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PCPRadio 8 Dec 07

Posted by homoludo on Dec 10 2007 Posted by homoludo on December 10th, 2007 filed in Uncategorized, radio shows
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This weeks show starts off with some electro boogie, modeselector and mad decent styles.

The dub step section has a few mixed in with some early(slightly screwed) jungle tunes. It’s lovely and salutory how well they mix. And a pleasure to mix..


Tracklist to follow

Hello, High world!

Posted by homoludo on Nov 02 2007 Posted by homoludo on November 2nd, 2007 filed in Uncategorized

Check, check 1,2.  1,2   check.  Er, Hello? testing…can you hear me? Hello? Is this thing on?(scream of feedback stings ears…)