About W3C Mailing-list archives


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Public mail archives

[DIR]copras-public (latest) [unsubscribe]
[DIR]html-future [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]html-tidy (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
discussing about HTML Tidy
[DIR]http-future [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]ietf-charsets [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]ietf-dav-versioning (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]ietf-discuss [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]ietf-http-ext [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]ietf-http-ng [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]ietf-http-ng-goals [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]ietf-http-wg (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This is the public mailing list of the IETF HTTP-WG. The WG will refine RFC 2616. See the issue list for more details.

[DIR]ietf-http-wg-old [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]ietf-swap (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]ietf-tls [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]pics-info [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]pics-interest (latest) [unsubscribe]
discussion of PICS-related topics, including announcements.
[DIR]png-group (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]pso-discuss [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]pso-pc [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-annotea-dev (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-appformats (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Public mailing list of the Web Application Formats Working Group.

[DIR]public-atag2-comments (latest) [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: WAI Technical Activity

This mailing list provides an archive of comments received on the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (ATAG 2.0) and related documents.

[DIR]public-auth-trans-ca (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

For public comments on Candidate Authorized Translations in Catalan.

[DIR]public-auth-trans-hu (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
For public comments on Candidate Authorized Translations in Hungarian
[DIR]public-auth-trans-nl (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
For public comments on Candidate Authorized Translations in Dutch.
[DIR]public-awwsw (latest)
Groundwork for alien invasion.
[DIR]public-backplane-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This list is for public discussion of the Backplane note from the Hypertext Coordination Group, part of the HTML Activity.

[DIR]public-bpwg (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group public mailing list.
[DIR]public-bpwg-access (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
This is the mailing list for the Accessibility Task Force subgroup of the Best Practices working group
[DIR]public-bpwg-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This list collects comments sent on documents produced by the Mobile Best Practices Working Group.

For more general discussions on the group work, see the public-bpwg@w3.org mailing list.

[DIR]public-bpwg-ct (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Mailing list for the BPWG "Content Transformation" Task Force
[DIR]public-bpwg-korean (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

public mailing-list for the Korean Task Force of the Mobile web Best Practices Working Group

[DIR]public-bpwg-pro (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Mobile Web BPWG mobileOK Pro Task Force public mailing-list.
[DIR]public-cambridge-sem-web (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

List Purpose: a list of those people interested in participating in the monthly Cambridge Semantic Web event.

[DIR]public-canvas-api (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Public discussion of the Canvas API, for use in the HTML, SVG, and other Web languages.

[DIR]public-ccpp2-comments (latest) [unsubscribe]
This list gathers public comments regarding the CC/PP 2 specification
[DIR]public-cdf (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-comments-wai-age (latest) [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: WAI International Program Office

To receive feedback for WAI-AGE publications.

[DIR]public-comments-wcag20 (latest) [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-compound-documents (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-css-testsuite (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Development of test suites for all CSS-related specifications. See CSS test suites.
[DIR]public-cwm-announce (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-cwm-bugs (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-cwm-talk (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-dcci-editors (latest) [unsubscribe]
list for LC comments on DCCI
[DIR]public-ddr-vocab (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
This list was originally created by the MWI DDWG to communicate the processing (acknowledgement, comments, and others) of the public contributions received for populating the DDR Core Vocabulary.
[DIR]public-ddwg (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
The Public Device Description Working Group (DDWG) mailing list.
[DIR]public-ddwg-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
This list is for the public collection of comments on documents produced by the Device Description Working Group.
[DIR]public-didf-ws [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-disaster-management-ont (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

List Purpose: Planning for the creation of an Incubator Group for Disaster Management Ontologies.

[DIR]public-diselect-editors (latest)
[DIR]public-egov-ig (latest)
eGovernment Interest Group Public Mailing List
[DIR]public-esw (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Discussion for the SWAD-Europe IST-7 EU project.
[DIR]public-esw-desc (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-esw-news (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
A mailing list for monthly news about the SWAD Europe project
[DIR]public-esw-thes (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-evangelist (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Web Standards Education and Outreach, part of the Quality Assurance Interest Group.
[DIR]public-exi (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-forms (latest)

List Purpose: Public mailing list for the Forms Working Group. Database-backed, subscribers are members of the Forms WG.

