asim al-Hajj, said that he did not recognise the cameraman because he looked like a man in his 80s. Al-Hajj told reporters at the hospital that "rats are treated with more humanity" than the inmates at Guantanamo, whose "human dignity [is] violated".

Al-Haj, 38, was detained in December 2001 by Pakistani forces along the Afghan-Pakistani border while covering the U.S. led-offensive to unseat the Taliban. He was later transported by the U.S. military to Guantanamo Bay in June 2002. He began a hunger strike in January 2007 to protest his continued incarceration. In a letter from 2007, Al-Haj reported that throughout the 130 interrogations to which he has been subjected in Guantánamo, “the interrogations were all about al-Jazeera and alleged relations between al-Jazeera and al-Qaeda". he also reported that teh US military tried to induce him to work as a spy for American intelligence in return for US citizenship for him and for his family.

"Sami al-Haj is the latest journalist to be freed by the U.S. military after spending years behind bars on the basis of secret evidence and without formal charge or trial," says Committee to Protect Journalists Executive Director Joel Simon. "We are delighted that Sami al-Haj can finally be reunited with his family and friends. But his detention for six years, without the most basic due process, is a grave injustice and represents a threat to all journalists working in conflict areas."

Al-Haj, who is Sudanese, is the second journalist to be freed by the U.S. military in the last month after being held for a prolonged period without due process. On April 16, Associated Press photographer Bilal Hussein was released from U.S. custody in Iraq, ending a two-year ordeal in which he fended off unsubstantiated accusations from the U.S. military that he had collaborated with Iraqi insurgents. All told, 10 journalists have been held for extended periods by the U.S. military and then released without charge.

The U.S. military continues to hold Jawed Ahmad, a journalist for Canada's CTV, at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. Ahmad has been held without charge since October 26, 2007, according to CTV.

Read More | | Journalist released from Guantánamo details abuse | Sami al-Hajj Hits Out At US Captors | imc_audio.gifDemocracy Now | Committee to Protect Journalists | Reporters Without Borders | imc_video.gifAl Jazeera You Tube Report On Al-Hajj release

Sami al-Haj…Guantanamo Nightmare | Previous Coverage From Democracy Now: Sami Al-Haj and Bilal Hussein | Brother of Jailed Cameraman Says Imprisonment Part of U.S. “Political Operation Against Al Jazeera” | Al Jazeera Director Demands More Information on Secret Memo | Al Jazeera in the Crosshairs
Mon Apr 28 2008 (Updated 04/29/08) The Valley's Insurrectionary Journal of Class Struggle
Modesto Anarcho writes, "The central valley's journal of insurrectionary class struggle, Modesto Anarcho, is happy to announce the publication of it's seventh issue. In this issue you'll find articles on crime in the valley, indigenous resistance at D-Q University in Davis, the rise of taser gun use by local police, poetry, direct action and repression reports, and much more!"
Mon Apr 21 2008 (Updated 05/05/08) 7th Annual Reel Work May Day Labor Film Festival
The 7th Annual Reel Work May Day Labor Film Festival features events running from April 25 through May 11 in Santa Cruz, Monterey, Watsonville, and Santa Clara County. This year’s Reel Work is celebrating International Workers’ Day (May 1) with music, films, dramatic performances, slam poetry, and conversations with documentary film makers, immigrant activists and union organizers about the past, present, and future of the labor movement. Reel Work is using the 7th annual festival to encourage Central Coast residents to learn about the origins of May Day and to participate in the immigrant rights movement.
The Federal Communications Commission met at Stanford University on April 17 to hear discussion on the future of the Internet. Scores of local Internet users and activists spoke out for 90 seconds each on network neutrality and other concerns. After packing an east coast public hearing with hired seat-warmers, Comcast, AT&T and other industry heavyweights did not show up this time around.
On Thursday April 24th, Indybay will participate in a panel discussion, sponsored by Media Alliance, about building community in the practice of independent media. The program will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church at the corner of Cedar and Bonita in Berkeley, at 7:00 p.m. The program is an effort on the part of Indybay and Media Alliance to promote independent media in the Bay Area.
Net Neutrality Hearing at Stanford on April 17th The Federal Communications Commisision will hold a hearing about the future of the Internet on Thursday, April 17th on the campus of Stanford University. The 12pm hearing will be preceded by entertainment from the Raging Grannies.

In 2007, several organizations confirmed that Comcast, which is a giant cable company, had been secretly blocking and degrading particular applications over several months, while denying its actions publicly. After consumer groups and law scholars filed a petition with the FCC asking the agency to find that Comcast's misdeeds violated consumers' rights, Comcast packed the seats in a hearing at Harvard University with its own supporters, preventing the public from attending. Activists from Free Press, a consumer advocate group, caught part of Comcast's "sleeper cell" on tape snoozing through the hearing. Free Press estimated that hundreds of interested people, meanwhile, were turned away for lack of space.

