e-Government News
US lawmaker accuse Chinese hackers

A senior congressmen in the US is adamant that Chinese hackers had compromised his office computer network, which included his personal workstation as well as those of his staff.

Net is decider in US election

LIKE the Australian federal election last year in which Kevin Rudd had more Facebook and MySpace friends than hot dinners, the US 2008 Primaries have shown a dramatic shift in how political messages are cultivated.

Gillard battles to get PCs in news

The first $116 million worth of computers in the Australian Government’s $1.2 billion Digital Education Revolution has been doled out – a milestone barely noticed.

California earns CeBIT ‘Partner’ status

THE giant CeBIT business technology trade fair in Hannover has broken with tradition by naming California as “Partner State” for the 2009 event.

Rural China goes Net nuts
THE number of internet users in rural areas of China more than doubled in a single year as the benefits of the continued economic boom flow increasingly to regional areas, the state news agency has reported.
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