Web API Working Group

The W3C Web API Working Group is chartered to develop standard APIs for client-side Web Application development. This work will include both documenting existing APIs such as XMLHttpRequest and developing new APIs in order to enable richer web applications.

This group works in public, with details on the WebApps Wiki.

We appreciate feedback on our work and charter through the public-webapi@w3.org mailing list (archived) and the "less official" #webapi channel on the Freenode IRC server.

The group is working on the following documents (which are all available through our public CVS repository):

The group is planning on publishing the following documents at some point (hopefully soon!):

The W3C Staff Contact for the Web API Working Group is Doug Schepers. The Chair of the Working Group is Charles McCathieNevile.

You can read about any Patent Policy disclosures.