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W3C Incubator Activity

Incubator Activity > W3C Product Modelling Incubator Group

The SWOP and S-TEN projects, with the POSC Caesar Association, believe that it is possible to define a small core of basic classes and properties for product modelling. This "product core" could be the basis of the ontologies defined by the two projects, and for many other application ontologies. This core could help the development of Web ontologies derived from existing international standards, such as IFC, STEP and ISO 15926. Therefore it is proposed to set up a W3C "Product Modelling" incubator group which will develop this core.

See the charter for more information.

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Definition Product Ontology

A product ontology defines all possible configurations (instances/values) for a given product by specifying its relevant (sub-)classes, (datatype and object) properties (including min/max cardinalities and relevant underlying datatypes) covering one or more product life cycle phases (design, built, operate) and/or disciplines (function, form, cost, time, …).

A product ontology can be defined from scratch in OWL but it is found that there are many generic features (though not part of OWL1.0/2.0 itself) that can be modelled by a reusable ‘upper ontology for product modelling’ including modules like:

- measures/units

- (de)composition (‘hasParts’/’partOf’) in multiple ways (depending on life cycle and/or discipline)

- topological object properties like connection and containment

- relationships between Design & Built, Built & Operate, and Design & Operate

- default choices/values

- Physical versus virtual products (‘features’)


A product can be a ‘one-of-a-kind’, such as (typically) a building, ship or process plant, or a mass produced item, such as a car, refrigerator, or notebook computer. In principle our approach will be valid for both situations equally. A Product will in general span more than one supply in the supply-chain.


Use/Exploit, Manage, Maintain the product by the end-user.




About the Product Modelling XG

Michel Böhms, Product Modelling Incubator Group Chair
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