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Thursday Jun 12
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Friday Jun 13
2:30PM 6/13 free vegetarian meal
Monday Jun 16
6PM "King Corn" Documentary Screening
Tuesday Jun 17
7PM Video presentation and talk about Bolivia
Wednesday Jun 18
6:30PM "BioJustice 2001" Film Screening
Thursday Jun 19
12PM Protest the Health Insurance Companies'...
1PM Say Goodbye to Biotech Party!
Friday Jun 20
2:30PM 6/20 SF free veg meal
6:30PM Pastors for Peace Bay Area Send-Off Celebration
Saturday Jun 21
5PM Squeeze Box Benefit Performance
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A Gathering of Friends in San Jose On June 8, at Chai House in San Jose—a mostly Jewish senior housing complex—Jewish and Japanese American survivors of the camps of World War Two and their families met for the second time in three years to tell their stories and reach common understanding. Around two hundred at the event, called "A Gathering of Friends," snacked on bagels and sushi and then talked with each other for a couple of hours. The South Bay Holocaust Survivor Group and the Japanese American Museum of San Jose were sponsors of the meeting, and the group was about evenly mixed between the two communities represented. Said organizer Harvey Gotliffe of San Jose State University, “We are here to share, not compare.” photoView photos
Extreme Cuts to Vital Mental Health Services for Santa Cruz Residents Planned NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Santa Cruz County and mental health advocates will rally on Tuesday, June 10th at 9:30am in front of the County Government Building on Ocean Street to call for the protection of mental health services in Santa Cruz County. Children, incarcerated individuals, and individuals with mental illness are losing their services or will receive reduced services.

The consequences of these reductions will intensify the current trends to:
• Decrease availability of services for children and adults
• Increase the number of people with mental illnesses in the County jail systems
• Increase the use of law enforcement to address mental health needs
• Force vulnerable populations to become homeless
• Increase unexpected deaths among mental health clients
• Increase use of expensive hospital emergency rooms and psychiatric locked facilities

Read More | Short Commentary
Felton Prevails in Six-Year Fight to Acquire Water System from Cal-Am and RWE The community of Felton prevailed in its six-year fight to acquire its water system from California-American Water (Cal-Am), a subsidiary of the German multinational corporation RWE. Cal-Am and the San Lorenzo Valley Water District (SLVWD) announced a purchase agreement on May 30th, less than a week before the planned start of an eminent domain trial where a jury would have set the value of the water system. SLVWD will make a total cash payment of $10.5 million to acquire the water system, including the 250 acres of forested watershed land, which Cal-Am is 'donating' to SLVWD. In addition, SLVWD will assume the $2.9 million loan that Felton residents have been paying for a new treatment plant.

“Felton FLOW's landmark victory over private water interests demonstrates that grassroots action can stop corporate interests from profiteering on water,” said Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director of Food & Water Watch. “This win, combined with the failure of RWE to efficiently and affordably deliver water to the residents of Felton is yet another example of why water utilities should be managed by the public. Felton’s victory should inspire other communities suffering from the effects of privatization to take back their water systems.” Read More

see also: Small California Town Overthrows Corporate Giant for Control of Water || Previous Coverage: Felton Community Resists Water Giant (June 21, 2007) || Felton Passes Measure to Take Back Water Utility (July 26, 2005)
The UC Santa Cruz administration officially accepted a joint proposal of the Graduate Student Association, UAW and STIHC (Students for Trans-Inclusive Healthcare) for GSHIP (Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan) and USHIP (Undergraduate Student Health Insurance Plan) benefits. Effective this fall, GSHIP and USHIP will include a $75,000 lifetime benefit for transgender healthcare.
600_victory_1.jpg United States District Judge Oliver W. Wanger gave preliminary approval today to a $2.35 million dollar class-action settlement between a class of hundreds of homeless Fresno residents and the City of Fresno and the California Department of Transportation. The court had already determined that Fresno's practice of immediately seizing and destroying the personal possessions of homeless residents violates the constitutional right of every person to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. The homeless plaintiffs in the lawsuit, Kincaid v. Fresno, were represented by a team of attorneys from the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (ACLU-NC), the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights (LCCR) and the law firm of Heller Ehrman LLP.

"The Court's ruling and the settlement should send a strong message to other cities throughout our country that if they violate the rights of their most vulnerable residents, they will be held accountable," said ACLU-NC staff attorney Michael Risher.

Plaintiff Al Williams suffered the effects of the raids on three occasions. In addition to losing clothes and food, his wife's wheelchair was destroyed and her medicines confiscated by Fresno police officers. "I felt like everything was taken away from me, but this settlement gives me hope for the future for myself and all the other people who suffered," said Williams, who now hosts a local radio show in Fresno.

