Audio- och video-resurser

Webben har alltmer blivit ett medium för distribution av information i andra format än text. Här ges länkar till audio- och videopresentationer som handlar om webben, dess teknologier och vad som händer.

Nyhet [2007-06-08] Tim Berners-Lee talar om den semantiska webben och Web 2.0 (silicon.com/interview: audio + video. 0:11:54)
Ett samtal med Tim Berners-Lee med anledning av att han tilldelades "Massachusetts Innovation and Technology Exchange Technology Awards" för år 2007. Bl.a. behandlas den semantiska webben, mashups, "Rich Interactive Applications" och liknande nya fenomen på webben.
Nyhet [2007-03-27] Tim Berners-Lee talar om den semantiska webben (MIT Technology Review/interview: audio + video. 0:08:24)
En kortare frågestund med Tim Berners-Lee om webben i allmänhet och den semantiska webben i synnerhet.
Nyhet [2005-11-19] "Tim Berners-Lee on the Semantic Web" (captsolo/interview: text + audio. 0:11:32)
Citat: "It was a very interesting interview and experience - talking with Tim about the Semantic Web, it's history, present and future. If you want a short intro into the Semantic Web and it's role in the scheme of things, listen to this interview."
Det finns en annan sajt som också pekar ut denna intervju.
Nyhet [2005-11-15] "Tim Berners-Lee on the Mobile Web Initiative" (W3C/speech: audio. 0:04:28)
Ett välkomstanförande hållet vid Mobile Web Initiative Event, London, 15 november 2005.
[2005-08-09] "Berners-Lee on the read/write web" (BBC/interview: text + audio + video)
Citat: "In August 1991, Sir Tim Berners-Lee created the first website. Fourteen years on, he tells BBC Newsnight's Mark Lawson how blogging is closer to his original idea about a read/write web."
[2004-06-15] "Millenium Technology Prize" (Millenium Prize Foundation/snuttar från prisutdelning: video + audio. 0:03:09)
Det första finska Millenium Technology Prize utdelas till Tim Berners-Lee. Här är några glimtar från prisutdelningen.
[2004-04-15] "Millenium Technology Prize" (Millenium Prize Foundation/tal: video + audio. 0:34:51)
Det första finska Millenium Technology Prize utdelas till Tim Berners-Lee. Här är tal från ceremonin där motagaren av priset offetliggjordes.
[2005-01-28] "Web inventor is 'Greatest Briton'" (BBC/interview: text + audio + video. 0:07:00)
Citat: "Sir Tim Berners-Lee, father of the internet, says his invention still has a long way to go. And he tells the BBC's Rory Cellan-Jones why he chose not to 'cash in' on the web."
[2004-10-25] "Utdrag från en intervju med David Goodman" (IT Conversations/intervju: audio. 0:01:36)
Detta är ett klipp från en intervju med David Goodman, IBM:s "identity strategist", gjord i samband med konferensen "Digital ID World 2004". Citat: "We had a meeting with the user group and the X.500 group, and a young Englishman called Tim Berners-Lee working at CERN was invited, and he gave a charming expose of what the web was about. At the end of his talk, one of our guys got up and said: 'That was quite interesting, but do you really think you will get critical mass?'"
[2004-04-15] "New honour for the web's inventor" (BBC/news item: audio + video. 0:01:46)
Citat: "The inventor of the world wide web, Tim Berners-Lee, has won a prestigious award which comes with a prize bag of one million euros. The "Father of the Web" was named as the first winner of the Millennium Technology Prize by the Finnish Technology Award Foundation."
[2004-01-09] "Checking in with the Inventor: Tim Berners-Lee" (Christopher Lydon/interview: audio. )
Citat: "Our conversation is in two files here: Part One on the surprises between the first conception and real growth of the Web. And Part Two on the ways in which the Web may yet realize the visions of diverse geniuses and prophets from Walt Whitman to Teilhard de Chardin."
[2003-09-22] "Tim Berners-Lee: The future of the world wide web" (Royal Society/presentation: slides + audio. ?:??:??)
Citat: "Professor Berners-Lee was made a Fellow of the Royal Society in recognition of his invention and subsequent development of the world wide web. This is a presentation on the past, present and future of the World Wide Web"
[2003-09-22] "Tim Berners-Lee: The route ahead for the web" (BBC/interview: video + audio. 0:26:50)
Citat: "Web pioneer Tim Berners-Lee outlines his vision of the future of the internet"
[2002-11-01] "Talk of the Nation interview with Tim Berners-Lee" (NPR/interview: text + audio. 0:37:24)
Citat: "Just three little letters -- www -- changed how we communicate, get our news, and how business is done. In this hour, we'll talk with Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, about the web's history and future."
[2001-10-15] "Tim Berners-Lee: World Wide Web Services" (TechNetCast/presentation: audio. 0:53:39)
Citat: "W3C Director Tim Berners-Lee on web services and the future of the web. From Software Development Expo 2001 Visionary Keynote."
[2000-12-07] "Tim Berners Lee: The Semantic Web" (TechNetCast/presentation: slides + audio. 0:50:00)
Citat: "Director Tim Berners-Lee presents his vision for the future of the web - a "self-navigable space" of self-described, "machine-understandable" fragments of information in which documents convey meaning through XML markup."
[2000-05-01] "Tim Berners Lee: The history of the web" (CIO/Interview: audio. 0:07:37)
Citat: "Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, reviews its history"
[2000-05-01] "Tim Berners Lee: The future of the web" (CIO/Interview: audio. 0:07:05)
Citat: "Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, discusses its future"
[1999-11-05] "Talk of the Nation interview with Tim Berners-Lee" (NPR/interview: text + audio. 0:47:27)
Citat: "'WWW,' 'dot-com' and 'E-commerce' have become so much a part of our vocabulary that it's hard to believe that just ten years ago, nobody knew what a web site was or why you would want one. In this hour, we'll talk with Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, about the history -- and future -- of the web."
[1999-10-23] "Tim Berners-Lee: Weaving the Web" (Wired/interview: text + audio. 0:31:00)
Citat: "World Wide Web creator Tim Berners-Lee chronicles the development of his invention in a new book, Weaving the Web. Berners-Lee spoke with Wired News about the Web's development, his thoughts about its current state, and his predictions for the future."
[1999-10-14] "Tim Berners-Lee: Weaving the Web" (Smithsonian/talk: audio. 0:51:47)
Citat: "Named by Time magazine as one of the 100 greatest minds of the 20th century, Tim Berners-Lee comes to the Smithsonian to tell the story of his fabulous and revolutionary creation."
[1993-10-27] "Tim Berners-Lee" (Geek of the Week/interview: audio. 0:30:49)
Citat: "Carl Malamud interviews Tim Berners-Lee, developer of the World Wide Web, one of the most innovative and exciting applications to be deployed on the Internet. Berners-Lee discusses how WWW makes use of SGML and hypertext to form a web of information that spans the globe."

Last modified: Mon Jun 11 11:55:13 W. Europe Daylight Time 2007