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Hidden Things You Do Not Know! 5/14

This just scrapes the surface of the work of the Bush Nazis! Illegal Eagles in the military?! Foolproof Bush Nazi murders. Can Hillary come back? Did the Third Reich come from England? 5/14 Pruning trees wrong.

"Evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived." (2 Tim. 3:13)

Fools of Babylon 9/30/07 *

I am bringing back this article because it is the twilight of the Demockracy that it describes. Note that this article includes among other things, the two greatest creations of the English language, my prior experiences with military forums, the truth of the PGW and 9/11, an explanation of pit bulls, the fate of Jim Morrison of the Doors, and the arrival of the prophet Elijah in November 1995.

Summary: In Washington, D.C., Babylon on the Potomac was found "the blood of the saints and of all who have been slain on the earth." (Rev. 18) "O God! Pride of Man, fallen in the dust again!" Quicksilver Messenger Service. 9/25 Bacterial cancers? 9/30 "Worshipping stupidity, heh?"

Thousands March on Texas Capitol to Protest TTC/I-69

A protest against the proposed Trans-Texas Corridor was held at the Texas state capitol in Austin on April 5. According to Texans United for Reform and Freedom (TURF), “thousands” attended.

The Trans-Texas corridor is part of a massive plan to reduce freight traffic (and thereby increase trade with Mexico) with 4,000 miles of new and expanded roads, including toll roads. Most notorious is the “Northeast Texas to Mexico corridor,” part of the planned I-69 NAFTA Superhighway from Canada to Mexico. I-69 has been designated by the US Department of Transportation as a critical “Corridor of the Future.”

African Americans Are Spellbound

Mental enslavement is the act of blindly and deceitfully maneuvering a person into servitude while that person believes he/she is thinking for him/herself. In realizing that one is mentally enslaved, one can begin to constructively take strides toward freeing their mind from the shackles and re-building a solid, intelligible, unshackled, independent mind state. Thus, if one wishes to be mentally freed, he/she must become knowledgeable—informed—and separate oneself from any associations of the brainwashing mechanism.

Ruling Against Mumia Shows: No Justice in the Capitalist Courts

March 2008    

Federal Court Reaffirms Frame-Up Conviction, Orders Life Behind Bars or Racist Legal Lynching

Ruling Against Mumia Shows:
No Justice in the Capitalist Courts

What passes for journalism in Oklahoma

Do you have trouble telling this

from this?

Peace is a family value

Was that so hard?

Apparently, it is for the major newspapers in Oklahoma.

Slander against peace activists in state newspapers --
and what to do about it

On Tuesday, March 18, a front page story in the Daily Oklahoman by Anne Kelley, "Marine won't draw penalty for flag fight", contained an unbelievable slander against antiwar activists in Oklahoma and across the country.

Here's a passage:

Potawatomi Tribal Court Denies Basic Civil Rights


I am a member of the Citizen Potawatomi tribe in Oklahoma and also in exile here in Indiana. When my late wife and I moved from Oklahoma six years ago, we had just been arrested in tribal court, along with five others, for publishing a campaign ad on a private website. That's it. The ad, which we had no hand in publishing, pointed out that the tribal chairman, John "Rocky" Barrett, had smeared the reputation of a candidate for vice-chairman of the tribe. Although seven people were arrested and charged in tribal court for "criminal defamation of character," not a single lawyer in the entire state of Oklahoma could be found to prosecute us. Eventually, after thousands of dollars in legal fees, the charges were dropped.

I'm not willing to tailor my citizenship to the homo-haters' discomfort with the advancing recognition of LGBT equality.

(OKLAHOMA CITY) This Friday and Saturday, March 7th and 8th, there will be a Sexual Identity and Spirituality Conference on the campus of the University of Central Oklahoma sponsored by GATE (Gay Alliance for Tolerance and Equality), a UCO student organization, and co-sponsored by several open and affirming churches, including Church of the Open Arms, Cathedral of Hope, and Mayflower Congregational.

You can get more details at .

3 Women for Peace

While producing Think Peace: Portrait of a 20th Century Movement, we became aware of the role that powerful women are playing in implementing peace in this century. We shot so much insightful and moving footage at the World Peace Forum, that we could not include it all in our documentary. We invite you to listen to extra footage of three of these inspirational women:

Marianne Williamson became renowned for her dedication to the Peace Alliance and a strong advocate for a Department of Peace. Marianne spoke at the World Peace Forum on Sunday, June 25, 2006.

Medea Benjamin is a celebrated activist with Code Pink and since we talked to her she has become even more outspoken against the war. Medea talked to us at the World Peace Forum on Tuesday, June 27, 2006 about Code Pink's Peace Ribbon campaign.

