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W3C Hosts and Offices

W3C is hosted by three organizations on three continents: the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) in Europe, and the Keio University in Japan. You can find the contact persons at these hosts by consulting the general contact page. W3C has also developed a program to partner with regional organizations to host W3C Offices, which act as local points of contact, and which make sure that W3C and its specifications are known in their region. The mission of a W3C Office can be summarized as follows:

To promote adoption of W3C recommendations among developers, application builders, and standards setters, and to encourage inclusion of stakeholder organizations in the creation of future recommendations by joining W3C.

A separate page gives more details on the role of W3C Offices. If your institution is interested in possibly hosting an Office, you should also read the conditions for hosting an Office.

News on W3C Offices and Activities

Right arrow bullet W3C opens the new Israel W3C Office

2008-05-20: As was reported before the Israel W3C Office was moved to the Israel Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC-IL). The official opening of the new Office will take place on Sunday may 25th. In the event there will be talks by Ori Idan, W3C Israel Office manager, Rimon Levy, Head of ISOC-IL, and Daniel Dardailler, W3C International Relations and Offices Director.

Right arrow bullet W3C officially launches the Brazil W3C Office

Brazil W3C Office

2008-05-20: W3C will launch its Brazil Office on June 4th, 2008. José Manuel Alonso, W3C eGovernment Activity Lead, W3C/CTIC, Daniel Dardailler, International Relations and Offices Director, W3C Stéphane Boyera, W3C Mobile Web for Development Lead, and Demi Getschko, president, NIC.br will be speaking. The launch is part of the the Digital World Forum project (European Union's 7th Research Framework Programme - FP7) which explores how to take advantage of the new paradigm of low-cost technologies in broadband infrastructure and devices to bridge the digital divide and connect the unconnected. This event is integrated to the 14th CONIP e-Gov Conference to be held in São Paulo, from 2 to 5 of June, under the theme "Government 2.0".

Right arrow bullet W3C China Office plays important role in organizing WWW2008

The Local Team of WWW2008 together with WWW2008 Conference Chair and W3C China Office manager Jinpeng Huai

2008-05-09: WWW2008 is over and can be considered as a success. The International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee (IW3C2) and Beihang University, the host of W3C China Office, held the 17th International World Wide Web Conference from April 21st to 25th, in Beijing, China. The W3C China Office, as the one of the most important internationalized departments in Beihang University, took the main responsibility of local organizing and international cooperation of WWW2008. Already in 2005, the new-founded W3C China Office started to get involved in the bidding for WWW2008. On WWW2006, Beihang University finally won the bidding, and W3C China Office gradually devoted to the preparation work for WWW2008. In addition, the W3C China Office also helped the W3C Keio Team to organize the W3C AC meeting in Beijing that took place from April 20st to 22nd. W3C would like to thank the W3C China Office for the excellent work in the context of these two events.

Right arrow bullet W3C Spain Office holds its W3C Day in Spain: Standards for Business

2008-05-07: The W3C Spain Office invites members and the community to the W3C day in Spain. The event will take place in Madrid, Spain on May 27. This event has been organized by CTIC Foundation, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and W3C Spain Office. The goal of this one-day conference is to discuss about the present and future of the Web, and share experiences from the industry regarding web standards. There are three sessions: Web for Everyone, Web on Everything and Knowledge Base, covering topics like Accessibility, Device Independency, Mobile Web and Semantic Web.

Right arrow bullet W3C China Office visits CNNIC

From left to right: Xaling Tan, Anqi Li, Klaus Birkenbihl, Edith Birkenbihl, Guanghao Li

2008-05-05: In order to investigate opportunities for more co-operation Anqi Li from the China W3C Office and W3C Offices Coordinator Klaus Birkenbihl visited the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) on April 28th. It is part of the Computer Network Information Center (CNIC) which is is a subsidiary research institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). CNNIC is the institution that beside some other Internet related work administers the Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) ".cn" which soon will be the largest ccTLD in the world. Among other topics the role of the Domain Name System(DNS), internationalization of domain names, Internet Keywords (a naming system administered by CNNIC) where discussed. Mutual participation and exchange of speakers for events was identified as an option for future cooperation. (Photo credit: CNNIC)

Right arrow bullet W3C Israel Office Changes Host

Ori Idan

2008-04-15: W3C is pleased to announce that the Israel Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC-IL) hosts the Israel W3C Office effective April 15th. W3C wishes to thank Michel Bercovier and Hebrew University of Jerusalem for hosting the W3C Israel Office since 1999. Michel Bercovier will still be with the W3C Office as senior advisor.

