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Wednesday Jun 18
12PM Lee Hall Speaks Out on Climate Disruption and the...
Thursday Jun 19
12PM Protest the Health Insurance Companies'...
Friday Jul 4
10AM Peace Parade
Saturday Jul 5
12PM Global Day of Action Against Starbucks!
Friday Oct 24
5PM Lincoln, OR: Deep Green Resistance
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The community of Felton prevailed in its six-year fight to acquire its water system from California-American Water (Cal-Am), a subsidiary of the German multinational corporation RWE. Cal-Am and the San Lorenzo Valley Water District (SLVWD) announced a purchase agreement on May 30th, less than a week before the planned start of an eminent domain trial where a jury would have set the value of the water system. “This win, combined with the failure of RWE to efficiently and affordably deliver water to the residents of Felton is yet another example of why water utilities should be managed by the public," said Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director of Food & Water Watch.
The Other America: Interviews with Anarchists in the United States Andrew Flood spent the last several months traveling around the USA on a 45 city speaking tour about anarchism in Ireland. Andrew recorded interviews with anarchists, edited audio on bus rides, and posted articles to indymedia ireland once he accessed a wi-fi signal. Together, all those interviewed give an impression of 'the other America.'

The interviews are a fragment of a picture, a selection of the hundred plus people Andrew had conversations with, the ones where there was enough time and quiet to allow him to flip open a five year old laptop and hit record. He couldn't always do that, so there are many fascinating conversations that are missing, including a visit to one of the more than 100 political prisoners still incarcerated in the US. imc_audio.gifRead More and Listen to Audio

Speaking tour details | imc_audio.gifimc_photo.gif Andrew's audio and photos on Tales from the NE Anarchist Movement | Tales from the South, Midwest and West Coast
June 2008 marks the 8th anniversary of the imprisonment of Jeffrey Free Luers. Each June for the past 8 years, a Day of Solidarity has been held to garner support for Jeff and other eco-prisoners. June 14, 2008 will mark the kickoff to a campaign to raise money to help Jeff with his education and living expenses upon his release, as well as call attention to the many eco-prisoners still facing time behind bars and repression by the state.
Representative Barney Frank (D-MA) and a small bi-partisan coalition of Members of Congress introduced H.R. 5842, the Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act in April. The legislation will help protect individuals who use or provide medical cannabis in accordance with their state law.
What started on May 1, 2006 as some of the largest political demonstrations in U.S. history for immigrants' rights have in 2008 brought together three fronts -- labor, immigrant, and antiwar -- in one struggle for peace and social justice.

The work stoppage at all 29 West Coast ports on May 1, 2008 by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) was an historic turning point for the U.S. labor movement. For the first time in more than seventy years, a major U.S. trade union led marches and a system-wide strike on May Day. And for the first time ever, it was not for economic reasons, but for the political demand to end the disastrous and debilitating U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The work stoppage by 25,000 dockworkers idled towering cranes and closed ports from Seattle to San Diego. Truckers refused to cross picket lines. The backlogged ports handle the steady stream of manufactured goods from off-shored factories in Asia in the new globalized economy. Read More

see also: 40-page Report from Around the World | May Day becomes an annual tradition for immigrant and workers' rights | US-IMC |

Indybay 2008 May Day Coverage: San Jose: May Day Becomes an Annual Tradition for Immigrant and Workers' Rights || San Francisco State Students Walk Out, Join Workers on May Day || DASW Calls for End to the Targeting of Immigrants and Latinos to Enlist || ILWU Shuts Down All West Coast Ports To Protest War || May Day 2008 Actions in Santa Cruz and Watsonville || May Day Protests in Arcata || Reclaim the Streets In San Francisco || "Reel Work" and Solidarity at 2008 May Day Labor Film Festival || May 1st 2008 Immigrant Rights Marches and Rallies

