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IETF WEBDAV Working Group

World Wide Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning

Working Group Overview

Discussion Lists

General. The main discussion list for the WebDAV Working Group is <w3c-dist-auth@w3.org>. Joining this discussion list makes you a member of the working group.

    Joining. Send an email with "Subject: subscribe" to <w3c-dist-auth-request@w3.org> .
    Archives. [hypertext archive] [FTP archive] [European mirror].

Versioning. The mailing list for discussion of versioning and variant authoring topics is <ietf-dav-versioning@w3.org>.; This is the main discussion list for the DeltaV working group, and joining the list makes you a member of the working group.

    Joining. Send an email with "Subject: subscribe" to <ietf-dav-versioning-request@w3.org> .
    Archives. [hypertext archive]

Access Control. The mailing list for discussion of remote access control capabilities is <acl@webdav.org>. This is a sub-working group of WebDAV.

    Joining. Fill out the subscription form at http://mailman.webdav.org/mailman/listinfo/acl.
    Archives. [hypertext archive]

Related Working Groups


These documents have been approved by the IESG.

==> HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WebDAV
[PDF (8.5x11, 541K)] [PDF (A4, 278K)] [HTML] [XML [RFC2629 XSLT)]
[Française (French)]
Yaron Goland, Jim Whitehead, Asad Faizi, Steve Carter, Del Jensen
[Issues List (Word)] [Version History]

This document specifies the WebDAV Distributed Authoring Protocol, a set of headers and methods which extend the Hypertext Transfer Protocol to provide capabilities for overwrite prevention (locking), properties, and namespace management. Note that the text version of the document is the authoritative representation, and if there are differences between the text version and other versions, the text version is always correct. This document has been approved by the IESG as Proposed Standard RFC 2518.

==> Versioning Extensions to WebDAV
G. Clemm, J. Amsden, T. Ellison, C. Kaler, J. Whitehead
[Issues List] [Current Activity]

This document specifies the DeltaV protocol, which provides capabilities for remote versioning and configuration management of remote resources. It also allows people to work on shared collections of resources in isolation of others' changes, controlling when changes become visible to other collaborators (workspaces). This document was developed by the IETF DeltaV Working Group. Note that the text version of the document is the authoritative representation, and if there are differences between the text version and other versions, the text version is always correct. This document has been approved by the IESG as Proposed Standard RFC 3253.

==> Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Access Control Protocol
Geoff Clemm, Julian F. Reschke, Eric Sedlar, Jim Whitehead

This document describes access control extensions to the WebDAV protocol. The protocol allows a client to read and modify access control lists that control the ability to operate on a resource using HTTP and WebDAV protocol operations. This document has been approved by the IESG as Proposed Standard 3744.

==> Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Ordered Collections Protocol
Jim Whitehead, Julian Reschke

This document describes extensions to the WebDAV protocol for creating and maintaining a persistent ordering of the members of a collection. This document has been approved by the IESG as Proposed Standard RFC 3648.

==> Requirements for a Distributed Authoring and Versioning Protocol for the World Wide Web
Judith Slein, Fabio Vitali, Jim Whitehead, David Durand
[Version History]

This document describes high-level functional requirements for distributed authoring and versioning on the Web, and has been issued as Internet Informational RFC 2291.

Current Draft Documents

Revised Distributed Authoring Protocol (2518bis)

==> HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring - WebDAV RFC2518 bis
L. Dusseault, J. Crawford
[Issues List]

A normal part of the development of IETF protocols is revision based on operational experience from deployed implementations. This document is a revised version of RFC 2518, the WebDAV Distributed Authoring Protocol. The WG intends for this document to become a Draft Standard specification. Currently at Internet-Draft revision 4, July 1, 2003.

Advanced Collections

==> Binding Extensions to WebDAV
G. Clemm, J. Crawford, J. Reschke, J. Whitehead
[Issues List]

A protocol for creating bindings to resources. A binding is a referential containment relationship between a collection and a resource, named by a URL path segment (like "weather.html"). By making a new binding to a resource, the resource can have multiple URLs mapped to it. Thus, bindings act somewhat like hard links in file systems.

==> WebDAV Redirect Reference Resources
Jim Whitehead, Geoff Clemm, Julian Reschke
[Last Call Issues List]

A protocol for creating redirect resources. A redirect resource responds to most HTTP methods with an HTTP 302 redirection response. This protocol allows such resources to be remotely created and administered.