[DIR]public-forms-testsuite (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-forms-tf (latest)

List Purpose: joint task force per March 2007 HTML WG charter and Forms WG charter

[DIR]public-geolocation (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This forum is for discussing matters regarding a Geolocation API, including use cases and requirements.

[DIR]public-glossary (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-grddl-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
This list is for comments from the community on specifications produced by the GRDDL working group.
[DIR]public-grddl-wg (latest)

This is the discussion list for participants in the GRDDL Working Group.

[DIR]public-hcls-coi (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: Semantic Web

Clinical Observations Interoperability Task Force of the Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group

[DIR]public-hcls-dse (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity:Semantic Web

The mailing list of the Drug Safety and Efficacy Task Force of the Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group

[DIR]public-html (latest)

HTML Working Group mailing list

[DIR]public-html-bugzilla (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

For archiving all messages generated for the "HTML WG" product in the public W3C bugzilla instance.

[DIR]public-html-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: HTML

List Purpose: Comments on the HTML 5 specification(s) and responses from the editors and the HTML WG.

[DIR]public-html-commits (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
commit notififications for dev.w3.org/html5
[DIR]public-html-diffs (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Automated notification list. For each change to an HTML document maintained in the dev.w3.org/html5 repository space, a new HTML diff is automatically generated and uploaded, and a notification with a URL for that diff gets posted to this list.
[DIR]public-html-mail (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

List Purpose: Discussion of HTML and email - authoring, security, and rendering.

[DIR]public-html-testsuite (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Development of test suites for HTML-related specifications.
[DIR]public-html-wg-announce (latest) [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: HTML

List Purpose: announcements of surveys, drafts, formal propsals, and other important HTML WG business.

[DIR]public-html-wg-issue-tracking (latest)
[DIR]public-html.bak (latest)
[DIR]public-i18n-arch (latest)
Public discussion list of the Internationalization Architecture Working Group.
[DIR]public-i18n-core (latest)
Public discussion list of the Internationalization Core Working Group
[DIR]public-i18n-geo (latest) [unsubscribe]
Discussion list for the Internationalization Guidelines, Education & Outreach (GEO) Working Group.
[DIR]public-i18n-its (latest)
[DIR]public-i18n-its-ig (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

public-i18n-its-ig is a public mailing list for discussions relating to the Internationalization Tag Set Interest Group. If you participate in this list you are part of this Interest Group. .

[DIR]public-i18n-ws (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Web Services Task Force of the Internationalization Working Group.
[DIR]public-ietf-collation (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-ietf-w3c (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
IETF/W3C coordination list.
[DIR]public-iri (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-iswc-hcls-bof (latest) [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: Semantic Web

List Purpose: This mailing list is for organizing a Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences BOF at the 6th International Semantic Web Conference(ISWC 2007) in Busan Korea.

[DIR]public-lod (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: Semantic Web Activity

List Purpose: The public-lod@w3.org mailing list provides a discussion forum for members of the Linking Open Data project and the broader Linked Data community.

[DIR]public-mca [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-memoria (latest)

This list was created to provide a forum for collecting memoriam of W3C personnel.

[DIR]public-mobile-dev (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
A discussion forum for Mobile Web developers to exchange techniques on how to create great Web sites and applications for mobile devices.
[DIR]public-mobileok-checker (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

List Purpose: BPWG task force working on an open-source project that tests conformance to mobileOK Basic.

[DIR]public-mw4d (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: Mobile Web Initiative

List Purpose: Mailing list for the Mobile Web for Social Development Interest Group.

[DIR]public-mweb-news [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-mwi-ec (latest) [unsubscribe]

This will be the list for public discussion on the workshop on Mobile Web in Developing Countries.

[DIR]public-mwts (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Public discussion list for MWI Test Suite WG

[DIR]public-n3-discuss (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Discussion on N3, Turtle, and related syntaxes for RDF
[DIR]public-new-work (latest) [unsubscribe]

This list is for (public) announcements of group charters that have been sent to the W3C Advisory Committee for review.

[DIR]public-new-work-comments [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-owl-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
This is the public feedback mailing list for the OWL Working Group.
[DIR]public-owl-dev (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-owl-wg (latest)

Maintaining Activity: Semantic Web

List Purpose: Technical discussion of the OWL Working Group.