In San José and all across the United States, marches for immigrant and workers' rights are reviving the long-dormant American tradition of May Day. While legislation for comprehensive immigration reform has stalled in Congress, demonstrators are poised to take the struggle to the next level. From coast to coast, over a hundred thousand marched on May 1, 2008 to demand respect and recognition as workers who contribute so much to building the United States.
Sat May 3 2008 (Updated 05/05/08) Prolonging The War To Help The Democratic Party
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is helping put together the largest Iraq war spending bill yet. The aim appears to be to fund the war for nearly six months into the next president's term to prevent a new Democratic President from having to vote for the war without risking the war actually ending. On April 28th, Code Pink started a peace vigil on the front porch of Pelosi's house in San Francisco to urge her to not give the President another blank check for the occupation of Iraq
Sat May 3 2008 (Updated 05/05/08) Sami al-Haj Finally Free After Years of Torture
On Thursday May 1st, Al-Jazeera reporter Sami al-Haj was released after six and a half years at Guantanamo. Upon his arrival in Sudan early on Friday, Al-Hajj was carried off a US air force jet on a stretcher and immediately taken to a hospital. Al-Hajj told reporters at the hospital that "rats are treated with more humanity" than the inmates at Guantanamo, whose "human dignity [is] violated". Ten journalists have been held for extended periods by the U.S. military and then released without charge. The U.S. military continues to hold Jawed Ahmad, a journalist for Canada's CTV, at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.
Sat Apr 26 2008 (Updated 05/03/08) ILWU May Day Work Stoppage
On May 1, all 29 ports on the U.S. West Coast were shut down by the ILWU in protest against the U.S. war on Afghanistan and Iraq. The Bay Area ILWU local was the first American union to condemn the war. In April 2003, as invading U.S. troops reached Baghdad, six longshoremen were injured and a union official was arrested as police fired on hundreds of antiwar protesters in the port of Oakland. Supporters of the ILWU meet in San Francisco at Mason and Beach at 10:30 am on May Day. There was then a march to a 12 noon rally in Justin Herman Plaza.
The Federal Communications Commisision will hold a hearing about the future of the Internet on Thursday, April 17th on the campus of Stanford University. The 12pm hearing will be preceded by entertainment from the Raging Grannies. In 2007, several organizations confirmed that Comcast, which is a giant cable company, had been secretly blocking and degrading particular applications over several months, while denying its actions publicly. "Talk Back to the FCC" speaker practice sessions are planned for cities around the Bay Area this week: Monday at 6pm in Berkeley, Tuesday at 4:30 in San Francisco, and Wednesday at 6:30 in East Palo Alto.
The Third Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled against a new trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal. The court has called for a sentencing hearing that would result in either an execution or life in prison without parole; the hearing will be scheduled within 180 days. A San Francisco demonstration and press conference was held at 5:00 pm at the federal courthouse at 7th and Mission on Friday, March 28th. In Oakland, protesters gathered at 14th and Broadway from 4:30-6:30 pm on Friday. National protests are being planned for April in San Francisco and in Philadelphia.
Army Recruitment Website Remixed at The Army recruitment site is one of the most heavily advertised web sites on the planet. It's a slick marketing effort to make enlisting look like the perfect job opportunity: a stable, safe way to make money and serve America. Of course, there's a lot about the Army that isn't mentioned on From the Iraq War to human rights abuses to the stop-loss policy, the official recruitment website is strangely silent.

On March 19th, was launched to clear up confusion about the Army and commemorate the 5th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. It's an unauthorized remixed version of the recruitment site which presents the facts missing in the Army sales pitch, and shows potential recruits what they can really expect if they enlist.
In 1971, Vietnam veterans held a conference that they called the Winter Soldier Investigation, to speak out about what was really going on in the Vietnam War. 37 years later, Iraq War vets held their own Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan, at which US veterans testified about their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan. The conference took place from March 13th through 16th in Washington, D.C. A group of Vietnam vets from Portland stopped in Fresno on the way to Winter Soldier. KPFA radio suspended its regular programming over several days in order to broadcast the proceedings.
On March 4th, Skidmark Bob of Free Radio Santa Cruz 101fm interviewed Lyn Gerry, host and producer of Unwelcome Guests radio program and collective member of A-Infos Radio Project. The project's goal is to support and expand the movement for democratic communications worldwide by offering an alternative to corporate media.
Wolves Lose Protection Under Endangered Species Act On February 21st, the Bush administration finalized its controversial decision to remove the Northern Rockies gray wolf from the list of species protected under the Endangered Species Act. The removal of federal protections for the gray wolf puts its continued survival in the Northern Rockies at the mercy of the woefully insufficient state management plans developed by Wyoming, Idaho and—to a lesser extent—Montana. These plans call for dramatic reductions in wolf populations in the region.

