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Presenting: Preparation, Process, and Pizzazz : Comments

By Lea Alcantara

April 9, 2008



April 10, 2008 3:31 PM

Great article, Lea. I’m sorry that I missed your presentation as it sounds like you put a lot of thought into it (much more than most other SXSW panelists, to be sure). I hope you’ll be speaking next year so I can check it out then.


April 14, 2008 2:10 PM

Lea, thanks for the article. I attended your presentation at SXSW and thought your presentation style was great. I also liked the content but more in terms of how I’d address branding issues if I was building a start-up. It was a little bit of a stretch for me to apply what you were saying about the financial sites to personal branding. Would love to hear a presentation by you using the third approach you mentioned (Analyze several individuals and how I perceive their personal brand).


April 15, 2008 10:30 AM

Hi Steve, thanks for commenting and thanks for attending my panel! Like I mentioned in the article, some people did find it a bit of a stretch and I can certainly see why. Perhaps if I have an opportunity to speak about this subject again, I will focus on individual examples more, and not necessarily the need/goal to compare them to find who’s more favorable, but just to point out their strengths, weaknesses, and different goals. :)

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