ILWU to Shut Down West Coast Ports May 1 Demanding End to War in Iraq, Afghanistan

For Workers Strikes Against the War!

ILWU to Shut Down West Coast Ports May 1 Demanding End to War in Iraq, Afghanistan

In a major step for the U.S. labor movement, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) has announced that it will shut down West Coast ports on May 1, to demand an immediate end to the war and occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the Middle East. In a February 22 letter to AFL-CIO president John Sweeney, ILWU International president Robert McEllrath reported that at a recent coast-wide union meeting, “One of the resolutions adopted by caucus delegates called on longshore workers to stop work during the day shift on May 1, 2008 to express their opposition to the war in Iraq.”

Sexual Identity and Spirituality Conference

Friday and Saturday, March 7th and 8th
at University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK

Central Oklahoma faith communities and organizations proclaiming that homosexuality is neither sickness nor sin are announcing a two-day "Sexual Identity & Spirituality Conference," to be held March 7 and 8, on the campus of the University of Central Oklahoma, in Edmond, OK.

"We support the full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people in the life of all faith communities, and offer this conference to share scholarly interpretations of scriptures making exactly that point," said Rev. Kathy McCallie of Oklahoma City's Church of the Open Arms, UCC, a conference organizer.

The conference begins on Friday, March 7th, at 7:00 p.m., with a keynote lecture by Dr. Deborah Appler, professor of Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) at Moravian College, in Bethlehem, PA. Appler's lecture will be held in the Liberal Arts Building, on the UCO campus.

Think Peace DVD

Where were you on February 15, 2003? New film looks at modern day Peace Movement.

The Pumpkinhead Production Company in association with DreamHouse Cinema are pleased to announce the release of their documentary DVD, Think Peace: Portrait of a 21st Century Movement. Filmed at the World Peace Forum held in Vancouver, British Columbia from June 23 - 28, 2006 the film examines the make up and direction of the peace movement in the 21st century.

On February 15th, 2003 the largest protest in human history occurred. Millions of people from all seven continents marched down the street of more than 800 cities to show that they did not support the invasion of Iraq. Yet even at the height of its power the movement was not able to stop the war. What went wrong?

Ballot Access Petition Drive Shows Strong Support for Reform

Thousands of Signatures Submitted, Campaign Continues

Oklahomans for Ballot Access Reform (OBAR) completed its 90-day initiative petition drive today by turning in about 14,000 signatures to the Secretary of State. This was below the 74,117 signatures required, but it demonstrates strong support for expanding the number of choices on the ballot. Oklahoma's restrictive ballot laws resulted in it being the only state limited to just two choices for president in 2004.

“We know Oklahoma voters are ready for more choices. Oklahoma Democrats easily chose from nine presidential candidates in 2004, and Oklahoma Republicans will have eleven choices on Super Tuesday. Because of gerrymandered districts, half of state legislative races had only one candidate in the general election in 2006. Shouldn't Oklahoma voters have at least two or more choices?” said Joni LeViness, OBAR Chair.

Jim Goodnow's "Yellow Rose" Bus Destroyed by Suspicious Fire

Image Hosted by

Update: A fund has been set up for Jim. See end of this post.

Jim Goodnow and his bus, the Yellow Rose, both have suffered a terrible tragedy.

Jim, who was at Camp Casey with Cindy Sheehan in August of 2005, got the Yellow Rose shortly thereafter and has been a fixture at actions around the country ever since. In recent months, Jim has been providing transportation to Iraq Veterans Against the War for their various tours and other activities. Last night, Jim escaped a fire of suspicious origins that destroyed the bus. Luckily Jim is all right.

This message was passed on by Bill Perry, a vet and anti-war activist.

The "Yellow Rose" bus, was totaled by fire, around 9:30 pm, Friday night, 1/11/08

Rice to Reintroduce Caretaker Tax Relief Plan

Andrew RiceAndrew RiceBill would give relief to eligible low- to middle-income Oklahoma taxpayers

OKLAHOMA CITY - State Senator Andrew Rice (D-OKC) today announced he will revive his legislation to provide tax cuts to Oklahomans who care for and support their aging relatives when the 51st Oklahoma Legislature reconvenes next month.

Rice said he was disappointed that his caretaker’s tax relief plan was omitted from a larger tax reform plan adopted by the legislature last year.

“We found time and resources to cut the state income tax and declare a back-to-school tax holiday for the purchase of clothing and footwear,” he said. “It should not be much harder to help Oklahoma families who elect to care for their aging loved ones.”