[DIR]public-p3p (latest) [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-p3p-spec [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-p3p-ws [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-pfwg-comments (latest) [unsubscribe]

This list is used to archive public comments about Protocols and Formats documents. Editors, chairs, and the staff contact of the Protocols and Formats Working Group receive these comments and pass them on to the Working Group.

[DIR]public-pling (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: Privacy Activity

List Purpose: Policy Language Interest Group

[DIR]public-powderwg (latest)

List purpose: Public mailing list for the Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER) Working Group

[DIR]public-prime-arch [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-privacy06ws (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Follow-up discussions among participants in the October 2006 W3C Privacy Workshop

[DIR]public-process-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This mailing list, which has a public archive, is for comments about the W3C Process Document, which is managed by the W3C Advisory Board. The Advisory Board welcomes comments on this list about the Process Document from Members and public alike. Due to the frequency of Advisory Board meetings (typically once per month), your comments may not receive replies for at least several weeks. Furthermore, because the W3C Process Document evolves slowly, proposed changes may not appear for quite some time.

[DIR]public-procmodel-comments [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-qa-dev (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Hackers' lair: developers discussion on W3C Open Source Software and Web Quality Tools development: validators, checkers, etc.
[DIR]public-qt-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Feedback on the "Query and Transform" W3C specifications published by the XML Query and XSL Working Groups
[DIR]public-quatro (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-rdf-dawg (latest)
RDF Data Access Working Group mailing list; this group is developing an RDF query language named SPARQL
[DIR]public-rdf-dawg-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Mailing list of the RDF in XHTML Task Force, part of the Semantic Web Deployment Working Group, in coordination with the XHTML2 Working Group
[DIR]public-rdf-ruby (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-rdf-tap (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Forum for discussion relating to the development of the opensource TAP project.
[DIR]public-rdfa (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: Sematic Web Activity

RDFa is a specification for attributes that can be used with XHTML to express structured machine-readable data within an XHTML document. Like microformats, RDFa allows parts of the HTML content to be used both for rendering (to the human reader) and be part of the structured (machine-readable) data. Unlike microformats, RDFa specifies only a syntax for including structured data and relies on independently-developed vocabularies (also called taxonomies or ontologies) to provide the specific terms for given data items. RDFa permits these vocabularies to be freely mixed within a single XHTML document.

Additional information may be found in the RDFa Syntax specification, the RDFa Primer, and the RDFa community wiki.

[DIR]public-rex-pag (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

W3C has chartered a Patent Advisory Group (PAG) to advise the W3C on patent disclosures by France Telecom relating to the Remote Events for XML (REX) 1.0 Specification

[DIR]public-rif-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-rif-wg (latest)

Technical Discussion List for the Rule Interchange Format Working Group.

[DIR]public-rule-workshop-discuss (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-schemata-users (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This list is for discussions between users/writers of schemata in any language (W3 XML Schema, RelaxNG, for example); in particular authors of modular and reusable schemata. Discussion of ways to combine schemata produced by different groups (such as NVDL), authoring best practices, and practical aspects such as level of support in different tools, are all on topic.

[DIR]public-semweb-lifesci (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
W3C Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group
[DIR]public-semweb-neuropath (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-semweb-ui (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Semantic Web And User Interaction Design Group

[DIR]public-sml (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: XML

List Purpose: See Service Modeling Language Working Group Charter

[DIR]public-sml-eds [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-sml-qa (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
ListPurpose: Archiving notifications of changes to Bugzilla issues related to the SML Working Group.
[DIR]public-soap-jms (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Public list of the SOAP-JMS Binding Working Group
[DIR]public-sparql-dev (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Discussion of SPARQL software: building it, using it, etc.

[DIR]public-svg-ig (latest)
Scalable Vector Graphics Interest Group technical discussions. Members of the SVG IG (or SVG WG) may post freely to this list. The general public can read it, but should post comments to www-svg instead.
[DIR]public-svg-implementors (latest)
[DIR]public-svg-print (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-svg-wg (latest)
Scalable Vector Graphics Working Group technical discussions. The general public can read it, but should post comments to www-svg instead.
[DIR]public-sw-meaning (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-swbp-wg (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-swd-wg (latest)

This is the discussion list for participants in the Semantic Web Deployment Working Group.

