W3C Suomen toimisto

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World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) kehittää yhteisiä ja yhteensopivia Webin pelisääntöjä ja teknologioita (spesifikaatioita, ohjeita, ohjelmistoja sekä työkaluja). Työn tavoitteena on ohjata Webin kehittymistä täyteen mittaansa tiedonvälityksen, kaupankäynnin, kommunikaation ja yhteisymmärryksen foorumina. (Ks. W3C pähkinänkuoressa.)

suomeksi W3C Suomen toimisto julkistettiin 11. lokakuuta 2002. W3C-aluetoimiston toiminta-ajatus on jakaa tietoa W3C:stä ja sen työstä, tarjota suora yhteys W3C:hen, koordinoida alueellisia hankkeita sekä kannustaa alueellisia liikeyrityksiä ja organisaatioita liittymään mukaan W3C:n toimintaan. (Tilaa W3C-uutistiedote.)

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Kaikki uutiset ja tiedotteet | Tapahtumakalenteri | Lehdistötiedotteet

Uutisia 2008-03-28: XQuery Scripting Extension 1.0 and Use Cases, ensimmäinen kommentoitava luonnos

2008-03-28: The XML Query Working Group has published two First Public Working Drafts: XQuery Scripting Extension 1.0 and XQuery Scripting Extension 1.0 Use Cases. The former defines an extension to XQuery 1.0 and XQuery Update Facility. Expressions can be evaluated in a specific order, with later expressions seeing the effects of the expressions that came before them. This specification introduces the concept of a block with local variable declarations, as well as several new kinds of expressions, including assignment, while, continue, break, and exit expressions. The latter specification includes the usage scenarios that motivate the changes in the former. Learn more about the Extensible Markup Language (XML) Activity. (Permalink)

Uutisia 2008-03-28: Basic XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Version 1.0, viimeinen kommentoitava luonnos

2008-03-28: The XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Working Group has published two documents: the Last Call Working Draft of Basic XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Version 1.0 and an ordinary Working Draft of Advanced XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Version 1.0. The first specification provides a set of basic XML Schema 1.0 patterns known to be interoperable between state of the art databinding implementations.The patterns may be used to describe XML 1.0 representations of commonly used data structures. Last Call comments are welcome through 30 April. The second specification provides a set of commonly used XML Schema 1.0 patterns known to cause issues with some state of the art databinding implementations. Learn more about the Web Services Activity. (Permalink)

Uutisia 2008-03-27: Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Format 1.0, luonnos

2008-03-27: The Efficient XML Interchange Working Group has published a Working Draft of Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Format 1.0. This document is the specification of the Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) format. EXI is a very compact representation for the Extensible Markup Language (XML) Information Set that is intended to simultaneously optimize performance and the utilization of computational resources. The EXI format uses a hybrid approach drawn from the information and formal language theories, plus practical techniques verified by measurements, for entropy encoding XML information. Using a relatively simple algorithm, which is amenable to fast and compact implementation, and a small set of data types, it reliably produces efficient encodings of XML event streams. Learn more about the Extensible Markup Language (XML) Activity. (Permalink)

Uutisia 2008-03-27: XML Query (XQuery) 1.1 Use Cases, luonnos

2008-03-27: The XML Query Working Group has published the First Public Working Draft of XML Query (XQuery) 1.1 Use Cases. This document specifies usage scenarios for XML Query (XQuery) 1.1, to illustrate important applications for the query language. Each use case is focused on a specific application area, and contains a Document Type Definition (DTD) and example input data. Each use case specifies a set of queries that might be applied to the input data, and the expected results for each query. See changes from the previous draft and learn more about the Extensible Markup Language (XML) Activity. (Permalink)

Uutisia 2008-03-27: W3C:n henkilökunta osallistuu Privacy and Identity Management -tutkimukseen

2008-03-27: Privacy assures autonomy of the individual, a necessary precondition for a democratic society. W3C is pleased to announce the launch of the PrimeLife research project. W3C Staff members Thomas Roessler and Rigo Wenning will participate in this three-year, 10 Million Euro multi-partner research effort. The goal of the project is to develop scalable tools to help people protect their privacy and manage their identities in new and emerging services and applications (such as virtual communities and collaborative applications). Read more about the W3C Policy Languages Interest Group. (Permalink)

Uutisia 2008-03-26: XML Signature Syntax and Processing (Second Edition), muokattu suositusehdotus

2008-03-26: The XML Security Specifications Maintenance Working Group has published the Proposed Edited Recommendation of XML Signature Syntax and Processing (Second Edition). This document specifies XML digital signature processing rules and syntax. XML Signatures provide integrity, message authentication, and/or signer authentication services for data of any type, whether located within the XML that includes the signature or elsewhere. Read the list of changes and the implementation report. Comments are welcome through 30 April. Learn more about the Security Activity. (Permalink)

Uutisia 2008-03-26: Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Requirements Version 2.0, ensimmäinen kommentoitava luonnos

2008-03-26: The XSL Working Group has published the First Public Working Draft of Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Requirements Version 2.0. This document enumerates the collected requirements for a 2.0 version of XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO), not for XSLT. XSL-FO is widely deployed in industry and academia where multiple output forms (typically print and online) are needed from single source XML. It is used in many diverse applications and countries on a large number of implementations to create technical documentation, reports and contracts, terms and conditions, invoices and other forms processing, such as driver's licenses and postal forms. The XSL Working Group invites people to help prioritize the feature set of XSL 2.0 by completing a survey until the end of September 2008. Learn more about the W3C XML Activity. (Permalink)

Uutisia 2008-03-18: WWW2008 ja W3C-teema

Uutisia 2008-03-17: RDFa Primer



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W3C Suomen toimiston sijoituspaikka on Tampereella, Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston Matematiikan laitoksella. Toimiston toiminnasta vastaa TTY:n Hypermedialaboratorio.

Viimeksi päivitetty 31.3.2008. (w3c@cs.tut.fi)

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