Friar Louis Cappio must live

Friar Louis Cappio must live

Cesar Benjamin

I look for a book on the bookshelf at home. In the face sheet I read: "To Cesar, who also walks on the same side of the same river. Gentio do Ouro, October 2001. "From inside the book falls a card that was already forgotten:" Cesar, grateful for your unexpected softness, for your lucid and firm presence. Thank you for you there. I hug you. Adriano. "I can't contain my emotion.

Between 1992 and 1993, for a year, Adriano and three more people held a walk of 2,700 km, from the springs to the mouth of San Francisco river. The book, which they gave me when I visited them in the desert-From the mouth to the source, the message of the river, Nancy Mangabeira Unger-poetically tells the works of this group of heroes whose lives are confused with the struggle for life of the river and of populations that depend on it.

Gold Star fathers to lead anti-war demonstration at bipartisan political forum - Monday 1/7 on OU campus

Background: OU President (and former OK Democratic Senator) David Boren is hosting a political forum on Monday, 1/7 in Norman which will include Michael Bloomberg, (former Democrat, former Republican, now Independent) mayor of New York City, former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn and other retired politicians. The stated purpose is to promote a centrist, bipartisan political movement. The suspected purpose is to stroke the presidential ambitions of billionaire Bloomberg.

What: Demonstration to End The War and Bring The Troops Home.

Where: OU Campus, Norman, OK - Outside of Catlett Music Center - at Elm & Boyd.

When: Demonstration begins at 10A - 11A
(Bloomberg event 11A - Noon)

Demonstration continues Noon - 1P (depending on how long the event actually goes)

Who: Led by Gold Star Fathers: Warren Henthorn and John Scripsick

Tulsa Interfaith Alliance seeks part-time Executive Director

The Executive Director should possess strong public relations and public speaking skills along with a cooperative interfaith mindset. The selected candidate will lead the organization; execute public programming and policy, strategic planning and fund development under the direction of the board of directors. The Executive Director must be committed to the achievement of the Interfaith Alliances vision, mission, and goals. The Executive Director has the authority to make day-to-day decisions for the organization and has significant management and oversight responsibility in all aspects of the organization.

This individual should have significant experience in interfaith community relations and be familiar with Tulsa’s community. Below is a job description:


A family members funeral was in December 2007. Everyone knows how stressful and hearbreaking it is to lose a loved one. We all thought how nice it was going and that most of the family attended. One family member works for Pontotoc County D. Richard of Ada, OK. The ones that know him well, was wondering why he was there he isn't very family oreinted. We just let it pass and didn't think anything else about it. D. Richard escorted the cars to the grave site and we thought how thoughtful of him to do this.( It was odd , because usually it is City police IF ANY AT ALL.)At the gave site, everyone was visiting with one another some comforting others..All of sudden every one had a bewilderd look on there face. D. Richard had walked up to another family member right there at the grave site and arrested the family member, a close family member of the deceased, on 5 year old warrant.

School Poverty Research Positions @ OU

OU Studies Poverty in Oklahoma Schools: Hiring VISTA Researchers

The University of Oklahoma has announced that it will expand its examination of poverty in Oklahoma schools. The Office of the Vice Provost at the University of Oklahoma plans to hire two VISTA research assistants to study the relationship between schools and community poverty in rural and urban areas of Oklahoma. The research aims to identify Oklahoma schools that are having an impact on poverty. The VISTA researchers will apply state-of-the-art community mapping software and will make use of a variety of state and non-profit resources. The VISTA researchers should have some proficiency in Spanish. Some college experience is needed and a bachelor’s degree is preferred.

Below is a copy of the OU VISTA positions announcement.

Nativist Hatred in Goodwell

As I was fixing to leave Goodwell Saturday afternoon to run some errands in a neighboring town, I noticed the following two racist signs on adjacent dumpsters at College Corner, a local convenience store. Of course I didn't have my camera handy at the time, so I waited until the evening to get a couple shots of the offending signs. The only identifying information I could find was on one that claimed it was paid for by some entity called "Citizens for Public Awareness." A quick drive around town suggests that College Corner was the only location where these signs were posted. Given that store's location - right across the street from the university campus - I'm guessing the perps were shooting for maximum visibility.

[Editor's Note: There was a similar story posted to OKIMC in April, Racist group strikes in Northeast Oklahoma City]


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Ice Storm Raises Issues For State Leaders

Reposted, with permission, from Okie Funk.

It has been a tough week here for sure.

Tragically, 23 deaths have been blamed on the ice storm that stunned Oklahoma this past week. At one point, more than 600,000 homes and businesses were without power, and thousands still remain in the dark.

