Tuesday, 17 June 2008, 3:35pm

Crime: Are Liqour Outlets Responsible For Social Disintegration?

The New Zealand Drug Foundation has welcomed the Prime Minister’s entry into the long running debate about the proliferation of liquor outlets in communities. “We’re pleased to see the Government’s stalled progress on alcohol policy getting a welcome kickstart from the Prime Minister. Her concern about the number of liquor outlets is shared by many New Zealand communities, whose voices are often ignored in the liquor license application process,” said Ross Bell. More >>



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Gordon Campbell: Is Peter Dunne The Ken Barlow Of NZ Politics?

On the surface, Peter Dunne can seem like a plodding, hyper-rational figure – the Ken Barlow of New Zealand politics. More >>

Energy Policy: Govt Orders Death To Incandescent Light Bulbs

The traditional incandescent light bulb is on its way out, as part of a strategy for more energy efficient lighting announced today by Energy Minister David Parker. More >>

Burning Issue: Are Petrol Prices Overinflated?

Commerce Minister Lianne Dalziel today announced further details of an independent study on petrol pricing in New Zealand. More >>

Largesse: Peters Hands Out To The Anonymously Needy

New Zealand First has distributed $158,000 to charitable causes. The money was identified by the Auditor-General as wrongfully spent at the last election. This was disputed by New Zealand First. More >>

SOEs: Nats Call Meridian ‘Carbon Neutral’ Claim Greenwash

Meridian Energy should stop claiming its electricity is carbon neutral when it has to buy a third of its power from thermal generators, says National’s Climate Change spokesman, Nick Smith. Meridian is the Government’s largest State Owned Enterprise and is New Zealand’s largest power company. Its billboards and public advertisements claim its electricity is carbon neutral. More >>


Political Attacks: Cosgrove Sinks Teeth Into National Over REINZ

Associate Justice Minister Clayton Cosgrove says the National Party should come clean over any deals it has done with the Real Estate Institute (REINZ) to wind back the government’s new legislation to overhaul real estate law. More >>

Foreign Affairs: Kiwis Call For Release of US held Cuban Political Prisoners

Dozens of New Zealand supporters of civil rights have added their names to a letter being delivered to the US consulate in Auckland at 4pm today demanding the release of five Cubans jailed in the USA. More >>


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Sea Science: Marine Leeches Provide Clues on Climate Change

Elusive marine leeches in Antarctica are the focus of study on how climate change is affecting vulnerable fish species. More >>

Internet: Commerce Commission Releases First Report On Broadband

The first quarterly report on New Zealand broadband performance has been released by the Commerce Commission. Commissioned from broadband measurement consultancy Epitiro and ICT analyst firm IDC, the report examines the relative performance of New Zealand's internet service providers (ISPs). More >>


Surveillance: Auckland City Is Watching You

A state-of-the-art CCTV security camera network is now in full operation in Auckland’s leading retail precinct in what is being described as a New Zealand first. Auckland City Mayor John Banks has officially launched the project in Newmarket which has been solely driven and funded by the local business community. More >>


ETS Crunch Time: Industry Lines Up Against Climate Change Bill

The Climate Change (Emissions Trading and Renewable Preference) Bill is due to be reported back to Parliament on 16 June and the Greenhouse Policy Coalition says they hope the Select Committee has listened to submitters concerns about the Bill. More >>

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Transport: Auckland on board for second SeePort Week

When Ports of Auckland opened its gates for SeePort Week more than 3000 Aucklanders gladly accepted the invitation to go behind the Red Fence. More >>

Meaty Issues: Meat Industry Launches Red Meat Taskforce

The Meat Industry Taskforce has today outlined the process it is undertaking to complete a sector strategy for the red meat industry in New Zealand. More >>

Retail: Newmarket Wary Of Pending Election

The head of Auckland's leading shopping district says while the latest retail figures for the month of April released by Statistics New Zealand today weren't as alarming as the figures for the March quarter, it nonetheless will be a very tough winter with the pending general election adding to retailers woes. More >>


Price Shocks: The Oily Bird Gets A Petrol Price Increase

Shell New Zealand has reviewed its fuel prices today, and will increase petrol and diesel by 4 cents per litre, effective 11.30am. More >>

Tourism: Wellington's Events Continue To Make It Popular

The figures were influenced partly by Easter falling in March this year but Wellington visitor numbers still grew strongly against declines across the country overall. More >>

Motoring Madness: Fool And Money Parted Over $420K Fiat

Even allowing for the intense demand, the news that a new Fiat 500 has sold for $420,000 in the UK is nothing short of remarkable. More >>


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Jason Leopold: McClellan Testimony May Shed Light on Niger Forgeries

Former White House press secretary Scott McClellan’s testimony later this week before the House Judiciary Committee promises to reignite the debate over the “16 words” in President Bush’s 2003... More >>

Uri Avnery: An Apology

THIS WEEK, the Prime Minister of Canada made a dramatic statement in Parliament: he apologized to the indigenous peoples of his country for the injustices done to them for generations by successive Canadian governments. More >>

David Swanson: The Biggest Election Story Not on Your TV

Congressman Henry Waxman, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, together with his staff, produces incredibly valuable research and analysis, with infinite patience and futility. More >>

Stateside with Rosalea Barker: I’ve got mail

As much as I know you very likely are right that impeachment isn't going to happen, I still hope something, perhaps one revelation too many, will catalyze impeachment. No, I can't believe it will, but ... More >>

Zahir Ebrahim: Impeachment alone does not solve the problem!

