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Amaya Source Release

Last release date: 29 February 2008

Amaya is intended to be a comprehensive client environment for testing and evaluating new proposals for Web standards and formats. A large part of the intended features of Amaya are implemented in this release, but some of them are not complete yet. Amaya is designed as an application on top of the Thot editing tool kit.

Check out the list of new features.

Getting the source distribution

NewSnapshot 10.1-pre

http download
md5 check
amaya-fullsrc-10.1-pre.tgz da2416ba813503d7a1211faba04aaf63

Release 10.0

http download
ftp download
md5 check
amaya-sources-10.0.1.tgz amaya-sources-10.0.1.tgz 0a32af56cf81c13b6efc5c65c2137859
amaya-fullsrc-10.0.1.tgz amaya-fullsrc-10.0.1.tgz 7119d856d06db85aab782ae66855c5db
amaya-lib-src-10.0.tgz   amaya-lib-src-10.0.tgz   10892eae3a03332b48d3929ff1c4b796

Checkout from CVS

Checking out the code base directly from our CVS repository allows you to follow the development of Amaya closely and to contribute much easier. Also, you will get a lot of bug fixes that are not in the distribution tar ball. In fact, if you intend to provide patches then you should use the CVS repository! Access to the CVS base is only available in read-only mode.

Installing and compiling Amaya sources

Please see the information about the Amaya sources. Make sure you're using one of the supported platforms. If you want to compile Amaya on:

Installing dictionaries

Amaya includes a spell-checker. By default French and English dictionaries are included in the distribution. These dictionaries are not complete, so the spell-checker could report spelling errors just because the dictionary doesn't include these words.

If you need another dictionary, you must download and install it (in Amaya/dicopar/*.dic).

This is the list of dictionary tar files currently available:

To install a dictionary you have just to unzip and untar it into the current directory Amaya/dicopar with the command "tar xzf gzipped-tar-file".

Valid HTML 4.0! W3C-Amaya

Irène Vatton
Date: 2008-04-29

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