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06.23.2008 - 12:40

Vets Against the War Put Tombstones Around Greenlake

Vets Against the War set-up an extra-ordinarily moving memorial to all the official war dead at Greenlake.
06.19.2008 - 11:25

Video: Justice for Janitors Day 2008

Janitors working in King County rallied to commemorate Justice for Janitors Day. After dancing to mariachi, folks listened to several speakers. They included:
Sergio Salinas, President of SEIU 6
Charles Parnell, janitor and Vice President of SEIU 6
Isabel Quijano, janitor and SEIU 6 member
David Rolf, President of SEIU 775

In the second video, Rebecca Saldaña, Labor Liason for Rep. Jim McDermott, reads a letter of support from the Congressman.
06.16.2008 - 21:46

June 18th: City-Wide Meeting: What next for the anti-war movement?

Date: Wednesday, June 18
Time: 4:30pm
Location: Seattle Central Community College, Room BE1110

The Seattle chapter of Iraq veterans Against the War (IVAW) has called for a meeting to "discuss the next steps in the anti-war movement" which will be held this Wednesday, June 18 at 4:30pm. The meeting is to be held at Seattle Central Community College in room BE1110.

06.16.2008 - 18:09

June 19th: Briana Water's Sentencing (Tacoma)

Briana is scheduled to be sentenced June 19 at 9 am at the federal courthouse at 1717 Pacific Ave. in Tacoma.

06.12.2008 - 14:38

Activist Being Held In NW ICE Detention Center

Local activist, Jonah Larrama, who has been involved with SF FNB and Homes not Jails, among many other things, was arrested in Seattle in late May on a petty charge and was taken to the Northwest Detention Center, a notorious privatized ICE facility owned by the GEO Group, after an ICE raid of the jail he was in.

He needs letters of support, friends, calls for vegan meals. He is on a hunger strike, and needs legal aid locally (Tacoma).
06.05.2008 - 04:30

Northwest Winter Soldier: Iraq Veterans Speak Out

On May 31st, over 600 people listened to Iraq War Veterans speak about what it is like to be a soldier in Bush's endless war. The veteran's experiences were traumatic and sometimes horrifying. They spoke with great honesty, bringing tears to some audience members as soldiers described the killing of children and other civilians.

06.05.2008 - 03:00

June 6th: An Evening with Cindy Sheehan

On Friday evening, June 6, at Town Hall (8th and Seneca), the Progressive Action Committee PAC (PAC2) will feature an evening with Cindy Sheehan, the well-known anti-war activist and Bush antagonist, who is running as an Independent for the House of Representatives in Nancy Pelosi's district in California. Speaking on the subject, A Revolution of Values: Moving from a War Economy to a Peace Economy, Sheehan will address Seattle audiences about the need to challenge our current leaders in Congress and to move the country away from its militaristic response to international problems.

Not too late to get support a good cause...
06.04.2008 - 21:51

June 6th: Emergency Protest to Free the Cuban 5

The life sentences for the espionage conspiracy charges against Antonio, Ramon, and Fernando have been remanded to the Miami trial judge for re-sentencing. 

Join the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, the ANSWER Coalition and allied organizations to protest this unjust ruling and the continued incarceration of the Cuban Five

Protest Court of Appeals Decision Upholding the Five's Convictions

Gather at Seattle’s “new” Federal Court House (7th & Stewart).
Friday, June 6, 4-6pm

06.04.2008 - 12:23

June 5th: Winter Soldier/IVAW to Thank Canada

Iraq Veterans Against War will hold a celebration to thank Canada on Thursday June 5 at 12 Noon outside the Canadian Consulate in Seattle, 1501-4th Ave., near Pike St. across from Westlake Mall.

Thay are thinking about presenting the Consulate staff with flowers and a cake or chocolates, and a t-shirt that says "Support Our AWOL Troops," as a way of thanking the Canadian people and Parliament

06.04.2008 - 04:28

Big Victory for U.S. War Resisters in Canada!

