John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
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Created March 4, 1995.
Updated April 14, 2008.
The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation provides fellowships for advanced professionals in all fields (natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, creative arts) except the performing arts. Fellowships are not available for students. The Foundation only supports individuals. It does not make grants to institutions or organizations. The Foundation selects its Fellows on the basis of two separate competitions, one for the United States and Canada, the other for Latin America and the Caribbean. (Read more)


The 2008 Pulitzer Prize winners include five Guggenheim Fellows: Junot Diaz '99, Fiction; Daniel Walker Howe '83; History; Robert Hass '79, Poetry; Philip Schultz '05, Poetry; and David Lang '87, Music.  To date, 229 Guggenheim Fellows have received Pulitzer Prizes.

A full-page announcement with the names of all new Fellows was printed by the New York Times on 4/7/08 and is available here.

United States and Canadian Guggenheim Fellowship Awards, 2008 press release

The list of 2008 Fellows in the United States and Canadian competition is available here.

Two Guggenheim Fellows - Robert Hass '79 and Denis Johnson '86 - are among the winners of the 2007 National Book Award. The list of the Guggenheim Fellows who were the finalists is available here.

The spreadsheet of all Guggenheim Fellows is available for download here.

The three 2007 Nobel Prize winners in Economics are Guggenheim Fellows: Leonid Hurwicz '45; Eric S. Maskin '80; and Roger B. Myerson '83.  To date, 101 Guggenheim Fellows have been named Nobel Laureates.

The 2006 Annual Report is available here.

The 2007 Latin American and the Caribbean Brochure is available here.

Latin American and Caribbean Guggenheim Fellowship Awards, 2007 press release

The list of 2007 Fellows in the Latin American and Caribbean competition is available here.
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John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
90 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Phone: 212 687-4470
Fax: 212 697-3248