June 21st, 2008

G.I. No

planet formation is not yet in focus

In a comment on yesterday’s core-accretion post, a reader anticipated that all is not hunky-dory with the core-accretion scenario for the formation of the gas giant planets in our solar system, and asked if is there any support for Alan Boss’ disk instability model. In the Boss model (described here by Alan, see also the buff 137-strong citation list) gas giant planets condense directly out of the protostellar disk as the result of gravitational instability in the disk.

The handy thing about an extrasolar planet web log is that you can express your opinions on the formation of extrasolar planets. In my opinion, there are a number of very serious difficulties with the hypothesis that gravitational instability is the dominant mechanism for giant planet formation. Here are three:

(1) In order to have gravitational instability work in the manner shown in the fragmentation simulations, you need to start with an axisymmetric disk that has a sufficiently low value for the Toomre Q parameter. That is, in order for the initial conditions in the successful Boss simulations to be valid, a growing protostellar disk needs to remain completely stable with respect to low-level non-axisymmetric disturbances until BOOM, it reaches a threshold Q value where it is prone to spiral instabilities that exponentiate on a near-orbital timescale.

In reality, I think that a growing (or alternately, a cooling) protostellar disk will be prone to low-level spiral disturbances that steadily transport mass inward and angular momentum outward, allowing the disk to avoid ever reaching the state where instabitilies can grow on an orbital timescale. (For a bulked-up version of this argument, see the papers (one and two) that I wrote with Vladimir Korchagin and Fred Adams on this issue).

(2) The core accretion model provides a very natural explanation for both the planet-metallicity correlation, as well as the paucity of Jovian-mass planets found in orbit around low-mass M type stars. The gravitational instability model predicts that the incidence of Jovian-mass planets should be independant of both the stellar metallicity and the parent star mass.

(3) There’s simply no way that the gravitational instability model can produce the 72 Earth Masses of heavy elements in HD 149026 b. (See this paper for a thorough discussion).

To be fair, there are also some thorny problems associated with core-accretion. In the next few posts of the giant planet formation series [1, 2, 3, 4 and 5] that we’ve been running, I’ll describe these in more detail.

Planet Orbiting a Brown Dwarf

Photo credit: ESO (VLT/NACO)

Another important point to stress is that Alan’s simulations certainly aren’t in error in the sense of being computationally wrong. It’s just that I don’t agree with the generic validity of the initial conditions. Indeed, I do think that gravitational instability sometimes plays a role in giant planet formation. The best example is probably the 5 Jupiter-mass companion to the brown dwarf 2M1207 discovered by Chauvin et al. last year. (The ESO press release on this system is here.) I see no way in which the core-accretion process could have made any headway at 55 AU in this particular system.

Finally, GJ 876, which is by far the best RV-characterized extrasolar planetary system, provides a tough challenge to both the gravitational instability and the core-accretion theories. The inner 7.5 Earth Mass planet in the GJ 876 system is almost certainly an accreted protoplanetary core (regardless of whether it formed in-situ, or migrated from a larger radius). It would be nearly impossible to form lil’ D via gravitational instability. The outer two planets, on the other hand, contain more than three Jupiters worth of mass, and stand in embarrassing conflict with the notion that core-accretion process is difficult to carry through to Jovian-mass completion in red-dwarf protostellar disks.

I would very much like the 411 on what went down in GJ 876’s protostellar disk.

3 Responses to 'G.I. No'

  1. 1Centauri Dreams » Blog Archive » Two Ways to Build a Gas Giant
    May 4th, 2006 at 1:23 pm

    […] Greg Laughlin (UC-Santa Cruz) sees serious problems with Boss’ model, though he agrees that the process can be involved in some giant planet formation, and he pays particular attention to the Gl 876 system we talked about yesterday. “Another important point to stress is that Alan’s simulations certainly aren’t in error in the sense of being computationally wrong,” says Laughlin. “It’s just that I don’t agree with the generic validity of the initial conditions.” Read all of Laughlin’s comments on gravitational instability here. […]

  2. 2systemic - Lonely Planet Guide to the Hyades
    February 9th, 2007 at 8:12 am

    […] My guess is that Epsilon Tauri b is an example of a planet that formed through the gravitational instability mechanism. Gravitational instability should generally produce more massive planets (e.g. HIP 75458 b, and HD 168443 b and c) and its efficacy will be little-affected by UV radiation from neighboring stars. It likely occurs once per every several hundred stars that are formed, and so it’s perfectly reasonable that there’s one star in the Hyades that has a planet formed via the GI mechanism. For more information, this series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of oklo posts compares and contrasts the gravitational instability and core accretion theories for giant planet formation. […]

  3. 3Centauri Dreams » Blog Archive » Red Dwarfs: Dust, Details and Habitability
    March 31st, 2008 at 2:54 pm

    […] But note another assumption I’ve made above, one that could stand some scrutiny. I’ve set up one in a thousand as a figure for habitable planet occurrence without any reference to how planets form in the first place. A key question is whether we can assume roughly similar methods of planet formation around M dwarfs as around G stars and the other stellar types. We’re studying models like core accretion and gravitational instability as we develop consistent theories for all this, but our knowledge of what goes on around M dwarfs remains sparse. […]

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