==> Requirements for Advanced Collection Functionality in WebDAV
Judith Slein, Jim Davis

This draft sets out requirements for more advanced, optional collection functionality beyond that supported by the distributed authoring protocol specification. It extends the base functionality in two general directions: support for referential members, and support for ordered collections. Though several years old, this document still provides a good overview of rationale for advanced collections capabilities. Currently at Internet-Draft revision 05, June 18, 1999.

Versioning and Configuration Management

See the DeltaV Working Group pages for the most recent work on protocols for Web versioning, configuration management, and group work.

Property Schemas and Property Extensions

==> Datatypes for WebDAV properties
J. F. Reschke

This specification extends the Web Distributed Authoring Protocol (WebDAV) to support both datatyping and some amount of meta information on property values. Protocol elements are defined to let clients and servers specify the datatype and meta information of a property, and to instruct the WebDAV method PROPFIND to return datatype and meta information.

==> Including additional properties in WebDAV PROPFIND/allprop requests
J. F. Reschke, S. Eissing

Recent specifications extending the Web Distributed Authoring Protocol (WebDAV) restrict the set of properties returned automatically upon a PROPFIND/allprop request. This specification defines a method to add specific properties to the set of properties returned upon PROPFIND/allprop.

==> Use of Dublin Core Metadata in WebDAV
John Stracke

This document specifies a standard mapping for using the metadata vocabulary of Dublin Core in a WebDAV server. Currently at Internet-Draft revision 01, June 8, 1999. <draft-ietf-webdav-dublin-core>

==> Additional WebDAV Collection Properties
Alex Hopmann, Lisa Lippert

Describes a set of optional properties for collections which are useful in displaying navigation interfaces for WebDAV enabled web sites. Currently at Internet-Draft revision 00, December, 1998. <draft-hopmann-collection-props-00.txt>

==> WebDAV PROPFIND Extension To List Specified Namespaces
John Stracke

Describes an extension to the PROPFIND method for requesting only those properties in a specified namespace. John Stracke provides additional rationale for his proposal in this mailing list messsage. Currently at Internet-Draft revision 00, August 10, 1999. <draft-ietf-webdav-propfind-space-00>

==> Proposed Extensions for WebDAV Properties
Jim Amsden

This draft describes three minor extensions to the current properties protocol: 1) allow PROPPATCH to create and initialize the properties of a resource that did not exist, 2) distinguish between adding a new property, and setting the value of an existing property of a resource, and 3) give client applications more control in specifying how PROPPATCH errors should be handled. Currently at Internet-Draft revision 00, September, 1999. <draft-ietf-webdav-properties-extension-00>

Packaging a Resource Body and Properties

==> Encoding a DAV resource in MIME
John Stracke

This document describes a mechanism for encoding a WebDAV resource and its properties together as a MIME entity. This document has not been submitted as an Internet Draft. First revision, February 25, 1999.


==> HTTP-based Distributed Content Editing Scenarios
Ora Lassila
[Version History]

This document collects scenarios of usage of distributed authoring and versioning tools which have been described by working group members. Currently at Internet-Draft revision level 00, May 31, 1997, <draft-ietf-webdav-scenarios-00.txt>. This document is not currently active, and is unlikely to ever be issued as an RFC. It provides some insight into the kinds of authoring scenarios under consideration during the first two years of the WebDAV working group.

UUID/GUID Specification

Paul Leach, Rich Salz

This document describes the format and creation algorithm for universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). UUIDs are used in the WebDAV Distributed Authoring protocol specification for lock tokens. Currently at Internet-Draft revision 01 (expired), February 4, 1998. RFC 2518 used the nearly identical specification of UUIDs given in the ISO RPC specification instead of referencing "UUIDS and GUIDS". Implementors may use the UUID specification given in this internet draft to implement WebDAV lock tokens.

Related Standards

==> DMA 1.0 Specification

The Document Management Alliance is a task force of the Association for Information and Image Management International (AIIM) which is charged with developing an interoperability specification across document management systems. The DMA 1.0 specification has been approved for general use by the DMA Advisory Council as of December, 1997. See also the DMWare site for further information on DMA, and ODMA.

==> Open Document Management API

The Open Document Management API (ODMA) is a standard API used between client applications and document management systems.

Archival Documents

The working group archives contain links to older proposals, as well as related work and systems.

University of California, Irvine
Jim Whitehead <ejw@cse.ucsc.edu>
Department of Information and Computer Science
247 ICS2 #3425
Irvine, CA 92697-3425

Last modified: 03 July 2003