Testimonials for GRDDL

These testimonials are in support of W3C issuance of GRDDL as a W3C Recommendation.

In English: DCMI | INRIA | microformats.org | OpenLink Software | Talis Group Ltd.

In French: INRIA

The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative congratulates the W3C on the finalization of GRDDL and welcomes it as an important addition to the Web metadata infrastructure.

GRDDL is an essential tool in bridging the various expressions of Dublin Core metadata, and DCMI is creating GRDDL transforms that expose Dublin Core metadata expressed in XML and HTML to the Semantic Web.

By standardizing the transformation mechanisms, GRDDL allows for syntactic choices while enabling semantic interoperability -- both important needs in the metadata community -- and as such is fundamental to the future evolution of the Web.
-- -- Mikael Nilsson and Thomas Baker, DCMI Architecture Forum, Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
INRIA is proud to have contributed to the specification and design of GRDDL and is already promoting and integrating it in several projects and tools. Bridging the gap between the traditional Web and the Semantic Web is a seminal step in the deployment of semantic web technologies and applications. By allowing applications to automatically glean resources from the wealth of XML documents available online, this recommendation is opening a new highway for knowledge mashups and composition of application through web resources.
-- Pierre Paradinas, Head of Technological Development, INRIA
Microformats provide an easy way for many people to contribute semantic data to the web. With GRDDL all of that data is made available for RDF Semantic Web tools. Microformats and GRDDL can work together to build a better web.
-- Ryan King, an active member of microformats.org community
GRDDL is one of several initiatives from the W3C that seeks to unobtrusively evolve the current Web of Documents to a Web of interlinked Data.
-- Kingsley Idehen, CEO, OpenLink Software
Talis believes that GRDDL represents one of the most important steps along the road to the Semantic Web. It provides a very simple yet extraordinarily powerful mechanism to uplift documents into the web of data. Talis intends to fully support GRDDL in our Semantic Web Platform, allowing our customers to automatically extract searchable RDF metadata from their existing content with very little effort.
-- Ian Davis, CTO, Talis Group Ltd.

L'INRIA est fier d'avoir contribué aux spécifications et à la conception de GRDDL et intègre déjà cette technologie dans plusieurs projets et outils. Créer des passerelles entre le Web traditionnel et le Web sémantique est une étape critique dans le déploiement des technologies et des applications du Web sémantique. En permettant à des applications d'extraire automatiquement des données de toute la variété de documents XML accessibles en ligne, cette recommandation ouvre une nouvelle voie pour l'intégration de connaissances et la composition d'applications à travers les ressources du Web.
-- Pierre Paradinas, Directeur du Développement Technologique, INRIA

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The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards. W3C primarily pursues its mission through the creation of Web standards and guidelines designed to ensure long-term growth for the Web. Over 400 organizations are Members of the Consortium. W3C is jointly run by the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (MIT CSAIL) in the USA, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) headquartered in France and Keio University in Japan, and has additional Offices worldwide. For more information see http://www.w3.org/