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Upcoming Events

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Creating Exams that Assess the Learning You Value (Assessment Series Session III)
Date: 2008-03-26 Time: 09-00 Location: 448 Blocker

Be confident that the exams you are using are providing an accurate picture of all of your students’ learning. This workshop will review the qualities of a variety of types of tests and concentrate particularly on writing effective test questions – multiple choice, T/F and short answer – that can measure student performance against your learning outcomes. To get the most from this workshop, participants should bring a copy of a recent test they have given in their course.

Teaching Porfolio
Date: 2008-04-10 Time: 01-30 Location: 135 Blocker

The Teaching Portfolio is a tool for documenting professional achievement in teaching and is often a component of the promotion and tenure packet, providing useful information for peer review. Participants will learn the components of the document and a process for portfolio development. The session includes opportunities to begin the reflective process, experience peer feedback, and plan a schedule for completing the portfolio.

Grading Student Work (Assessment Series Session IV)
Date: 2008-04-23 Time: 09-00 Location: 448 Blocker

Grading fairly is a challenge. Should all student work be graded? When is it appropriate to use a simple pass/fail? If a student’s answer is wrong, but he or she uses an appropriate process to arrive at it do you give partial credit? When is it appropriate to “grade on the curve?” This workshop will review various grading philosophies, systems and processes.

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