Wings and Warriors

Last Updated: 10:51 PM 05/08/08 - A new program at the National Eagle Center in Wabasha, Minnesota is helping connect active duty service members and veterans with the majestic bird. INSIDE: Find out why one Vietnam veteran says the eagles saved his life. (Full Story)
Senator John McCain Releases Fort Bragg Statement

Last Updated: 9:30 PM 04/30/08 - U.S. Senator John McCain Tuesday made the following statement regarding the conditions of barracks at Fort Bragg (Full Story)
Menomonie Man's Video Sparks Worldwide Army Investigation

Last Updated: 12:03 PM 05/01/08 - Ed Frawley shot video of barracks at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, showing terrible living conditions for soldiers returning from war. (Full Story)
Sgt. Daniel Botty: An Unsung Hero

Last Updated: 10:54 PM 04/30/08 - In this month’s Unsung Hero segment, we’re featuring a Menomonie Marine who’s been in the service for nearly eight years. (Full Story)
Soldier Cell Phone Bill

Last Updated: 9:35 PM 04/26/08 - The U.S. Senate passed a bill this week that'll make it easier for deployed military service members to get out of cell phone contracts. (Full Story)
Persian Gulf Tribute Planned in Neillsville

Last Updated: 10:57 PM 04/26/08 - Volunteers say the High Ground in Neillsville is a place of healing for veterans and their families. (Full Story)
A Soldier's Story

Last Updated: 10:43 PM 04/18/08 - 11 months and 11 days after an IED explosion broke every bone in SPC Shane Nault's face, this hero is coming home... escorted by the Patriot Guard! (Full Story)
Wisconsin Solders Returning

Last Updated: 3:12 PM 04/18/08 - About 125 members of the Wisconsin Army National Guard are back in the U.S. after an eight-month tour in Iraq. (Full Story)
Local Soldier Receives Silver Star Medal Two Years After Death

Last Updated: 11:12 PM 04/02/08 - "Before he returned fire, he looked over at Sgt. Lybert and he was returning fire when he received his fatal wound. Many said his weapon was still situated up in his shoulder." (Full Story)
WI Second State To Enact A Military Justice Code

Last Updated: 4:33 PM 03/30/08 - Wisconsin is now just the second state to enact a military justice code modeled after the one used by the Federal Armed Forces. (Full Story)
Mother Believes Son Casualty of War in Iraq

Last Updated: 4:35 PM 03/23/08 - The Army says that while he did suffer a severe head wound in a bomb blast, the cause of Sgt. James W. McDonald's death is undetermined, keeping him off the casualty list. (Full Story)
Care Package Brings Carefully Crafted Response
Last Updated: 10:49 PM 03/13/08 - Last month, two dozen Eau Claire fourth-graders put their energy to "say hi" to troops in a far different world. Yet it was an unlikely recipient of their efforts that shows what a small world this truly can be. (Full Story)
 Scocos in Iraq

Last Updated: 5:08 AM 02/04/08 - The Secretary of Wisconsin's Department of Veterans Affairs said he has a better understanding of the needs of combat veterans now that he has served in Iraq. (Full Story)
 Another Wisconsin Soldier Killed
Last Updated: 2:38 PM 01/08/08 - A Kenosha soldier dies in the line of duty. (Full Story)
 Honoring Fallen Wisconsin Soldiers

Last Updated: 8:29 PM 11/08/07 - Governor Doyle is honoring three soldiers killed in combat in Iraq by ordering the state to fly flags at half staff. (Full Story)
 Wisconsin Soldier Killed In Afghanistan

Last Updated: 9:33 AM 10/27/07 - The family of 22-year-old Joshua Brennan of McFarland says he was killed in Afghanistan this week.
(Full Story)
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Silver Star Awarded to SSG Patrick Lee Lybert
Submitted By: Cheryl Lee Patrick
Location: Ladysmith, WI
SSG Patrick Lee Lybert KIA 21 June 2006, Gowardesh Afghanistan: SSG Patrick Lee Lybert's family was notified on 11 March 2008 that Patrick has been awarded the Silver Star. The Letter from the Army dated 20 February 2007 stated the Silver Star awarded to SSG Patrick Lee Lybert, United States Army "For Gallantry: in action on 21 June 2006 while deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Staff Sergeant Lybert distinguished himself against an armed enemy, while serving as a Recon Team Leader with 3d Squadron, 71st Cavalry (Recon). His professionalism and ability to accomplish the mission set him apart from his peers. Staff Sergeant Lybert's actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, the 3rd Squadron, 71st Cavalry, Combined Task Force Spartan, Combined Joint Task Force-76, and the United States Army." The Silver Star is to be presented to SSG Patrick Lee Lybert's family 2nd April, 2008, 5:30 PM at the VMA, 608 Summit Ave. Ladysmith, WI 54848.

SSG Patrick Lee Lybert On Patrocl
Submitted By: Cheryl Lee Patrick
Location: Hindu Kush Mnts, Afghanistan
SSG Patrick Lee Lybert on a mission in the Hindu Kush Mnts of Afghanistan prior to KIA 21 June 2006, Afghanistan.

