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WAI: Strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

WAI Interest Group

Page Contents

Announcements and Meetings

Documents Under Review by WAI IG

Other WAI documents in progress are listed at:


WAI IG meetings are listed below. Meetings of other WAI groups are listed on the WAI Events page.

About WAI IG

The WAI IG provides a forum for discussion of issues relating to Web accessibility, particularly issues related to activities of WAI groups.

Chair and Contacts


Mailing List

Using the WAI IG mailing list:

  1. Treat other list members with respect.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the mission, scope, and activities of WAI before you comment on the list, and check the mail archives to see whether a topic has been discussed already.
  3. This is a large list. Keep your comments brief and to the point.
  4. Keep your reply comments near the top of a message, and only quote essential parts of a previous message; that way there are less quote markings for other readers to wade through.
  5. Don't "cc" the WAI IG list with messages you are sending to other organizations.
  6. No soliciting.
  7. If you use a vacation auto-responder on your e-mail program, make sure to exclude responses to any mail with w3c-wai-ig@w3.org in any header.
  8. Please send any questions about the WAI IG mailing list to jbrewer@w3.org, not to the whole list or to other list members.


Participation in WAI IG is by self-subscription. Please note how to unsubscribe yourself if you decide to leave the list or change addresses.

  1. To subscribe, send mail to w3c-wai-ig-request@w3.org with "subscribe" as subject.
  2. To unsubscribe, send mail to w3c-wai-ig-request@w3.org with "unsubscribe" as subject. This is not the same address as the mailing list.
  3. Sending an "unsubscribe" notice to w3c-wai-bulletin@w3.org will not unsubscribe you from the WAI IG list.
  4. You can read the mailing list from the mail archive instead of subscribing to the list.
  5. You can subscribe to a digest of the WAI IG, which will compile WAI IG messages for you. Send "subscribe" to w3c-wai-ig-d-request@w3.org. To unsubscribe from the digest, send "unsubscribe" to w3c-wai-ig-d-request@w3.org.