"Many homeless people lost everything they owned to the City's trash compactors and bulldozers. With this settlement, they can access what has always been the solution to homelessness: a safe, clean place to live," said Elisa Della-Piana, an attorney with the Lawyers' Committee.

photoRead More | Judge Orders Mayor into court over PR statement after settlement
June 3rd Election: Rent Control And Development On The Ballot California held an election on June 3rd. Proposition 98 failed to pass and Proposition 99 passed. In the CA Assembly, Nancy Skinner beat Kriss Worthington and in the State Senate Mark Leno beat Carole Migden.
Leno Victory Marks New Era in San Francisco Politics | State Election Results | San Francisco Election Results | Alameda County Election Results

Propositions 98 and 99 were aimed at changing the government’s power to take private property. Proposition 98 would have abolished rent control and other renter protections. Proposition 99 will block the government from taking single family homes or condominiums to transfer to other private parties, but will allow eminent domain for public uses and will not ban rent control.

Prop 98 loses, Prop 99 wins | Tenants Speakout Against Realtors For Supporting Prop 98 | imc_photo.gifProtect rent control, print out a No on 98 sign | San Francisco Tenants Rally Against Prop 98, Then Vote Against It | Prop 98 can provoke a city-wide rent strike | Four days to Save Rent Control | Oakland, Berkeley renters oppose Proposition 98 | No on Prop 98 Update | RHANAC's Steve Edrington Accusses Renters of Being Entrenched Tenants | Prop 98 Continues To Lose In The Polls | Expose the Landlords' Scheme | Non Profit Housing Developers May Be Selling Out The Poor | Prop 98 would eliminate rent control and tenant protections | How To Defeat Prop 98 | Progressive Politicos Preach to the Choir | Housing California Conference Will Have Prop 98 Discussion | Housing California Conference To Have Bush/McCain Supporter As Speaker On Prop 98 & 99 | Save Rent Control & Tenant Protections Update | Prop 98 Trailing Badly; Californians Support Rent Control

In San Francisco, Proposition G passed and Proposition F failed to pass. Propositions F & G focused on development by Lennar Corp in Bay View Hunters Point. Proposition F would have required that half of all Lennar's housing be available to people making less than the median area income, which is $75,000 for a family of four. Prop. G is the deal Newsom and Lennar were pushing; it will give the financially troubled developer the right to build 10,000 new housing units, office and retail space, and a new football stadium, along with 300 new acres of parks, in one of the city's most economically depressed areas.

Optimism in the Face of Defeat in the Bayview | Election fraud probably committed for Prop G | Election Fraud Watch in SF on Prop G-2d 49er Stadium Swindle | The people are for Proposition F and that is what really matters | Say Yes to F | Big Labor Sells Out | The Labor Council of San Francisco has helped Propostion F is a big way | Bayview Residents: the Hidden Treasure | Hold out for Hunters Point

Chris Daly's Blog | San Francisco Tenants Union | | | SF Bay Guardian Endorsements
Sat May 31 2008 (Updated 06/01/08) SF RTS Protests Gentrification
San Francisco renters took to the streets on May 31st to reclaim public space and call attention to the urgent need to protect tenants' rights in this ever-gentrifying city. The action was timed to raise awareness about the urgent need to stop Proposition 98 and save rent control in the June 3rd election.
In a letter to Chevron executives and shareholders (and to ExxonMobil, who meet the same day), Iraqi oil workers unions called on Chevron to end the occupation and stop pushing for the "Iraq Oil Theft Law." This message will be delivered by an alliance of environmental justice, human rights and international solidarity groups converging on Chevron's annual shareholder meeting, Wednesday, May 28th at 7:00AM at Chevron corporate headquarters in San Ramon.
Bikers in Santa Cruz Take the Lane for Safety and Awareness On May 13th, a huge mob of cyclists rolled peacefully through the streets of Santa Cruz after a 6pm convergence at the Clock Tower. Bikers spanned city blocks in the right lane of Mission Street to raise awareness about California Vehicle Code Section 21202, cyclists may use the full right lane when the lane "is too narrow for a bicycle to safely ride to the side of a motor vehicle." Many people wore yellow shirts with a figure of a bike and the words "MAY USE FULL LANE cvc 21202" as they rode westbound on Mission, up Bay, east on King St. and down to the City Council meeting at 7pm.

