Chi siamo

Dal 1999 è la webzine che, insieme alla sua CreW, mobilita e facilita l'autorganizzazione di precari* e precari della Penisola. Crea complicità e fa biosindacato, trasmette informazioni sui conflitti sul lavoro in Italia e nel mondo, fornisce assistenza legale e materiali di riflessione, accoglie le frustrazioni e cerca le risposte dai ragazzi e ragazze che lavorano. Sforzandosi sempre di essere fruibile e godibile.
Dalla grande distribuzione alla grande ristorazione, da BurgerKing a Esselunga, in centri commerciali e ipermercati, in call center e cooperative riecheggia l'azione diretta e la sovversione mediatica degli attivist* precari* e precari di ChainWorkers.

Visita l'archivio:

ChainWorkers 1999-2002

ChainWorkers 2002-2004

ChainWorkers 2004-2006


----------- EN is the Italian webzine on media and mall activism for awareness-building and unionization of precarious workers.

ChainWorkers CreW since 2001 is associated with
--> the MayDay Parade - which this year reached its fifth edition, bringing around many types of non-standard workers all around Europe onto the streets in a joyful (but angry) expression of dissent around sub-standard conditions of work and living;
--> San Precario conceived and designed before Mayday 004 has become the patron saint of precarious workers. His icon includes the 5 axis of non precarity: income, housing, affect, access and services;
--> Serpica Naro is the anagram of San Precario: existential instability and social precarity are turned into active resources, creativity and experimentation meet the agitation and representation of social conflict.
--> Imbattibili are a project composed by a set of 19 figurations created in occasion of Mayday 2005 by a variety of groups and communities to share the super-heroic efforts and experiences in the daily life of precarious workers.