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Events | data conferencing

Communication & Collaboration Solutions

Australian corporate and government businesses have changed forever.  In the 21st century fewer people will be relied upon to do more.  Added to this, business decision making increasingly involves geographically dispersed people with vital knowledge.

ServicePoint specializes in next generation solutions to connect people.  We call it visual communication and collaboration as our solutions add the vital element of non-verbal language.

Our next generation solutions provide the means to travel to multiple destinations each day without leaving your office or attend important meetings while you are away from your office. All this is made possible by a number of different technologies: voice conferencing, web conferencing, webcasting, web data conferencing, video conferencing, media teleconferencing, media video conferencing, data conferencing. All of which are covered by ServicePoint.

In short, ServicePoint provides the essential means for people to make better decisions faster.

Meeting Centre

Organise Your Own Conference
Schedule a conference right now, next week, or next month. From room reservations to event management, ServicePoint can provide your total meeting solution in a variety of ways: web conferencing, voice conferencing, media teleconferencing, data conferencing and more.


Video Messaging

Click to find out more about ServicePoint's Video Messaging product
Broadcast to the Internet or archive your meeting from your own videoconference system.

Click here to view an introductory video
Watch a video that introduces the Conferserv videomessaging system.


Multimedia Communications

Click to find out more about ServicePoint's Multimedia Communications. Solution and ASP Services

Click here see how Interwise ECP is being used today

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