New manager of the W3C Israel Office is Ori Idan. He was a IAF (Israel Air-Force) computer programmer working mainly on test equipment and navigational systems. After leaving the Air-Force established several companies in the area of measurement systems and microcontrollers mainly for the medical and electronics industry. In 2004 he joined Hanakor an Israeli NGO for Open source and Free Software where he was elected as management board member in 2005. Ori is very active in advocating open source and open standards in Israel. Since 2004 he is working as a freelancer consultant on open source software and web technologies. He joined ISOC-IL in 2008 mainly to advance Webstandards.

Right arrow bullet SVG Intensive Course at Tampere

Ossi Nykänen

2008-03-07: Today starts an intensive course about Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) at Tampere University of Technology. Till March 13 there will be an introduction to the basic SVG technology and the related specifications. Instructor is Ossi Nykänen, head of the W3C Finland Office.

Right arrow bullet W3C Hungary Office organizes a W3C session at the Hungarian Web Conference 2008

2008-03-07: The John von Neumann Computer Society, with W3C Hungary Office as co-organizer, holds the Hungarian Web Conference 2008 on 26 April. The W3C Hungary Office organises a special session about W3C technologies with 4-6 presentations. Among the speakers will be Bert Bos from W3C, one of the inventors of CSS.

Right arrow bullet "Mobile Web 2.0 Week" organized by W3C Korea Office

2008-03-07: This week an event titled "Mobile Web 2.0 Week" hosted by the Korea W3C Office took place in Seoul. Several W3C Working groups met during the week. A public event named the "Mobile Wednesday Workshop" took place on March 5.

Right arrow bullet New Year's Reception of dutch ICT and Internet organisations

2008-03-07: The Benelux W3C Office was one of the hosts of a New Year's reception of dutch ICT and Internet organisations. Thogether with Nederland Internet Society, Gridforum.nl, Vereniging Open Domein, OpenDoc Société, CAR, the foundations SIDN, Vrijschrift, Oophaga and NLnet they attracted an audience of 300 people. A great opportunity to exchange ideas and to look for more future cooperation.

Right arrow bullet W3C Offices celebrate 10th anniversary

Photo from Offices W3C Team meeting in Sophia Antipolis

2008-02-29: Representatives of W3C Offices from all over the world met face-to-face in Sophia Antipolis to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the W3C Offices programme. Nearly all W3C Offices where present and met with W3C CEO Steve Bratt and staff from the W3C team.

Since for many representatives it was only for the first or second time that they participated in an W3C Offices face-to-face it turned out that it was a good idea to celebrate the anniversary with an informal "fun day" on Sunday Feb 24th including a visit to a parc and the beach. Members from the W3C team and former head of Offices Ivan Herman and Bob Hopgood joined the group.

Monday started with 2 talks about history and achievements of the Offices Programme so far. Furthermore on the agenda were: a discussion how to restructure and improve the Offices programme to meet future requirements, learning about new ideas in HTML 5, discussing means of cooperation and communications with each other, review of recent plans, learning about standardisation outside W3C, about ICANN and DNS, and discussing W3C's e-Gov plans.

The open discussion at the end was well used to share experience, developments, talents and best practices at the various Offices.

Right arrow bulletUpcoming Office Presentations



  • Michael Wilson participates at a panel entitled "Rita 2.0 - Effective Methods and Messages in Online Safety Education.' " at the "'Beyond Byron - Towards a New Culture of Responsibility," on Friday, 13 June 2008, in Oxford, United Kingdom. (see abstract)
    Asked by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown to investigate the new dangers to children being brought up in the digital age, Dr. Tanya Byron, under the auspices of the Department for Children, Schools and Families, produced a 224-page report. Using ideas and questions from the Thursday Evening Lecture, an invited panel will delve deeper into the meaningful delivery of online safety education at the roundtable on June 13th.

See also the news archive for earlier news. You can Syndicate this page with RSS 1.0, an RDF vocabulary used for site summaries. You can also syndicate the pages of the Offices from Finland, Germany & Austria, Greece, India in English and Hindi, Israel, Korea, Sweden, or Spain.

Daniel Dardailler, Head of Offices,
Klaus Birkenbihl, Coordinator of Offices
Last modified: $Date: 2008/05/20 14:06:02 $ $Author: kbirkenb $
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