Michael Sperberg-McQueen (photo courtesy Liam Quin)

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen

Responsibilities · Background · Contact Info · Links

Responsibilities / Activities


It appears I have Erdős number 6 (via Verner E. Hoggatt Jr., Leonard Carlitz, Jack Levine, Robert R. Korfhage, and David Dubin).

Contact Info

Email: cmsmcq@w3.org, Post: 259 State Road 399, Española, New Mexico 87532-3170. Tel: +1 (505) 747-4224.

N.B. I filter my email using a white list, so if you have not written me before your email will go into a folder for unknown senders rather than into my in box. I check the holding tank periodically, but (a) it does slow down delivery of mail from unknown addresses at the best of times, and (b) since about 99.5% of the mail in the holding tank is junk, I scan the subject lines of mail caught in the filter rather fast, so it's possible that I may miss a legitimate message if its subject line looks like one spammers use. So if you write me out of the blue, using an informative subject line is a good idea.

I take this opportunity to note that since my name and email address are publicly available, they are routinely forged by mailers of spam and viruses. I apologize if you receive virus-laden email purporting to be from me, but it almost certainly isn't really from me.


Some documents I make available on this web site are listed separately. (Links to my XSLT stylesheets for doing slides in TEI Lite are also there.)

$Id: index.html,v 1.29 2007/12/29 22:02:41 cmsmcq Exp $
Photo © 2007 Liam Quin, used by permission