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Students' Voices

Vol. 1  Iman Monfared
Exchange Student from Sweden

Studying at Keio was one of the best choices of my life...

My name is Iman Monfared and I am a Swedish foreign exchange student at Mita campus. In Sweden I study economics at Goteborg University. My major is economics and my minor is Japanese studies including language, culture, history and communication. Since Keio University is renowned for its excellent education of economics it was an obvious choice for me to study at Keio. During my stay here, I have learned a great deal on different topics about the Japanese economy and Japanese business methods. Furthermore, I have significantly improved my Japanese language skills thanks to the intensive Japanese language program offered to foreign exchange students. My stay here has also given me the opportunity to get to know Japanese students and I have made many friends from many different countries, friends I will know for the rest of my life. For being able to understand Japanese society, it is necessary to live in Japan and becoming a foreign exchange student was one of the best choices I have made in my life. My future dream is to be employed in a managerial position, preferably in Japan, and the experience I have had at Keio is invaluable to fulfilling my dream.

About Goteborg University

Goteborg University was founded in 1891 and has ever since been the second largest university in Sweden. It is located in Gothenburg and the number of students is about 40000. Goteborg University is renowned in Sweden for its education in medicine, commerce and technology.


Iman Monfared

Taking the Shinkansen to Gifu prefecture as part of a student activity. Most student activities are very rewarding.

Iman Monfared and friends

Me and my friends at Keio enjoying a meal together.

Goteborg University

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