Let the people not forget, amidst all this hoopla and excitement over the 35 Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush, the two-term 43rd President of the mighty superpower United States of America, that: More >>

Toni Solo: Ecuador, ALBA and the FARC

Recent remarks by Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez on the civil war in Colombia and Ecuador's decision not to join the Alternativa Bolivariana de las Americas (ALBA) solidarity based cooperation initiative (1) shows progressive leaders are taking ... More >>

Mideast Peace: Who Is Obama Trying To Please?

When, in a recent AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) conference, Barack Obama revealed some of the specifics of his revised approach in dealing with Iran and its controversial nuclear program... More >>


James J Murtagh: Epidemics of AIDS and Ignorance Grip South Africa

South Africa - Yesterday, a Million Man march was held in South Africa, June 10 2008, protesting the government's ineffective approach to both AIDs and violence. The March was a follow up to a smaller but equally vocal march in Johannesburg April 19, 2008. ... More >>


Journalism: Exiled Burmese Editor Aung Zaw Talks

Burmese journalist Aung Zaw printed the first copy of Irrawaddy magazine on a black and white photocopier in Bangkok 15 years ago. Scoop contributors Spike Mountjoy and Joseph Barratt caught up with Aung Zaw at the magazine's busy headquarters in the Northern Thai city of Chang Mai. More >>



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UN Report: Human Rights Situation In Palestinian Territories 'Remains Grave'

''Measures adopted by the Government of Israel to restrict freedom of movement of both people and goods in the occupied Palestinian territory severely impeded the population's access to religious sites, notably in Jerusalem, cultural exchanges and events.'' -- Louise Arbour, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. More >>

Pumping Gas: Saudi King Abdullah To Tackle 'Abnormally High' Oil Prices

Saudi King Abdullah ''acknowledged that the current oil price is abnormally high, due to speculative factors, and he is willing to do what he can to manage the price of oil to the adequate level,'' Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said following meetings with the Saudi monarch. More >>

Broadband Policy Summit IV: Building On Success And Expanding Opportunities

Public policy goals in the ICT field should be about maximizing the benefits of technologies and services for the people we serve. Governments should work closely with the private sector to lay the groundwork for citizens' access to the best training, equipment, connections and protections. More >>


Terrorist Designation: U.S. Moves Against Philippines-Based RSM Terror Group

The Rajah Solaiman Movement (RSM), a Philippines-based extremist group, was established by Ahmad Santos in January 2002. Santos, has been involved in the planning of bombings against Philippine and non-Philippine civilians and the stockpiling of weapons to conduct those operations. RSM was involved in the 2005 Valentine’s Day bombings in Manila, General Santos and Davao, plus plots to bomb high profile targets, including Manila public utilities, tourist areas, and the U.S. Embassy in Manila. More >>

World Vision: Zimbabwe's Children Threatened By Suspension Of Aid Work

World Vision International has warned that progress from relief and development activities among the country's most vulnerable children will be undone unless a Government order suspending aid work there is revoked. World Vision is appealing to the Government to allow delivery of basic humanitarian assistance. More >>

Analysis: The Irish Twist In The European Political DNA

Ireland's rejection signals a fundamental weakness in the EU's integration drive -- it lacks the obvious support of the wider European public. However, it is a sign of the strength of the nascent European constitutional tradition that most EU member states, led by France and Germany, have insisted the Lisbon Treaty is not dead. Even Britain, the EU's arch-skeptic, intends to ratify the treaty. More >>


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Museums: No Need To Hunt For Treasure - It's On Display

Hidden backstage at Auckland Museum are 98% of the close to 5 million objects the Museum has been caring for throughout its history. From July 12th, a host of these treasures will be shared with the world More >>

Tribute 08 Wrap Up: Ray Columbus Invades Soldiers Hearts

Thousands of Vietnam veterans and their families boogied down to their favourite 60s and 70s rock hits at ASB Arena recently. More >>

Culture: Wellington's Swedish Community Celebrates 'Lucia'

Wellington, June 15, 2008. Members of the Swedish community celebrate 'Lucia' - one of Sweden's most popular events - at the Johnsonville Community Hall. A group of young women wearing white robes and holding candles form a procession marking the ... More >>

Rawk 'n' Roll: San Francisco 60s Revivalists On Tour

Since the 90's, The Brian Jonestown Massacre has been making some of the most stunning music ever heard. Named in tribute to the legendary Rolling Stones guitarist, they formed in 1990 in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco. More >>

Tertiary Education: Writings Of Literary Great Published

Three previously unpublished works are included in a new book of writing by the Scottish novelist, poet and travel-writer Robert Louis Stevenson. More >>

Improvised Chuckles: Witless Comedy Returns To Wellington

Wellington's finest improvised soap opera is back in 'The Young and the Witless 2: an improvised soap opera'! More >>

Art and Entertainment: Dressed To Thrill In Fur And Farm Equipment

Flax, muka, natural clay oxides, paua and magnolia leaves came together in a symphony of totally natural art for the body Friday afternoon, as ‘Papatuanuku and Ranginui’, created by the Huntly Campus of Te Wananga O Aotearoa, strutted away with the Ag Art Wear 2008 Supreme Award for most outstanding design. More >>

Iconicness: Paua Shell House At Canty Museum

After many months of behind-the-scenes conservation and cataloguing, the shells from Fred and Myrtle Flutey’s paua shell lounge are returning to the walls in their new home at Canterbury Museum. More >>

Grooving: Anika Moa On 2008 Tour

Anika Moa ­ one of New Zealand's most accomplished and best-selling artists of the decade ­ is set to play dates all across the country during July and August. More >>

Philanthropy: London Art Auction For Endangered NZ Bird

An auction of NZ art will be held in London in October to raise funds for the NZ shore plover appeal.
The gala event will be stage at the penthouse in New Zealand House on October event. More >>


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