City Hall was packed with bikers, many of whom spoke eloquently about their experiences on Mission St. and other dangerous routes, including Seabright Avenue. People Power, a local bicycle advocacy organization, declared their support for City Council to request signs from CalTrans for Mission with a figure of a bike and the words "MAY USE FULL LANE." imc_photo.gifRead More and View Photos

see also: The Ride of Silence on May 21st
Marciano Cruz was born in Oaxaca, Mexico. For over 20 years, Marciano, also known as Chango, has been working to improve the lives of people in the greater Santa Cruz community. He is currently a staff member at the Resource Center for Nonviolence (RCNV). Marciano is being honored for his work as founder, chief organizer and president of La Liga de La Comunidad, a countywide soccer league for youth and adults.
CASS Releases Economic Impact Report on LBAM Pesticide Spray Program On May 5th, Foster Gamble and the Economic Action Team of the California Alliance to Stop the Spray (C.A.S.S.), released a forty page report on the economic impact to the state of California in response to the CDFA/USDA plan to spray multiple California counties with a micronized concoction of synthetic “pheromone” and chemicals to "eradicate" the Light Brown Apple Moth – a moth with zero history of causing crop damage anywhere in the world.

C.A.S.S. has uncovered several segments of the California economy that will sustain heavy negative impact if the spraying program goes forward. These include the areas of tourism, real estate and organic farming, among others. The report shows that the expected losses in these areas will dwarf the financial losses the CDFA claims big California agri-business will incur if the moth is not eradicated. imc_pdf.gifRead More and Download the Report

see also: imc_video.gifDebunking Moth Myths: UC Scientists Speak Out | imc_video.gifLBAM Takes San Francisco | California Alliance to Stop the Spray |
donna.jpg Donna Deiss Yovino writes, "At Santa Cruz parking lot A on West Cliff Drive, on Friday May 9, 2008, Sgt. C LeMoss twisted and broke the right humurus arm bone of a 60 year old disabled woman for entering her RV and attempting to close the door.

"Sgt. LeMoss badge # 114 of the Santa Cruz PD appeared suddenly at Lot A on West Cliff Drive wearing all black in an unmarked car ~5:30 PM on Friday May 9 in front of a random group of homeless and others. He said he wanted to talk to everyone and his attitude was extremely repugnant and mean. I am a friend to the the kids that hang out here and try to be a good friend and role model as this lot has been the last place of refuge for many youth who have been routinely detained and harrassed in downtown Santa Cruz. I am 60 years old and a permanently disabled marine pipefitter. My disabilities include lower back, hip surgery 1 and a half years ago, chronic depression, arthritis and bone spurs in my neck and left knee, as well as a broken left femur. I am known as an activist in the Santa cruz community regarding tenants rights and homelessness." imc_photo.gifRead More and View Photos

see also: 60 Year Old Homeless Woman Says Police Broke Her Arm
Tue May 13 2008 (Updated 05/16/08) Destruction of property declared unlawful seizure
600_photo_2.jpg A U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of California has ruled that the City of Fresno's practice of immediately seizing and destroying the personal possessions of homeless residents violates the constitutional right of every person to be free from unreasonable search and seizure.

"The question is no longer whether the City will have to pay damages to class members, but how much," said attorney Oren Sellstrom of the Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights. "Given that many homeless people lost everything they owned in these illegal sweeps - including their medicines and items of tremendous sentimental value - we believe the damage award will be significant."

"The Court's ruling in this class-action lawsuit makes it clear that our Constitution protects the rights of everybody, rich or poor," said attorney Michael Risher of the ACLU of Northern California. "It should send a strong message to other cities throughout our country that if they violate the rights of their most vulnerable residents, they will be held accountable."

Six plaintiffs provided testimony in the case, Kincaid v. City of Fresno, on behalf of the entire class, which includes all homeless people in Fresno who had their property seized and destroyed by the City or by the California Department of Transportation. The case was bought by the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights, and the firm of Heller, Ehrman, LLP.

The case was filed in October 2006. The court issued a temporary restraining order against the City of Fresno two days later; in December 2006 it issued a preliminary injunction after hearing evidence from both sides over the course of five days. Read more
60 Year Old Homeless Woman Says Police Broke Her Arm Robert Norse writes, "Donna Deiss called in last night to report that yesterday (May 9th) around 5pm, Officer La Moss (Badge #114) assaulted her, broke her arm, and then put her in handcuffs when he attempted to question her at "Three Tree Lot" near Lighthouse Field. Deiss was taken to the Watsonville hospital, where she waited hours for x-rays, which confirmed her arm was broken. Deiss reported the following to me in a phone message last night and an e-mail this morning:

"She was talking with friends yesterday on Westcliffe Drive near her RV. An undercover police officer, whom she later identified as Officer La Moss, arrived in a black unmarked car and said he wanted to talk to her and others in the group. She read La Moss a statement from the ACLU about the rights of community members vis a vis the police and walked to her RV.

