See Liam's books on XML and typography & design with details and mini-reviews. Here are a few picks:

Open Source XML Database Toolkit

Open Source XML Database Toolkit (Liam Quin)

XML Specification Guide

XML Specification Guide (Dr. Ian Graham ad Liam Quin)

Mastering XML Premium Edition

Mastering XML, Premium Edition (Chuck White, Liam Quin and Linda Burman)

The Non-designer's Design Book

The Non-Designer's Design Book (Robin Williams)

Designing with Web standards

Designing With Web Standards (Jeffrey Zeldman)

Designing Visual Interfaces

Designing Visual Interfaces (Kevin Mullet and Darrel Sano)

Liam Quin


Old Books
Scanned images and extracts from antiquarian books; pictures of castles, and some odd texts; various dictionaries; texts about some Mediaeval prices.

Thieving Slang
Here is a 1736 dictionary of canting and thieving slang by Nathan Bailey. Find out what they said in the London Underworld of the Eighteenth Century!

Francis Grose also wrote a dictionary of slang, the 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, which may be of interest.

Oratio Dominica
The Lord's Prayer in 100 languages, made in 1713.

Includes a link to some books about calligraphy.

One In Christ
Some thoughts on tolerance (may offend some readers)


Some Books that I have written about XML, and my technical bookshelf [also in HTML]


I work for the World Wide Web Consortium.
[off-site link to my W3C page]
There are also some papers and articles I have written; this is not a complete collection.


Text Retrieval
I have been working on my Unix text retrieval system, lq-text again recently. It was dormant for a while, but as far as I can tell it's still the best system for use in shell scripts. In 1994 I gave a paper on it at Usenix, A Text Retrieval System for the Unix Operating System.

Open Source
[off-site link to my Advogato page]

Art and Graphic Design

X Fonts
Some utilities for working with fonts under X; xlfd is the most useful. These predate the client-side fonts used today.

Books on Typography and Graphic Design

Pictures and Drawings by Liam
Some drawings and calligraphy I've done.

Digital photography: you can search my snapshots.
Deviant Art Gallery
Some of my pictures are also on Deviant Art, where people can leave comments on them.

I also have an account at, where people tend to leave slightly more advanced critiques about photography and tehnique.

In most cases the original, unprocessed snapshots are sorted by year and month and place, with short captions: 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.

Some recent places I have been: New Orleans, Raleigh, NC, San Vivaldo and Pisa in Italy.

Buying a Home

Home Owner Notes
My husband and I (yes, we are legally married, get over it) bought a house, and I started to keep some notes. I may turn this into a blog later where peple can add comments.

Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

Valinor IRC Server that I administered when it was on the SorceryNet IRC network

IRC Glossary
Glossary of terms and abbreviations used on Internet Relay Chat

IRC Programs you can use (also known as IRC clients)

IRC script and reference site for the (oddly-named) BitchX Internet Relay Chat client for Unix

IRC++, a paper on a possible replacement for the IRC protocol, to improve robustness and saleability.

Ankh in Socks (and again), courtesy Josh (JGH); more sock and foot pictures

About Liam

Liam's résumé

Pictures of Liam, his family, of old castles, of England, and photos from 2004, 2005 and 2006.

Links to friends' web sites

I also have a page on but right now it's pretty much the same as this one.

To contact me, send email to liam at holoweb dot net; it helps if you mention the colour of your socks in the subject line. You can also mail my work account, liam at w3 dot org.

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