Firefox 3 T-Shirt Contest – Join the Launch!

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**** Creative Contributions From Around The Globe ****

Hi everyone!

As you know the T-shirt contest has drawn to a close... the flood of submissions has ceased, the image pool has trickled dry, and the hyperactive discussion boards have reached a steady calm. What remains from this once-bustling group , is a great wall of creative contributions, of diversity and inspiration.

Several weeks ago, when this contest began, we didn't quite know what to expect. We planted the seeds, left a few guiding tools, and then stepped back to observe. What we saw was absolutely beautiful. In a blink of an eye, a community of thousands from all around the world, separated by vast oceans and stretches of land, had assembled here with a common purpose. The "competitive" landscape, was quickly repaved into one of support and camaraderie. Everyone worked together as a team, providing constructive feedbacks and willingly offering their help throughout each step. The unique aspect of this contest was that the pool of submissions was open for public viewing, which encouraged designers to engage more closely with and gain inspiration from each other's work. Distant and disconnected members soon found themselves in the company of friends, where strong bonds were beginning to form.

The wall of art that you see here, represents countless hours of hard work from designers, ranging from amateurs to professionals, who dedicated their time and creative efforts in support of Firefox. We were absolutely thrilled with the level of interest and talent that came through, and thoroughly enjoyed witnessing the evolution of the group over time.

We received over 2,000 submissions, and created a growing community of over 3,500 members on the Flickr contest group -- thats amazing! Our team here at Mozilla tackled the challenging task of picking the top 5 which were then passed off to the community for a final decision. Garnering the overwhelming majority of the votes, was the "lineup" design by Tracie Andrews from the UK which illustrated the global community through universal symbols of women and men with a clever integration of the fox among them. The runners up were Kevin Weagle, Ali Riyaz, Mathew Anderson, and Brett Rex Cannell. Please join me once again in congratulating the winners! I also wanted to give a special thanks to you, to everyone that contributed and helped in shaping this effort into the success that it became.

The winning design is currently in print production as the official Firefox 3 T-shirt, and scheduled to arrive in the Mozilla Stores within the next few weeks! Tracie was among our top designers and we're very excited to have her design featured in our Store.


So what's next? We're definitely not saying goodbyes! In fact the wide array of creative talent has inspired us into launching a whole new project to help embrace and promote the many other great submissions that we've received. Our vision is to "open-source" these designs so that they can be available for print and released into the wild. There are a lot of legal hurdles we must overcome first, but we are working hard and excited to make this happen!

We'd love to keep in touch with you and maintain this global community of designers that have stepped up and connected with us. So please make sure to stick around and check back on the Flickr group and the homepage for updates. I will keep you all posted and pass along the latest news.

Below is an image-collage representing the broad spectrum of designs...a mere slice, a sample of what was submitted to us by you. A great wall of creative contributions from around the world... all in support of Firefox!

This was truly an amazing experience. Great job everyone, and thanks again!

Photobucket Photobucket

** I must note that many of the designs included in this image-collage are in violation of our Trademark Policy which states that the Firefox Logo and all other Visual Identities may not be changed in any way. Therefore designs that did not abide by this policy or adhere to other Contest Rules were rendered ineligible for Round 2. They are here nonetheless to represent the creativity and artistic expressions of the group.

** I'd also like to reiterate that this image-collage represents only a fraction of the total designs submitted to us and is intended to illustrate the wide variety of design styles that came through from community members all around the globe. For the full set of submissions currently available for viewing, please visit the Flickr Contest Group's Image Pool.

*Congratulations Tracie Andrews!*

The winner of the Firefox 3 T-shirt Design Contest, and Designer of the Official Firefox 3 T-shirt which will be featured in The Mozilla Store as an exclusive item!



**** The Submission Period for the Firefox 3 Design Contest Has Ended! ****

We've received close to 2000 submissions and created a growing community of over 3,300 members on the contest-specific Flickr group!

The broad reach of this effort and diverse pool of participants has been absolutely amazing. There were creative contributions from many corners of the globe including, but not limited to: Australia, Canada, China, Cyprus, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, New Zealand, The Philippines, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Turkey, The UK, South America, North America, and many more! For a taste of the diverse reach of this contest, please refer to the Flickr discussion thread: Contributions From Around The Globe

Its not too often where a community of this size, distributed around the world can openly interact with one another and engage in a common activity. Although this was technically a competition, I saw everyone helping to support each other - providing constructive feedback and actively participating in the discussion boards. There was a sense of beauty to all of this and I thoroughly enjoyed witnessing the growth and evolution of the group. The friendship and bonds that are formed through such experiences are far more valuable than any single prize (although I must say the glory of having your design printed as the official Firefox 3 t-shirt is pretty awesome too!).

I want to thank everyone for their dedicated support and creative contributions during this process, we couldn't have done it without you and I'm so proud of the talent that is represented through the image-pool that we've built together. With so many unique concepts and amazing designs to choose from, our job in the next several days will not be easy! We'll be working hard to review all the submissions and to select the top 5 qualifying designs for round two. These 5 finalists will be contacted through their Flickr account using FlickrMail with detailed information for the next steps.

In the meantime, I encourage you to view the wide variety of design submissions we have in the Flickr Image-Pool.

The fun isn't over yet so make sure to check back with us for more updates. Don't forget, voting is open to everyone and your vote counts!


How it Works:

  • First, create your T-Shirt design. View the sections on Submission and Design Guidelines for more details.
  • Upload your design to the contest-specific Flickr group FF3 T-Shirt Design Contest for review.
  • An internal team at Mozilla will conduct first round judging to select the top 5 designs.
  • These designs will be posted online at the Mozilla Store for public voting. You determine the winner!</l