"The cop followed her. She got in and tried to close the door. Le Moss, not saying she was under arrest or detained, reached in and grabbed her right arm, pinching the skin as he twisted it behind her back, breaking it. She screamed her arm was broken, but his response was to call for backup. 4 more police cars arrived. She continued screaming for 911 and finally paramedics showed up." Read More

see related stories: Harassment of Homeless in RVs, a Letter from Donna Deiss || Superintendant Hammack Stonewalls on RV Ban in Coastal Parking Lots || Coastal Access Denied to Motorhomes and Trailers in Santa Cruz || Struggling on the Street
Mission Street \ Two experienced cyclists have been killed on Mission Street in Santa Cruz in the last year. According to People Power, Santa Cruz County's advocate for human-powered transportation, both of these deaths could have been avoided had the City designed the street six years ago with bike lanes. People Power also asserts that both deaths could have been avoided if the cyclists had felt safe riding in the middle of the right hand lane.

According to California Vehicle Code Section 21202, cyclists may use the full right lane when the lane "is too narrow for a bicycle to safely ride to the side of a motor vehicle." Two deaths occurred while cyclists were riding along the curb.

On Tuesday, May 13th, bicyclists will converge at the Santa Cruz Clock Tower at 6pm for a group ride taking up the right lane of Mission Street, and eventually ending at the City Council meeting to ask that "BIKE MAY USE FULL LANE" signs be posted on Mission Street. Read More

Santa Cruz Bicyclist Christopher Rock Killed at Intersection of Bay and Mission (4/8/08) || Cyclist killed by truck at Mission and Bay in Santa Cruz (8/7/07)

Cyclists Allowed (Use of Full Lane) || 21st Annual Santa Cruz County Bike Week: May 10 – 17 || The Ride of Silence on May 21
On April 24th and 25th, Centolia Maldonado Vasquez and Bernardo Ramirez Bautista, Oaxaca-based members of the Binational Front of Indigenous Organizations, gave presentations in Greenfield and at UC Santa Cruz on indigenous Mexican migration to the U.S. and its impact in the communities of origin, the current political situation in Oaxaca, the role of women in the movement for social justice in Oaxaca, and current challenges of indigenous governing community institutions in Oaxaca.
All Charges dropped against Jason Paschal On July 15th, 2007, a man on a bicycle came up to street artist, Jason Paschal's protest table near O'Neill's Surf Shop on Pacific Avenue, said “O'Neill's been here longer than you have. Get the fuck out of Santa Cruz, Nigger!” and spat in his face. Paschal briefly pursued the man on foot, before placing a 911 call to report the assault. Police arrived and arrested Paschal instead. Nine months later, in Commissioner Stephen Siegel's court, all charges against Paschal were dropped. Read More

Jason Paschal comments, "Indymedia is doing this community a public service by publishing that a local judge was removed from my case for making an illegal ruling that violates California law. Do you think it should be kept quiet? Do you think that it should be swept under the rug that a Superior Court Judge, Tom Kelly, was sanctioned and had my case removed from his docket for making an unconstitutional decision?" Read More
iCal feed From the Calendar:
2:30PM Friday Jun 13 6/13 free vegetarian meal
6:30PM Wednesday Jun 18 "BioJustice 2001" Film Screening
1PM Thursday Jun 19 Say Goodbye to Biotech Party!
2:30PM Friday Jun 20 6/20 SF free veg meal
6PM Tuesday Jul 15 Health and Happiness 2008
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Autry’s Day in Court Mike Rhodes
Tuesday Jun 10th 3:55 PM
Felton Prevails in Six-Year Fight to Acquire Water System from Cal-Am and RWE via (1 comment)
Monday Jun 9th 9:38 PM
Fresno Mayor Autry to Eat Crow at 10 AM on Tuesday Bruce Rudd (2 comments)
Monday Jun 9th 9:30 PM
Help Save the California Breast Cancer Research Program Breast Cancer Action (list)
Monday Jun 9th 4:04 PM
Small California Town Overthrows Corporate Giant for Control of Water blacklistednews (2 comments)
Monday Jun 9th 2:45 PM
June 2008 Friendly Fire Newsletter! Friendly Fire Collective
Monday Jun 9th 12:10 AM
Food Stamp Use Spikes in California NAM (reposted)
Friday Jun 6th 7:48 AM
California Voters Support Rent Control: Huge Victory for Tenants Dean Preston (1 comment)
Wednesday Jun 4th 6:31 PM
Prop 98 to Abolish Rent Control Crushed Echo Park Communtiy Coalition
Wednesday Jun 4th 12:43 PM
Election fraud probably committed for Prop G $ (2 comments)
Wednesday Jun 4th 7:15 AM
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Monday Jun 9th 7:23 AM
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