George Cadman of Free Radio Santa Cruz 101.1 FM interviewed Mike Leahy, Rocky Mountain Region Director for Defenders Of Wildlife, about the recent decision. imc_audio.gifRead More and Listen to Audio
The re-sentencing hearing for Jeffrey Luers took place on February 28th in Lane County Circuit Court in Eugene, Oregon in front of Judge Billings. This followed an Oregon court of appeals ruling in February 2007 that Luers' original sentence of 22 years 8 months by Judge Lyle Velure was illegal, and the appeals court remanded the case back to Lane County Circuit Court for re-sentencing. Following the appeals court decision, negotiations have resulted in the decision to reduce Luers sentence to 10 years, bringing his release date to late December 2009.
Thu Feb 28 2008 (Updated 03/08/08) "Crash the Convention"
On September 1-4 of 2008, the Republican Party is holding their convention in Minnesota. The RNC Welcoming Committee wants to make sure that "this time the fear-mongers will be met with their own biggest fear: people mobilized, organized, and taking the future back into their own hands." From March 2-8, the RNC Welcoming Committee's Infotour will make six stops in Northern California to share their plans and get input to take back to Minneapolis on their preparations to crash the convention in the Twin Cities in September.
Thu Feb 21 2008 (Updated 02/28/08) Supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal Say Ruling is Unjust
On Tuesday, February 19th, in a ruling unrelated to the pending US Third Circuit Court decision, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected death row journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeal of a 2005 ruling by Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Judge Pamela Dembe, which denied Abu-Jamal’s Post Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) petition, on grounds that it was not "timely." Mumia Abu-Jamal was convicted—many believe falsely—of killing Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner, and his trial was riddled with improprieties.
The Humane Society of United States conducted a video-taped undercover investigation of Hallmark Meat Packing Company in Chino, California. The investigation documented cows unable to walk, known as "downed" cows, being rammed with the blades of a forklift, jabbed in the eyes, stabbed with electric prods and sprayed in the nose with high-pressure water hoses. Under federal regulations, only animals able to walk on their own can be used for meat.
iCal feed From the Calendar:
10AM Friday Jul 4 Peace Parade
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US Consults Israel on Anti-terror Plans IOL (reposted)
Saturday Jun 14th 2:05 PM
Antonin Scalia and police-state rule wsws (reposted) (1 comment)
Saturday Jun 14th 9:59 AM
Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush wsws (reposted)
Saturday Jun 14th 9:58 AM
British resident could face death penalty in Guantánamo trial wsws (reposted)
Saturday Jun 14th 9:58 AM
How Speculators Are Causing the Cost of Living to Skyrocket Markus Dettmer
Saturday Jun 14th 5:11 AM
Rejecting the Church Pew, for the Alter of Power Mumia Abu-Jamal
Saturday Jun 14th 4:38 AM
An open letter from Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club (2 comments)
Friday Jun 13th 5:43 PM
What really Berlusconi's government means supertrash
Friday Jun 13th 10:25 AM
Buffalo Field Campaign Update 6-12-08 BFC r
Friday Jun 13th 8:19 AM
Guantanamo trials 'to go ahead' Al Jazeera (reposted)
Friday Jun 13th 7:55 AM
House Votes to Extend Unemployment Benefits via James Parks, AFL-CIO
Friday Jun 13th 7:51 AM
Guantanamo Future in Doubt IOL (reposted)
Friday Jun 13th 7:42 AM
The Eighth Plague Elmar Altvater
Friday Jun 13th 4:14 AM
SEIU Members Call On Congress To Extend Jobless Benefits via the SEIU
Thursday Jun 12th 10:27 PM
Obama Woos Religious Right IOL (reposted)
Thursday Jun 12th 7:23 PM
SF Vegan Activist Being Held at ICE Detention Center in Need of Support enola d! (1 comment)
Thursday Jun 12th 1:09 PM
CCR Wins Supreme Court Decision on Guantanamo! Center for Constitutional Rights (list) (1 comment)
Thursday Jun 12th 12:56 PM
US Supreme Court: Guantanamo inmates 'have rights' BBC (reposted) (1 comment)
Thursday Jun 12th 8:02 AM
Bush in Germany beats drum for war against Iran wsws (reposted)
Thursday Jun 12th 7:31 AM
US: New bank losses shake financial markets wsws (reposted)
Thursday Jun 12th 7:25 AM
US: Texas resumes executions following nine-month pause wsws (reposted)
Thursday Jun 12th 7:24 AM
House Democrats kill resolution to impeach Bush wsws (reposted)
Thursday Jun 12th 7:24 AM
War Drives the Price of Oil Volker Brautigam (1 comment)
Thursday Jun 12th 6:52 AM
Exposing Bush Administration Corruption Stephen Lendman
Thursday Jun 12th 6:27 AM
Free Speech Radio News in Crisis Support FSRN !!
Thursday Jun 12th 1:44 AM
GI Requests Hardship Discharge, Is Ordered Back to Iraq Courage to Resist
Wednesday Jun 11th 10:43 PM
Daniel McGowan Transferred-Threat of Madison Grand Jury @ friend
Wednesday Jun 11th 8:59 PM
DNC Disruption tour in SF UA in the Bay
Wednesday Jun 11th 8:55 PM
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