[DIR]public-sweo-ig (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Public discussion forum for general education and outreach issues around the Semantic Web.

[DIR]public-swls-ws [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-sws-ig [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-tag-announce (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-tt (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-uaag2-comments (latest) [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: WAI

List Purpose: This mailing list provides an archive of comments on draft documents relating to the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (UAAG 2.0). More information about the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (UAWG) is available at http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/.

[DIR]public-ubiweb (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Public discussion about the vision of the Ubiquitous Web and the relationship to existing and potential new standards work. This list is associated with the Wiki at http://www.w3.org/2006/ubiweb-wiki/W3C_Ubiquitous_Web_Wiki .

[DIR]public-unicorn (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Discussion around the Unicorn software project

[DIR]public-uri-cg [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-usability-workshop [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-usable-authentication (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Public discussion and commentary on the deliverables of W3C's Web Security Context Working Group.

[DIR]public-uwa (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

List purpose: This is the public mailing list for the Ubiquitous Web Applications Working Group, which seeks to extend the Web to all kinds of devices including sensors and effectors. Application areas include home monitoring and control, home entertainment, office equipment, mobile and automotive.

[DIR]public-video-comments (latest) [unsubscribe]

Mainting Activity: Architecture Domain

List purpose: Comments on the video workshop report.

[DIR]public-w3c-talk-china (latest) [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-wai-age (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Discussion on Web accessibility and ageing provided by the WAI-Age Project)
[DIR]public-wai-eo-badtf (latest)
[DIR]public-wai-eo-lexicon (latest)
[DIR]public-wai-eo-site (latest) [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-wai-eo-umtf (latest)
EOWG User Materials Task Force
[DIR]public-wai-eo-wcag2tf (latest) [unsubscribe]

WCAG 2.0 Materials Support Task Force

[DIR]public-wai-ert (latest)
[DIR]public-wai-ert-tools (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Collect and maintain information about Web accessibility evaluation tools.

[DIR]public-wai-ert-tsdtf (latest)
WCAG 2.0 Test Samples Development Task Force
[DIR]public-wai-rd (latest)
List for W3C/WAI's Research and Development Interest Group.
[DIR]public-wcag-teama (latest)

WCAG WG task force "team a"

[DIR]public-wcag-teamb (latest)

WCAG WG task force "team b"

[DIR]public-wcag-teamc (latest)

WCAG WG task force "team c"

[DIR]public-wcag2-techs (latest)
[DIR]public-web-http-desc (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-web-plugins [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-webapi (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Public mailing list of the Web APIs Working Group.

[DIR]public-webapps (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
This list is for technical discussion for the Web Applications Working Group.
[DIR]public-webapps-cdf-discuss [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-webarch-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-webcgm (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This list is for public discussion of the WebCGM specification.

[DIR]public-webcgm-wg (latest)

This is the mailing list for the Public WebCGM Working Group, part of the Graphics Activity.

[DIR]public-webont-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
List for feedback on specifications produced by the WebOnt WG.
[DIR]public-wiki-dev (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
This list is for talking about the development (installation, configuration, customization, and extension) of wikis at W3C for W3C groups, including wiki-related tools. Administrative requests (eg for a new wiki) and such should still go to sysreq@w3.org.
[DIR]public-ws-addressing (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Discussion list for the Web Services Addressing Working Group.
[DIR]public-ws-addressing-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

List Purpose: Mailing list for gathering comments on the Web Services Addressing specification developed by the Web Services Addressing Working Group.

[DIR]public-ws-addressing-eds (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-ws-addressing-tests (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Mailing list to gather tests for Web Services Addressing 1.0 test suite.

[DIR]public-ws-async-tf [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-ws-chor (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-ws-chor-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-ws-chor-editors (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-ws-desc-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Public mailing list for comments on Web Services Description Working Group documents.
[DIR]public-ws-desc-eds [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-ws-desc-meps [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-ws-desc-qa (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
QA mailing for Buzilla
[DIR]public-ws-desc-state [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-ws-media-types [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-ws-pnf-tf [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-ws-policy (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Public list for the the Web Services Policy Working Group, and discussion on the Web Services Policy 1.5 specifications.

