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Templates in Amaya

Templates have been introduced in Amaya to allow users to specify the type of XHTML documents they want to produce. Templates are XHTML documents that contain some statements constraining the structure of (some parts of) the XHTML document. These statements are expressed in the XTiger language.

A few sample templates are provided to help users discover how Amaya works with templates:

An example of template instance

The image shows a slide show instance generated by Amaya

Refer to entry Templates in the help menu of Amaya to learn how to use this feature. The Template help page is also available online.

Experiment the templating feature

The templating feature is not available by default. If you want to have a look at the current state of development, you can activate it by editing file Amaya/config/amaya.profiles:

-  #+templates
+  +templates

(remove the '#' starting the line '+templates').

How to get the location of this configuration file:

Irène Vatton
Date: 2007-03-28

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