
Title Posted
bristol / community Friday June 13, 2008 10:41 by imcvol

Space used by local community for over a decade is threatened by council development.

Jasper Johns writes; I have a workshop next to the Queens Head pub on Easton Road. As a blacksmith, I make a fair amount of noise: power hammer, grinders, general metal working racket. The pub also makes quite a din – juke box, bands, DJs, punters coming, going and staying. What divides us, and in a way unites us, is a small stretch of land bordered by rowan and willow trees, which for the past ten years has been fenced off as a beer garden for the pub. In that garden locals, families, and any one else, sun themselves, laugh, shout at each other and generally get on pretty well – a mish-mash of folk enjoying a rare gap in our ever-encroaching urbs...There is a three-storey sheltered housing development opposite the Queens Head, whose occupants are a welcome part of the community. Now the council intend to sandwich (4” gap), a further 9 such flats between the busy pub and my noisy workshop, obliterating our beer garden, the trees and our forum for continued social interaction.... Full Article.

| Bristol City Council Scoop – Beer Garden for Flats | Save the Queens Head Beer Garden Petition ( | Past Articles/Related News & Events: Building Communities in East Bristol | Nuclear Waste to be buried locally | Dove Lane Open Evening/Consultation (16th June) | Flats at the Queens Head Beer Garden |

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south west / protests Tuesday June 10, 2008 13:56 by imcvol

Your Invite to HacktionLab Convergence: 13th - 15th June 2008 @ Stepping Stones, Highbury Farm, located in the Lower Wye

adelayde writes; The aim of HacktionLab is to have a convergence where people interested in and/or working in the areas of alternative media, renewable energy, on-line video distribution, free software and any other form of activism that utilises technology. The idea for the gathering has come from a number of years of experience gained by activists working for organisations such as Indymedia and includes specific experience from involvement in the camps for climate action in Selby (2006) and Heathrow (2007) as well as the No Borders camp at Gatwick (2007). Full Article.

| Invite to rural "hacktivist" convergence taking place in June | HacktionLab Wiki ( | Invite to HacktionLab ( |

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bristol / community Thursday June 05, 2008 10:14 by imcvol

Events in the Area to Entertain, Inform and More - from the Bristol Indymedia Calendar

What are you up o this weekend? If you need to sort things ou at home, then Indycycle has lots of stuff from a sofa to a kids bed to books and PC bits. You can also use it to list items you want to clear.

There are also lots of happenings in and around Bristol from the Calendar;

Thurs 5th June 'collocation building' at Cabot Primary School - open evening at Cabot Primary School.

Fri 6th DIY Music @ Kebele.

Sat 7th St Werburghs City Farm Summer Fair - music, stalls, fun & more" & Oxfam Presents: 'Sisters on the Planet' - part of the Bristol Festival of Nature to highlight womens' role in the fight against Climate Change & Urban Disturbance - drum'n'bass @ Trinity.

Sun 8th Autonomous Kafe - Weekly vegan cafe @ Kebele

Tues 10th Bristol Festival Public Consultation - at Colston Hall, 7pm-9pm

Wed 11th Lakota's Last Stand- planning meeting 2pm at the Council House(featured image) & Money - what is it and where does it come from? @ Kebele.

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image Help raise desperately needed funds for new Kennel Block project

bristol / corporations Tuesday June 03, 2008 09:45 by imcvol

"The question is do we want do feed our cars or feed ourselves?"

As part of worldwide Food and Climate Change day, bristol rising tide writes; Biofuels, far from [being a] panacea [for] petrol prices and climate change, have added to the global food price hike by taking land previously occupied by food crops. A study by the University of Minnesota found that growing biofuel on converted rainforests, peat lands, savannas or grasslands created up to 420 times more carbon dioxide than it saved. Wheat Prices have doubled in the UK over the past year, and consumers and retailsers have so far managed to absorb this. But elsewhere in the world, people are going without wheat (and other staples) and bakers are going out of business. To iIlustrate this issue, a dozens bakers (rather than a bakers dozen!) will be following up Bristol Rising Tides demo in April of this year to illustrate the true cost of Agro-fuels. They will be at Tesco, Eastville between 4.30pm and 7pm. Ms Bread of Bristol Rising Tide said: "The question is do we want [to] feed our cars or feed ourselves?" Tesco has made false claims about the source of the fuel sold at its service stations, according to an investigation that found that the chain sold the most environmentally damaging types of biodiesel -Palm Oil - whilst claiming that it 's biofuel was sourced from relatively sustainable UK-planted rape seed oil. Full Article.

| Bakers to Stage Protest Outside Tesco | Tesco Agro Demo (from April 15) |Tesco green fuel ‘adds to climate change’ ( |Biofuels: Biodevastation, Hunger & False Carbon Credits ( |

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Breaking News

Mon 16 Jun, 12:32

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