RSS-DEV Policies and Procedures =============================== (Motion: 2000-09-19, (Rough Consensus Poll: 2000-09-19, (Adopted: 2000-09-21, This document represents the policies and procedures adopted by the RSS-DEV mailing list,[1]. The proposal draws from various sources, including the Apache Software Foundation (ASF)[2], Robert's Rules of Order[3], and informal observation of similar endeavours. Assumptions ----------- 1. This process should be open. 2. This process should allow for both on- and off-topic discussion by group members, regardless of their level of expertise. 3. This process should allow contribution by any group member, regardless of their level of expertise. 4. This process should recognise differing levels of commitment and involvement by group members. 5. There should be a clear process in place for moving from proposal and discussion of modifications to their adoption and incorporation. Charter ------- The RSS-DEV Mailing List ("RSS-DEV") is for the discussion and further development of the proposed RSS 1.0 specification[4]. RSS-DEV is: * Open - anyone can join without need of approval * Unmoderated -- any member may post without need of post approval * Public -- the message archives, documents, links, and other associated facilities are publicly viewable. Organisation ------------ RSS-DEV is structured as follows: * Interest Group ("IG") -- all mailing list members o may join and leave at will o may discuss any matter within the limits of the RSS-DEV charter o may propose additions to, subtractions from, or modifications to the charter, RSS specification, modules, and other associated projects under the auspices of RSS-DEV. o may second proposals o may call for a poll o may second a call for a poll * Working Group ("WG") o are IG members, with consummate rights and privileges o are nominated and voted in by the current WG based on qualities including: commitment, contributions (specification, modules, software) o may leave at will o may establish a poll o may call for a vote o may second a call for a vote o may establish a vote o may vote Procedures for Motions ---------------------- The procedure for a motion is as follows: 1. A member proposes a motion. 2. The motion must be seconded ("I second the motion put forth in {URL}"). Failure of a second results in the motion being dropped. 3. The motion is registered by a WG member as a link to the motion message under 4. Discussion takes place. 5. A poll may be taken at any point to determine rough consensus. 5.1. A member may call for a poll; members are asked to allow (subjectively) for the conversation to die down before calling for a poll to give discussion a chance. 5.2. A member seconds the call for a poll a minimum of 1 business day following the poll call to allow for discussion of poll wording. Failure of a second within 5 business days results in the poll call being dropped. 5.3. A poll is established by a WG member and left open for 2 business days, during which time all members may participate. Note: A poll must always include an "I Abstain" option. 5.4. The poll is concluded by a WG member and results emailed to all members. 6. A vote may be called at any point to ratify or reject the proposal. 6.1. A WG member may call for a vote at any time; as with polls, Working Group members are asked to allow (subjectively) for the conversation to die down before calling for a vote to give discussion a chance. 6.2. A WG member seconds a call for a vote. Failure of a second by a WG member results in the vote call being dropped. 6.3. A vote is established by a WG member and left open for a minimum of 2 business days, after-which it may be concluded at the discretion of the WG chair. Note: A vote must always include an "I Abstain" option. 6.4. The vote is concluded by the WG chair and results emailed to all members. 6.5. Motions must be passed by a 2/3 majority of voters. If passed, the changes are made to the charter, specification, module (including adoption of a module as a "Standard Module"), or WG roster. If not passed, the motion is dropped. Dropped motions may be re-proposed at any time by any member; members are asked to modify the motion as appropriate before re-proposing. Off-Topic / Out-of-Band Discussions ----------------------------------- Off-topic or out of band discussions should adopt the convention of prefixing the email subject with [OT]. This allows for free and open discussion while affording uninterested members to filter out said threads. [1] [2] [3] [4]