[DIR]public-ws-policy-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Public list for comments on documents produced by the Web Services Policy Working Group.
[DIR]public-ws-policy-eds (latest)
Maling for the Web Services Policy Editors.
[DIR]public-ws-policy-interop (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Public list for interoperability testing of the Web Services Policy Working Group.
[DIR]public-ws-policy-qa (latest)
Public list for archiving notifications of changes to Bugzilla issues related to the Web Services Policy Working Group.
[DIR]public-ws-semann (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Public discussion list of the Semantic Annotations for WSDL Working Group

[DIR]public-ws-semann-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This is a forum for public feedback to documents created by the Semantic Annotations for WSDL Working Group

[DIR]public-wsa-refact [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-wsawg-gloss [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-wsawg-mtf [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-wsawg-security-tf [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-wsc-wg (latest)
Web Security Context Working Group
[DIR]public-wsec (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

List purpose: W3C Workshop on Web of Services for Enterprise Computing

[DIR]public-xforms [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-xg-app-backplane (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This is the mailing list archive of the Public discussion forum of the Rich Web Application Backplane XG Incubator Group.

[DIR]public-xg-cwl (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This is the mailing list archive of the Public discussion forum of the Common Web Language Incubator Group.

[DIR]public-xg-eiif (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This is the mailing list archive of the Public discussion forum of the Emergency Information Interoperability Framework Incubator Group.

[DIR]public-xg-emotion (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This is the mailing list archive of the Public discussion forum of the Emotion Incubator Group.

[DIR]public-xg-geo (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This is the mailing list archive of the Public discussion forum of the Geospatial Incubator Group.

[DIR]public-xg-mmsem (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This is the mailing list archive of the public discussion forum of the Multimedia Semantics XG.

[DIR]public-xg-rdb2rdf (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: RDB2RDF Incubator Group

This is the mailing list archive of the Public discussion forum of the RDB2RDF Incubator Group.

[DIR]public-xg-swsc (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This was the mailing list archive of the public discussion forum of the SWS Testbed Incubator Group. Although the Incubator Group has closed, this list will remain open.

[DIR]public-xg-urw3 (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This was the mailing list archive of the public discussion forum of the Uncertainty Reasoning for the World Wide Web Incubator Group. Although the Incubator Group has closed, this list will remain open.

[DIR]public-xg-w3pm (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: W3C Product Modelling Incubator Group

This is the mailing list archive of the Public discussion forum of the Product Modelling Incubator Group.

[DIR]public-xg-wcl (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Purpose: Public mailing list for new Content Label Incubator Group

[DIR]public-xhtml2 (latest)

Maintaining Activity: HTML Activity

List Purpose: This is the public mailing list for the XHTML2 Working Group.

[DIR]public-xkms-comments [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-xml-binary [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-xml-binary-comments [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]public-xml-core-wg (latest)
[DIR]public-xml-id (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-xml-processing-model-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This list is a discussion forum for comments about the XML Processing Model documents. This list is under archive approval management.

[DIR]public-xml-processing-model-wg (latest)

This is a discussion forum for the XML Processing Model Working Group.

[DIR]public-xml-schema-testsuite (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-xml-schema-testsuite-submit (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-xml-testsuite (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Discussion of the XML test suite.
[DIR]public-xml-versioning (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-xmlsec (latest)

Maintaining Activity: Security Activity

Public discussions of the XML Security Working Group.

[DIR]public-xmlsec-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

This publicly archived mailing list is used to collect comments against the deliverables of the XML Security Specifications Maintenance Working Group.

[DIR]public-xmlsec-discuss (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Follow-up discussions to the September 2007 XML Security Workshop.
[DIR]public-xmlsec-maintwg (latest)

This is the public mailing list of the XML Security Specifications Maintenance Working Group. See Joining Instructions.