June 3, 2008 -- Today the Canadian Parliament made a historic vote in favor of U.S. war resisters who are seeking a safe haven in Canada rather than fight in the illegal occupation of Iraq. The vote in the House of Commons was 137-110, with all the opposition parties - the Liberal Party, the New Democratic Party, the Bloc Quebecois and the Green Party - voting for the motion, and the ruling Conservative Party voting against.
06.02.2008 - 08:44

Evergreen Sit-in: Negotiations Started

Negotiations start today Monday, June 2nd. The students will continue to sit-in and hold events during the negotiation process. Kimya Dawson will be playing at the sit-in this week in support of the protest.
06.01.2008 - 17:36

Tacoma Condos Paintbombed And Tagged

Over the past several days, a massive campaign of vandalism has been waged against development in Tacoma. Several condos, construction sites and overpriced restaurants catering to condo dwellers have been tagged in the Hilltop and Stadium districts. Phrases such as YUPPIES BEWARE (A) and BURN THIS DOWN were painted. One specific condo complex was paint bombed on several sides.
06.01.2008 - 10:25

Week of Events at Evergreen Sit-In!

The magic continues.
05.31.2008 - 19:17

students sit-in against political repression

It is the eleventh day for the students who are sitting in at The Evergreen State College’s administrator Art Costintino’s hallway. They are focusing on ending political repression on campus and returning Evergreen to its original values. The students feel that this process can start through obtaining tangible goals.
05.29.2008 - 22:44

Statement from the Sit-in at Evergreen: Where We're Going

The sit in on the 4th floor of Sem 1 continues. We are still keeping our initial demand that Olympia SDS be reinstated and have recently added the additional demands that Kelly Beckham be offered her job back as well as compensation for time lost, and a change in the process by which student groups lose their RSO (Registered Student Organization) status that is determined by those most affected, the students and members of these organizations. To some, this sit-in may appear to be too focused on SDS, but the intention of the sit-in has always been and continues to be bigger than the status of one student group. Since the beginning of the free speech fight, SDS has always stated that our priority is to increase student power and the sit-in has created a space for new and more people to get involved in fighting for social justice. This is more than just SDS.
05.29.2008 - 14:08

VIDEO: Protest of Israel's 60th Anniversary

On May 28th, the Al-Nakba Coalition protested Israel's 60th anniversary. Activists placed coffins along the sidewalk to symbolize the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Christians and Moslems. (4:19)
05.29.2008 - 09:46

May 29th: Janitors Rally Today to Kick Off Contract Campaign

The five-year contract that covers over 90% of Seattle’s janitors expires on June 30 and janitors are beginning negotiations with their employers for another contract. Negotiations on Wednesday, May 28, resulted in movement on minor, non-economic issues only.

As bargaining gets underway, janitors, members of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 6, will march today from the corner of 5th Avenue and Columbia Street to demand respect on the job, to maintain affordable full family health care benefits, and to get a decent, middle-class standard of living.
05.29.2008 - 08:58

Day 8 of Sit-in at Evergreen

Today, May 29th, marks the 9th day of the sit-in of Evergreen State College administrator Art Costantino’s hallway. The students are sitting to demand the immediate reinstatement of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) with no disciplinary actions being taken against the group and a full apology from the administration, negotiations regarding the rehiring of Kelly Beckham, a student who was fired from her on campus job after her participation in the sit-in, and a reworking of the way that student group status is revoked, to be decided upon by students.
05.28.2008 - 19:49

Protest the "Warfighter Symposium" in Tacoma, June 3

On June 3rd, those who directly profit from war will gather in Tacoma, WA, for the annual SpecOps West "Warfighter Symposium & Expo" defense industry trade show. Join us as we gather to oppose them!
05.27.2008 - 21:30

Briana Waters Sentencing 6/2

Briana Waters will be sentenced on 6/2 at the Tacoma Federal Courthouse.