Validator for XML Schema REC (20010502) version, as amended

XSV version: XSV 3.1-1 of 2007/12/11 16:20:05

NOTICE: This is a service for a W3C approved recommendation. This version is for schema documents with the namespace URI http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema and is being actively developed: see XSV for XML Schema 20000922 version for the no longer maintained previous version, for schema documents with the namespace URI http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema, and XSV for XML Schema 200004007 version for the no longer maintained even earlier version, for schema documents with the namespace URI http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema.

Use this form for checking a schema which is accessible via the Web, and/or schema-validating an instance with a schema of your own.

Default output is now text/xml with an XSLT stylesheet. Select fallbacks for browsers which don't support http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform stylesheets:

text/xml + official XSLT (suits IE5 and greater, Mozilla)
text/xml + early MS XSL support (suits vanilla IE5)
text/html (styled server-side: suits Netscape, older IE)
xml, but labelled text/plain (works for any browser, but hard to read)

Use this form only if you are behind a firewall or have a schema to check which is not accessible via the Web.

Default output is now text/xml with an XSLT stylesheet. Select fallbacks for browsers which don't support http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform stylesheets:

text/xml + official XSLT (suits IE5 or greater, Mozilla)
text/xml + early MS XSL support (suits vanilla IE5)
text/html (styled server-side: suits Netscape, older IE)
xml, but labelled text/plain (works for any browser, but hard to read)

of document to schema-validate. If you enter more than one URL, the 2nd etc. will be used to schema-validate the first
Show Warnings
display warning messages, e.g. about use of wildcards
Keep Going
continue schema-validation after finding errors
Check as complete schema
Normally XSV interprets its first input as a document to be validated, and the remaining inputs, if any, as schema documents for use in that validation. This means that if the only input is a schema document, XSV normally just validates that document against the Schema for Schema Documents (XMLSchema.xsd), but does not also check the Schema REC's constraints on the corresponding schema. Ticking the "Check as complete schema" box causes XSV to treat all its inputs as schema documents, check them against the Schema for Schema Documents and check the Schema REC's constraints on the corresponding schema.


report problems (and sucesses!) to xmlschema-dev (archive)
Schema validator by Henry S. Thompson and Richard Tobin.
Web interface by Dan Connolly and Henry S. Thompson
script $Revision: 1.11 $ of $Date: 2005/08/19 10:32:00 $