Many media advocacy organizations hope that the FCC will change its habit of siding with industry and that net neutrality will be preserved. Internet users are concerned that corporate gatekeepers will try to block, filter, and discriminate against websites and services that are used every day. Media Alliance writes, "Anyone who depends on the Internet for accurate information, connecting with like-minded folks, or promoting events and actions has a huge stake in a neutral Internet. "

"Talk Back to the FCC" speaker practice sessions are planned for cities around the Bay Area this week: Monday at 6pm in Berkeley | Tuesday at 4:30 in San Francisco | Wednesday at 6:30 in East Palo Alto

Comcast Blocks the Internet, Then the Public Media Alliance
Thu Apr 10 2008 (Updated 04/11/08) Women Gunned Down by Paramilitary in Oaxaca
On April 7, two indigenous Triqui women who worked at the community radio station La Voz que Rompe el Silencio (The Voice that Breaks the Silence) in Oaxaca state were shot and murdered while on their way to Oaxaca city to participate in the State Forum for the Defense of the Rights of the Peoples of Oaxaca. Three other people were injured in the attack.
As the longest running festival of its kind, the UCSC Women of Color Film and Video Festival has sparked dialogue across communities – locally, nationally, and trans-nationally – by providing a platform for critical explorations at the intersections of race, nation, class, gender, ethnicity, and sexuality. The festival took place March 14th and 15th at UC Santa Cruz along with spoken word and hip-hop on Friday night at the Hide Gallery in Santa Cruz.
iCal feed From the Calendar:
6PM Friday Jul 4 Anti- July 4th Celebration
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indynewswire 6.27.08 danielsan
Friday Jun 27th 12:01 PM
Theatened by Wild Fires in Mendocino County Maria Gilardin (TUC Radio) E-mail repost
Friday Jun 27th 11:02 AM
Future of San Francisco Public Access Television a SF resident
Thursday Jun 26th 4:32 PM
indynewswire 6.20.08: danielsan
Friday Jun 20th 11:55 AM
Earth First! Radio News for June 12, 2008 Uncle Dennis / ewok distro
Friday Jun 13th 10:21 PM
KPFA’s Current Dialing for Dollars Plan Is At Odds with Pacifica’s Mission Richard Phelps (3 comments)
Thursday Jun 12th 12:50 PM
Free Speech Radio News in Crisis Support FSRN !!
Thursday Jun 12th 1:44 AM
Laborfest 2008 Calendar Of Events Laborfest
Monday Jun 9th 11:33 PM
Earth First! Radio News for June 5, 2008 Uncle Dennis / ewok distro
Monday Jun 9th 4:56 PM
June 2008 Friendly Fire Newsletter! Friendly Fire Collective
Monday Jun 9th 12:10 AM
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Robert McChesney's The Political Economy of Media Stephen Lendman
Wednesday Jun 25th 9:36 AM
Ninth Circuit Upholds Privacy of Text Messages via the EFF (1 comment)
Friday Jun 20th 7:55 AM
EFF Speaks Out Against Telecom Immunity Deal via the EFF
Friday Jun 20th 7:54 AM
July 2008 Indymedia Newsreal Indymedia Newsreal
Thursday Jun 19th 11:05 PM
Hillary's Homecoming Mumia Abu-Jamal (1 comment)
Thursday Jun 19th 8:29 PM
The Shortwave Report 6/20/08 Listen Globally! Dan Roberts
Thursday Jun 19th 4:34 PM
Scientology founder: "Christ was an alien mind control implant." Secret recording leaked. Dr. Lilly von Marcab (1 comment)
Thursday Jun 19th 11:36 AM
A Special Message About Indymedia Newsreal IMCist@s
Thursday Jun 19th 11:29 AM
New York Times covers up for "confused" US military torturers wsws (reposted) (1 comment)
Wednesday Jun 18th 10:17 PM
New Monument Honors Slain Journalists via Democracy Now
Wednesday Jun 18th 10:13 PM
18 de junio: Transmisión de Radio por Chiapas medios libres de México (1 comment)
Wednesday Jun 18th 11:34 AM
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Robert McChesney's The Political Economy of Media - Part II Stephen Lendman
Friday Jun 27th 1:33 PM
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Wednesday Jun 25th 8:19 AM
Tim Russert honored: A "state funeral" for services rendered wsws (reposted) (1 comment)
Saturday Jun 21st 10:17 AM
Last Days of Cake- the EVIL webcomic Eric Xodik
Friday Jun 20th 6:34 AM
Indymedia Jounalists... a (1 comment)
Tuesday Jun 17th 10:05 AM
Tim Russert and the decay of the American media wsws (reposted)
Sunday Jun 15th 9:26 PM
Last Days of Cake- the EVIL webcomic Eric Xodik
Thursday Jun 12th 7:08 AM
Last Days of Cake- the EVIL webcomic Eric Xodik
Wednesday Jun 11th 6:35 AM
Download E-Book: The Future of the Internet Jonathan Zittrain
Tuesday Jun 10th 7:20 PM
2012: The Year The Internet Ends lookingglassnews
Tuesday Jun 10th 3:57 PM
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