Some Oklahomans shivered through the storm with blankets and candles while others headed to shelters. The damage to the local tree population here is incalculable. Once the thaw is complete, we will know more, but it appears the state has lost thousands of trees. Meanwhile, the state’s college students trudged through finals week under some of the worst weather conditions possible.

Overall, it appears the state’s emergency systems once again worked well during the storm, and no one can fault the utility companies in their immediate efforts to restore power. Crews came in from other states. These crews worked long hours in biting cold weather to get the job done.

But the ice storm raises at least three major issues for Oklahoma’s leaders, and the severity of this storm demand new initiatives and open-minded, intelligent thinking. Will there be discussion and action or will this recent storm quickly recede into Oklahoma weather lore?

Here are those issues:

Coburn blocking 'Emmitt Till' legislation

Senator Tom CoburnSenator Tom CoburnOklahoma Republican Senator is blocking a bipartisan bill aimed at enhancing investigations into older civil rights era crimes, like the murder of black teen Emmitt Till in 1957, which has never been solved.

from AP story:

The legislation would authorize $10-million annually over 10 years for the Justice Department to rejuvenate its prosecutions of pre-1970 civil rights murders. It calls for another $3.5-million annually for Justice to provide grants and other help to local law enforcement agencies.

I've heard JFK, and Mitt, you're no JFK

I've heard JFK, and Mitt, you're no JFK


I listened today to the recording of JFK making his famous speech about the question of his religious faith. His being the first Roman Catholic presidential candidate had become a "millstone" around his campaign's neck.

I also listened to Mitt Romney make his seemingly parallel speech about his Mormonism, which has also become like a millstone around Romney's neck, or would one of Joseph Smith's golden tablets make a better comparison. And parallel is the right word as neither speech intersects even remotely.

Gov. Henry appoints Chris L. Ross new D.A. in Pontotoc County

Wrongful conviction case in county was subject of bestselling nonfiction book by John Grisham

The top assistant in the Pontotoc County district attorney's office has been named to head the office. Gov. Brad Henry announced the appointment of Chris L. Ross as district attorney for the 22nd District, which encompasses Pontotoc County, Oklahoma.

Ross succeeds William Peterson, who is resigning effective Jan. 1.

Chris L. Ross, who is 50 has 24 years of experience and has been with the prosecutor's office since 1983. After graduating from the University of Oklahoma in 1979, Ross earned his law degree from the OU College of Law in 1982. Chris Ross is married and has two children.

Kauai to Superferry: Stay Away

(San Francisco) The 350 ft long military spec transport ship is not welcome on Kauai, Hawaii, local residents made clear to the military / civilian transport officials with Superferry Corporation Monday, November 26, 2007.

The catamaran, twin hulled vessel is a dual use civilian / Troop transport. The 40,000 HP ship is capable of high speed transport at 42 mph on the open ocean, about twice the speed of other transport ships. It gets very poor gas mileage, about 5 gallons per mile, due to military speed requirements.

Andy Parx, veteran reporter on Kauai stated "The people of Kauai object to the high handed way Gov Lingle bent over backwards for such a bad idea for Hawaii. Governor Lingle then had the clueless State Lege re-write some state environmental laws for one special corporation, which, of course, is illegal and unconstitutional."

Kauai to Superferry: Stay Away

(San Francisco) The 350 ft long military spec transport ship is not welcome on Kauai, Hawaii, local residents made clear to the military / civilian transport officials with Superferry Corporation Monday, November 26, 2007.

The catamaran, twin hulled vessel is a dual use civilian / Troop transport. The 40,000 HP ship is capable of high speed transport at 42 mph on the open ocean, about twice the speed of other transport ships. It gets very poor gas mileage, about 5 gallons per mile, due to military speed requirements.

Andy Parx, veteran reporter on Kauai stated "The people of Kauai object to the high handed way Gov Lingle bent over backwards for such a bad idea for Hawaii. Governor Lingle then had the clueless State Lege re-write some state environmental laws for one special corporation, which, of course, is illegal and unconstitutional."

Ethiopians in Oklahoma hold a protest rally at Inhofe's office

OKLAHOMA For H.R. 2003

First Week Peaceful Protest at Senator Inhofe's Oklahoma City office Successful

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK - On Tuesday, November 13, 2007, Ethiopian-Americans and Friends of Ethiopia in Oklahoma for H.R. 2003, held a successful peaceful demonstration in front of Senator James Inhofe's district office in Oklahoma City. Local TV stations and international media such as Associated Press covered the peaceful demonstration.

The purpose of the demonstration was to protest Senator James Inhofe's opposition to H.R.2003, the "Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act of 2007″ In a statement that Senator James Inhofe made on the Senate floor on October 17, 2007, he stated;