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CUNY Rising: College Activists Mobilize Campus-Wide 3-Day Social Forum

NYC10 Oct 2008
Battered by budget cuts and burdensome tuition costs while facing an indifferent administration, students at the City University of New York (CUNY) will hold a three-day gathering to chart a course for reviving campus activism.

The CUNY Social Forum will be held at the City College campus in Harlem Oct. 17 to 19. The goal is to bring together students, adjuncts and faculty from across CUNY’s 23 campuses to share their experiences and strategize around a host of important issues including tuition hikes, the university’s increasing reliance on low-wage adjuncts, restoring open admissions and defending ethnic and gender studies programs. Organizers also envision CUNY as a place where student, faculty and the community have meaningful decision-making power. Read More | Related: The Third Social Forum of the Americas Has Begun in Guatemala
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Police Continue Harassment of Texas Activists in Wake of RNC

Houston09 Oct 2008
Over a month after the conclusion of the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, the FBI continues to harass and intimidate activists who chose to voice their opinions about the status quo. In the last ten days, five activists in Houston and Austin have received subpoenas to appear before a Federal Grand Jury in Minneapolis on October 21. Several other activists have had their homes, or those of parents and friends, visited by the FBI.

According to the FBI, the Texas activists, like the RNC Welcoming Committee, fell victim to an FBI informant. As a result, two Texans, David McKay and Bradley Crowder, remain incarcerated in Minneapolis, facing ten years each for allegedly possessing Molotov cocktails. Because the Grand Jury in the McKay–Crowder case has already returned an indictment, it is suspected that the current subpoenas relate to a separate case. Read More | | | Related: Love & Rage: An RNC Reportback from Rogue Valley IMC | First Lawsuit From RNC Raids to be Announced Friday from Twin Cities IMC

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Chicago Independent TV in October features Summer of Chicago Activism

Chicago08 Oct 2008
The October 2008 episode of Chicago Independent Television documents a summer of activist efforts in Chicago in 2008, including protests at the Taste of Chicago and at the Chicago Air and Water Show. The episode also features protests against a possible U.S. bombing of Iran, and a commemoration of the famed 1968 Chicago protests against the Democratic National Convention. Read more | Watch online | CIMC Video Collective
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The Enclosed Public: Protest and Premonitions at the Vice-Presidential Debate in St. Louis

St. Louis07 Oct 2008
A record television audience of almost 70 million people viewed the vice-presidential debate last Thursday night at Washington University's Athletic Complex in St. Louis. But nearly a mile out of view of the complex lay an example of what corporations, the media, and the state have together tried to quell in increasingly forceful ways: public dissent.

Over one hundred workers, activists, students, veterans and families gathered in Northmoor park near campus to voice alternatives to the candidates' discussion of abstract policy issues. Activist groups Instead of War, Code Pink, and Veterans for Peace organized the protest to highlight the narrow scope of the debate, and to expose the carefully mediated lack of public access to discussions of public policy. Read More, Pics & AUDIO

Protests greet Palin Visit to California

Indybay and LA06 Oct 2008
From Los Angeles Indymedia: Clouds grayed the sky, but did not hamper attendance at either of the two anti-Sarah Palin rallies. Hundreds of activists arrived at both events to denounce the vice-presidential hopeful for her misogyny, ignorance, pettiness, and anti-democratic tendencies. A diversity among attendees and willingness to communicate characterized the day, particularly in Costa Mesa. Story/Photos: Women denounce Sarah Palin in Carson and Costa Mesa

From Indybay: Sarah Palin flew into San Francisco to attend a GOP fundraiser on October 5 but did not speak publicly and won't be staying a minute longer than necessary to collect money in the bay area. Several hundred angry protesters gathered in front of the Hyatt-Regency Hotel in Burlingame, adjacent to the San Francisco airport, to demonstrate their displeasure with the GOP platform. Following the vice-presidential candidates recent debate with Democratic candidate Joe Biden, many protesters' signs referred to Palin as an outright liar. Others took issue with her extremist views on abortion. Read More: Hundreds of Demonstrators Rally Outside Palin Fundraiser near San Francisco

Faith Leaders Demand a Moratorium on ICE Raids at City Hall Rally

Boston05 Oct 2008
BOSTON/Government Center - A coalition of over 30 religious and community organizations held a rally Tuesday calling for an end to raids, mass arrests and deportation of thousands of undocumented immigrants around the nation by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement arm of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. About 250 people participated in the event - which was coordinated by members of the Arlington Street Church Unitarian Universalist. [REPOSTED from Open Media Boston]
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Bailout Opposed from Coasts to Heartland — but House Passes Bill

IMC-US04 Oct 2008
HR 1424 passes — Bush announces he will sign it into law immediately, thanks Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and other Congressional leadership for their cooperation. Final vote total: Democrats: 154 yes; 58 nays — Republicans: 86 yeas; 103 nays — 31 Reps not voting... Read More: Wall Street to Democratic Party - Thanks, Suckers

Los Angeles: The protest initiated by Code Pink Women for Peace did receive some local corporate media coverage... This Indymedia reporter did have the chance to speak with No Bail Out activist Peter Thottam. Peter is a former employee of Goldman Sacks and is now a sharp critic of the Wall Street investment banking industry and its relation with the policy makers in the government. Full Report with Audio Interview: No Wall Street Bailout Protesters Picket at Obama LA Office

Urbana-Chamapign, IL: Wednesday night at rush hour, approximately 30 people assembled outside the Illinois Terminal in downtown Champaign to protest the proposed $700 billion bailout of Wall Street.. Many passers-by in traffic along University Ave. waved or honked in support, and at least one veteran in fatigues waved from his red truck. Read More: Bail Out Main Street! Not Wall Street!

Pictured — New York City: Activists Scale Flagpole Behind Iconic Merrill Lynch Bull, Raise Banner | Related: Rebel Diaz reports on the criminal Wall Street bailout! New song/video "A Trillion" Out Now!!

Philly Students Unite, Teacher Contract Feud Continues

Philadelphia03 Oct 2008
Philadelphia Student Union holds Rally on October 2, 2008, in front of Masterman High School, to address the unequal distribution of teachers across Philadelphia, during the secretive Teacher Contract Negotiations. Where are the students in this equation? read more by Marina Sáenz-Luna

Related: Rally to Support Teachers & Staff @ School Dist. #9 from Rogue Valley IMC
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Class Action Alliance/Common Action General Assembly Report

Seattle02 Oct 2008
On Saturday, September 13th, members of Class Action Alliance, a regional anarchist organization, traveled from across the Northwest United States to Seattle, WA, for our second general assembly. Members representing the cities of Bellingham, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia and Portland were in attendance.

As the first organization-wide meeting since our founding conference in June 2008, the general assembly was our first opportunity to meet face-to-face, reflecting on our first four months as a group and looking forward to the future ahead.
<a href="http://seattle.indymedia.