W3C > Job Opportunities on the W3C Team

From time to time, W3C is looking for people to join the Team (Team photo, November 2005) who can help us lead the Web to its full potential. We hire people who possess insight, tact, technical understanding, and the ability to follow things through.

Open Posts

MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory


Keio University


Contact Keio University (Fujisawa, Japan).

European Research Consortium on Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM)

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Web Accessibility and Ageing Consultant

Contact ERCIM (Sophia-Antipolis, France).

W3C Fellows

W3C Fellows are employees of Member organizations who join the W3C Team for specific projects and usually a predetermined duration. W3C encourages Member organizations to participate. Read about the W3C Fellows Program.

Last modified $Date: 2008/04/21 22:16:48 $ by $Author slesch $.