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Derechos Habitacionales
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Derechos Humanos
Pueblos Originarios
Movimiento Estudiantil
Medio Ambiente
Tecnología y software libre
Liberación Animal
Movilización Social

To everyone that has accompanied us, in Chile and beyond, in this long fight for the freedom of all political prisoners. Compañeros, family and friends, today the hunger strike achieved 60 days; two long months of insistent mobilization for the just demand for liberty.

We have made some advances towards liberty, obtaining intrapenitenciary rights for an important number of compañeros. Our wide demands, that is to say the government Bill, continue without resolution. Yesterday, once again, the powerful took their time, and broke their public commitments to vote for the bill. Yesterday, once again, Congress played with the hope of our loved ones as they postponed the voting possibly for another week.

La situación vivida ayer en el parlamento, es muestra inequívoca de la falta de voluntad que tienen los legisladores, pues se esperaba – con más o menos esperanza – que algún avance se produjera en relación al Proyecto de Ley de Indulto. Esa situación nos lleva a tomar decisiones, no fáciles, porque ya la salud está muy resentida y la vida está en peligro. Tomando en consideración estos elementos, es que hoy jueves 10 de junio, el compañero Pablo Vargas ha decidido dejar la huelga de hambre. Para él todo nuestro cariño y respeto por el largo trayecto que se atrevió a recorrer junto a nosotros. Respecto de los demás, es decir: Esteban Burgos, Jorge Espinola, Hardy Peña, René Salfate y Jorge Mateluna, la decisión es que seguimos en huelga de hambre hasta obtener avances concretos para la libertad. Y hacemos responsable de lo que pueda suceder con nuestras vidas al Estado Chileno en su conjunto, pues son ellos los que tienen en sus manos las herramientas legales para dar una solución a nuestras demandas.

Finally, we make a call once again to keep up the struggle, solidarity and mobilization. ¡Right Now! For the freedom of all and every prisoner.

¡No voice should be silenced and no raised fist be lowered!

Esteban Burgos, Jorge Espinola, Hardy Peña, René Salfate y Jorge Mateluna

[fotos marcha Fotos desalojo Congreso] [fotos marchaFotos en las afueras del Congreso 1I2 ] [fotos profesVideo desalojo Congreso][Comunicado Colectivo Lautarino en Prisión] [Llamado a la Solidaridad]

For the right to choose.

As opposition to the assembly organized by the “provida” (right-wing and conservative) institution for this Monday 3rd of May, who were making demands against abortion and the emergency contraceptive pill, groups and feminist collectives, formed a caravan of some fifty people and broke the silence of the "silent march" that was being carried out in the Plaza de la Constitution, with cries for the right to choose. In spite of the true multitude that represented the "provida", the shouts could not be kept quiet.

The struggle for the demand of sexual and reproductive rights for woman remains; the voices are raised and will keep demanding what belongs to them: the freedom to love, to feel, to act and to elect.

"¡Saquen sus rosarios de nuestros ovarios!”

[fotos marchaFotos: 1 I 2 ] [ ¿Qué es la PAE? ] [ Foro salud ] [Manifestación por los derechos sexuales de mujeres y hombres ]

Work dignifies?

Work is one of the most complex bases to analyze that capitalism imposes on us: it is constituted like a base in itself same, as somewhat natural and necessary. Something that supposedly is inherent and indispensable. Something that, evidently, builds the ideology of capital and of production as a goal.

Wage-work is a modern invention, that appeared en masse with the birth of capitalism. Up to the moment of its eruption, it was still neither naturalized nor generalized, and even until advances in the Middle Ages, the act of working was considered denigrating. Now it makes us believe that "work" means the same thing as "activity", as if work was the only possible activity. Wage-work is one of the most transcendental pillars of the