poster about nationalism and the macedonian issue

poster about nationalism and the macedonian issue

poster about nationalism and the macedonian issue

We made a poster against nationalism concerning more specifically the
macedonian issue. This poster has been printed in a large 70*100 format
and is being placed in Thessaloniki these days.

anarchist occupied factory FABRIKA YFANET in Thessaloniki

In this city
That in 1920 lost its muslims
That in 1940 lost its jews

That thereafter the greek patriots eliminated the lost’s traces and made out of it a rampart of greek nationalism, conservatism and populism


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Grand National Assembly of Turkey

Human Rights Commission


No.: 2008/21

Subject: Request to ensure the safety of conscientious objector Mehmet Bal, who is subjected to violence and intense threats in Hasdal Military Prison and request to institute the necessary investigation to determine and punish the perpetrators.


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total objector Mehmet Bal was arrested by plain clothes police on 8 June 2008. He was taking a walk with a friend in his neighbourhood when he was approached by plain clothes police, who asked to see his ID. Without checking via radio or phone they immediately said there was an arrest warrant out for him, and they would take him to the police station. As they did not need to check his personal details via radio, it can be assumed that they were targeting him, and did not do a random check.

details of the location of the Peoples Global Action Gathering Alexandroupolis 18th - 25th of August

Hello people, after long discussions we felt that the best place in Thrace for the
PGA gathering to take place is the Pedagogical Department of the Alexandroupoli University in the suburb of Hili.

The reasons are the following:

1. Alexandroupolis is near the border and accessible by road and railroad and has a harbor and an airport that connects to athens, so it's the easiest to reach for most people.

2. The University buildings there are relatively new , have easily accessible bathrooms, and are relatively cool (at least for Greek standards).

ZAF Zrenjanin Antifa Festival

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ZAF Zrenjanin Antifa Festival

6th & 7th of june 2008.

Members of informal collective “Banathardcore cooperative” are presenting first antifa festival in Zrenjanin (town in eastern Vojvodina, Serbia).

During these two days in backyard of Cultural center there are going to be a few interesting lectures, by people both from Serbia and Croatia, few projections of documentary movies and gigs of 10 hardcore/punk//crust/grind bands who are related to antifa.


Friday, 6th of June

12-16h Food Not Bombs action

ZAF Zrenjanin Antifa Festival

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ZAF Zrenjanin Antifa Festival

6th & 7th of june 2008.

Members of informal collective “Banathardcore cooperative” are presenting first antifa festival in Zrenjanin (town in eastern Vojvodina, Serbia).

During these two days in backyard of Cultural center there are going to be a few interesting lectures, by people both from Serbia and Croatia, few projections of documentary movies and gigs of 10 hardcore/punk//crust/grind bands who are related to antifa.


Friday, 6th of June

12-16h Food Not Bombs action

Protest against state repression towards the anti war militants - Iasi

Immediately after the Bucharest Nato summit, and after the „correction” applied by the romanian state to those who are against the current security politics and militarism, we managed to organise a protest march.

1st Main Meeting Of Balkans Decentralized Network North Greece 21st - 23rd of August 2008

Balkan Decentralized Network

This network is a result of a long process and discussion about digital
tools and physical meetings which we, grassroots, autonomous,
anti-authoritarian collectives from Balkans and beyond need in order to
make our struggles more visible and powerful.
We are activists from Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Greece, Serbia,
Slovenia who are involved in local struggles but always with a global
The idea of this network came out from the last PGA inspired infotour,
September 2007, when two activists traveled together in seven countries in

Mayday in Maribor

Also this year Maribor took part in a Euromayday process along with all
other cities in Europe and beyond. This was our fourth year of involvement
in Euromayday network. After some problems with organisation and
involvement of individuals and groups to join the activities concerning
mayday parade we decided to organise more on symbolical level to support
transnational activities of precarious (no)workers worldwide on the local

This year we didnt organized parade on the street of Maribor, but
we made the small direct actions in city with distribution of our

Mayday in Istanbul

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