173 ABCT Rebuild Dining Hall
Submitted By: Cheryl Lee Patrick
Location: Camp Lybert in Hindu Kush Mountian, Gowardesh Afghanistan
The first dining hall built by 3-71 CAV 10th MNT DIV in 2006-07 washed away in spring floods. 173 ABCT builds a new dining hall with plans to add a full gym. Note the majestic Mountains in the back. Camp Lybert is built along the Afghanistan Pakistan Border and over looks the border passes monitoring and dealing with Taliban traffic.

Camp Lybert Expands under 173 ABCT
Submitted By: Cheryl Lee Patrick
Location: Camp Lybert in Hindu Kush Mountian, Gowardesh Afghanistan
2007 -08 Development and facility improvements continue at Camp Lybert (named for SSG Patrick Lee Lybert) now occupied by 173 ABCT 1st Squadron 91st CAV.

Rainbow Over Camp Lybert
Submitted By: Cheryl Lee Patrick
Location: Camp Lybert in Hindu Kush Mountian, Gowardesh Afghanistan
A rainbow over Camp Lybert.

Mountain Music
Submitted By: Cheryl Lee Patrick
Location: Camp Lybert in Hindu Kush Mountian, Gowardesh Afghanistan
Soldiers of 3-71 CAV 10th MNT DIV 2006 take a break. Soldiers in Out Posts such as Camp Lybert build roads, develop schools, provide humanitarian aide, bring water to villages, aide in building mini hydro plants,provide medical assistance to villagers in additon to the most crucial task of protecting them from Taliban assualts.. As of Jan 1 2008 current occupants received a teacher from Kabul to aide them in teaching the 45 children froms surrounding villages coming in to learn english. The soldiers spend much time w/ children sharing education and developing friendships. Children in schools built by soldiers, in camps being taught are not subject to Taliban manipulation and influence to take guns and fire on our soldiers as they perform missions with in the rugged mountain terrian, always susceptable to militant attack from taliban hiding above them, firing down into their platoons and camps. Spending time teaching children educates and saves young minds who otherwise will be turned against our troops.

Majestic View Of Camp Lybert
Submitted By: Cheryl Lee Patrick
Location: Camp Lybert in Hindu Kush Mountian, Gowardesh Afghanistan
Scenic View of Camp Lybert can be deceptive. Winter high in the Hindu Kush is brutle. Soldiers execute missions in the harshest of winter climates and year round performing missions in challenging moutain terrian.

Flags Over Camp Lybert
Submitted By: Cheryl Lee patrick
Location: Camp Lybert in Hindu Kush Mountian, Gowardesh Afghanistan
Built then Camp Lybert named for SSG Patrick Lee Lybert out of love and respect for quote "the best NCO they every had". SSG Patrick Lee Lybert was killed on a Recon Mission 21 June 2006. 3-71 CAV 10th MNT DIV (LI) Recon. Camp Lybert stands at an elevation of 7,0000 feet. 10th MNT DIV returned from Camp Lybert in June 2007. 173 ABCT 1st Squadron - 91st Cavalry currently occupies Camp Lybert continuing to expand and develop the camp.

Photo of SSG Patrick Lee Lybert KIA 21 June 2006, Afghanistan
Submitted By: Cheryl Lee Patrick
Location: 11,000 feet up on a mnt in the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan
SSG Patrick Lee Lybert KIA served w/ 3-71 10th MNT DIV (LI) Recon out of Fort Drum, NY. Lybert deployed to Afghanistan FEb 06 and was KIA 21 June 06. Lybert had also served a year deployment prior in Iraq 2003-2004

Luckiest kid in Afghanistan
Submitted By: kenny lane
Location: Afghanistan
This is a photo of me MSG Kenny Lane of Eau Claire holding a pair of Green Bay Packer tennis shoes at a remote village. We were doing a humanitarian misson at a school handing out school supplies, clothing and shoes. Being a long time Packer fan I figure the kid who ended up with these shoes to be the luckiest kid in Afghanistan

James Myren sniper close call
Submitted By: Allen Myren
Location: Afghanistan
James Myren on a patrol and came under attack by a sniper. The sniper wounded his gunner and as you can see tried to shoot James. Thankfully, it did not penatrate. The sniper did kill several Afgahn soldiers

Reunion after 56 years
Submitted By: Betty Sitler
Location: Anniv gathering in Ark
Harold Sitler, standing, body guard for Lt Geo Snipan reunited after 56 years. Lt Snipan had covered Sgt Sitler for dead at the Chosin Reservior on Nov 30, 1950.

Paul Myren in Iraq
Submitted By: Allen Myren
Location: iraq
Paul Myren in Iraq 2005 with Iraq children.Paul Myren is a medic

Korean War Veteran
Submitted By: Betty Sitler
Location: Little Rock Ark. Aug 2006
Harold (in white shirt) with other survivors from Chosin Reservoir -Korean War Nov 1950. Picture taken 56 years later.

James and his sister Jana
Submitted By: Jeannine Raycher
Location: Volk Field Send off- June 4, 2007
This picture was taken during the June 4th send off of the 105th Calvary at Volk Field. It shows James and his sister, Jana.