A LIST Apart: For People Who Make Websites

No. 259

May 20, 2008

Get control of your career and your projects, and stop waiting forever for the client to deliver the content.

The Cure for Content-Delay Syndrome

Clients love to write copy. Well, they love to plan to write it, anyhow. On most web design projects, content is the last thing to be considered (and almost always the last thing to be delivered). We’ll spend hours, weeks, even months, doing user scenarios, site maps, wireframes, designs, schemas, and specifications—but content? It’s a disrespected line item in a schedule: “final content delivered.” Pepi Ronalds proposes a solution to this constant cause of project delays.

Why Did You Hire Me?

Landing a new job or client is difficult in this economic climate. Undelivered contractual promises and work environment shortcomings can transform that challenge into a long-term nightmare. Keith LaFerriere shows how to get paid what you’re worth; how to fight for control of your projects using management tools corporate cultures respect (even if they don’t understand your work); and how to tell when it’s time to jump ship.

A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices. Explore our articles or find out more about us.

Editor’s Choice

originally ran: June 22, 2002

Time Management: The Pickle Jar Theory

Time management theories come and go, and we’re glad when most of them leave. But this one caught our fancy. No charts, no grids, no five-syllable words, just a simple idea that can help you get more done with less stress. Jeremy Wright uncorks the Pickle Jar Theory of Time Management.