[DIR]public-xpointer-registry (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-xqts-comments (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]public-xsd-databinding (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Purpose: Public discussion list of the XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Working Group

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Comments on the documents published by the XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Working Group

[DIR]semantic-web (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
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Discussion list for comments on design of the W3C Web site, especially the W3C home page.
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discussion of W3C technical report production
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[DIR]sw99 [Historical list - Inactive]
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Technical discussion of URIs.
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Weekly news announcements
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Discussion about the Distributed Authoring and Versioning area.
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Public mailing list of the W3C/IETF XML Signature WG
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Public mailing list for discussing translations of W3C specifications, and official place to notify W3C about translations as required in the Copyright FAQ.
[DIR]w3c-translators-fr (latest) [unsubscribe]
Liste des traducteurs français des specifications du W3C.
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Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines group
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Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group.
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Web Accessiblity Initiative Interest Group.
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User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working group list.
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(Inactive) Public mailing list of the W3C XML Signature Workshop
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discussion about general issues of Amaya, the W3C testbed client.
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Technical discussion about Amaya.
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Discussion among contributors for the Amaya documentation and translators
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list for technical discussion on annotation
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Miscellaneous. Mail-to-web gateway.
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Document Object Model.
[DIR]www-dom-ts (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Document Object Model Test suites.
[DIR]www-dom-ts-submission (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
List used for submissions to the DOM Test Suites.
[DIR]www-dom-xpath [Historical list - Inactive]
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W3C workshop on Digital Rights Management
[DIR]www-email-announce [Historical list - Inactive]
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Fonts and the Web.
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Discussion about XForms.
[DIR]www-forms-editor (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
[DIR]www-history [Historical list - Inactive]
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Technical discussion among those interested in enhancing the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
[DIR]www-html-editor (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
list for sending comments and reporting errors of the HTML/XHTML specifications.
[DIR]www-html-testsuite (latest) [unsubscribe]
HTML and XHTML test suite list.
[DIR]www-http-ng-comments [Historical list - Inactive]
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Public comments list for internationalization work
[DIR]www-i18n-workshop (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Announcements and discussion about the I18N Workshop
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Internationalization, localization, and multilingualism for the World Wide Web.
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open discussions on Jigsaw
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discussion about libwww - the W3C Sample Code Library.
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[DIR]www-lib-survey [Historical list - Inactive]
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comments and discussion on MathML, HTML and Math on the web.
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Mobile browsing and Web technologies on mobile devices.
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Discussion of multimodal systems.
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list for people implementing P3P user-agents and Authoring Tools.
[DIR]www-p3p-interop [Historical list - Inactive]
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Questions about Privacy Policies and their transformation into P3P-Policies are discussed here.
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Discussion of printing related issues
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List for the Quality Assurance Interest Group.
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List for discussion on Query Languages, including (but not limited to) discussion on the XML-Query project.
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forum for discussion of RDF-based calendar and group scheduling systems.
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List to send comments on the W3C Resource Description Framework (RDF) specification.
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Discussion archive for the RDF Interest Group.
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Forum for technical discussion concerning the design of logic-based languages for use on the Web.
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List for comments and requests about the W3C perl coding library.
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Discussion of queries and rules for RDF data.
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Technical discussion of Web Style Sheets and working drafts by the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) working group.
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List where the TAG conducts its public business about Web Architecture.
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list for technical discussion among those developing World Wide Web software.
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Discussion list for the Markup Validator, Link Checker and Log Validator.
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Notification list of code changes in the validators and QA tools and for Bug reports about these tools.
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Public mailing list for discussion of the Voice Web.
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Web Ontology Working Group
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Discussion about Winie, W3C's network utility todownload and upload files on the web using HTTP/1.1.
[DIR]www-ws (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
General discussion about Web services.
[DIR]www-ws-arch (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
List used by the Web Services Architecture Working Group to conduct technical discussions about the Web services architecture.
[DIR]www-ws-cg (latest)
List used by the Web Services Coordination Group.
[DIR]www-ws-desc (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
List of the Web Services Description Working Group.
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Maintaining Activity: XML

[DIR]www-xml-canonicalization-comments (latest)
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Z39.50 implementors group (ZIG) list.
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[DIR]xml-encryption (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
Discussion of the W3C XML Encryption Working Group.
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[DIR]xml-names-issues [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]xml-uri [Historical list - Inactive]
[DIR]xmlp-comments (latest) [unsubscribe]
List for Comments made on technical documents produced by the XML Protocol Working Group.
[DIR]xmlschema-dev (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]
List for W3C XML Schema implementation developers.
[DIR]xproc-dev (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

Maintaining Activity: XML

Public discussion forum for implementors and users of XProc: An XML Pipeline Language.

[DIR]xsl-editors (latest) [subscribe] [unsubscribe]

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