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Professor Robin Batterham AO FREng FAA FTSE

"The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) is an association of professional men and women who are elected as Fellows of the Academy on the basis of their achievement in the application of science, technology and engineering to Australian life.

As President, I look forward to ATSE playing a significant role in helping to shape how Australia debates and tackles the major challenges of energy, climate change, water, infrastructure and education, especially the pressing need for more scientists and engineers.

I welcome you to the ATSE Website and hope you find it useful and informative.."

Media Release - 2 May 2008
Urgent action needed on innovation
The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) believes there is an urgent need to strengthen Australia’s national innovation system and has called for a 10-year strategic plan to increase Australian innovation.Read more...
Media Release - 29 April 2008
Look to Gandhi, says world innovation leader
Australia should look to the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi for a new approach to meeting its technology challenges in the 21st century, according to a world innovation authority.Read more...
Media Release - 24 April 2008
Dr Ramesh Mashelkar, President of the Global Research Alliance and former Director General of the Indian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, will become a Foreign Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) on Monday (28 April).Read more...
ATSE Focus - April 2008
Climate Change is the key topic in this edition. News about Academy people and events is now incorporated in ATSE Focus.Click here to read the full edition
ATSE submissions to 2020 Summit
The Academy responded to a 2020 Summit invitation to provide pre-Summit submissions on specific topics. ATSE responded on seven topics.Click here to see the full submission
Media Release - 15 April 2008
Garnaut Climate Change Review Issues Paper 4
ATSE Response

Research and Development: Low Emissions Energy Technologies
Research and Development in the energy industries is limited by structural issues which must be addressed if Australia is to move to low emissions energy generation.Read more...
Media Release - 14 April 2008
Garnaut Climate Change Review Interim Report
ATSE Response

Emissions trading needs technology investment
Establishment of an emissions trading scheme without appropriate investment in new technologies will threaten Australia’s economic health, according to the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE).Read more ...
Garnaut Climate Change Review
ATSE response to Interim Review
An Australian emissions trading scheme, if established without appropriate investment in new technologies, will threaten the nation’s economic health, says ATSE in its submission in response to the Interim Report of the Garnaut Climate Change Review. Click here to read full ATSE submission

ATSE response to Issues Paper 4
Structural issues limiting R&D; in the energy industry must be addressed before Australia can move to low emissions energy generation, says ATSE in its submission in response to the Issues Paper 4 of the Garnaut Climate Change Review. Click here to read full ATSE submission
Parliamentary Briefings
Click here to view flyers and speakers notes.
AAS – international grants
Scientific visits to Asia, Europe & North America.
The Australian Academy of Science is inviting applications from Australian professional scientists to visit Europe, North America and South East Asia between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2009, to collaborate with researchers in those countries.

Applicants must propose a collobarative research project, or specific activity, which has been developed in consultation with host scientists. The duration of the visits must be 14 to 40 days.

Information, deadlines and application forms are available here: Asia & North America or Europe

This project is supported by the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research’s International Science Linkages – Science Academies Programme.
2008 Annual Symposium
Alternative Transport Fuels for Australia
17-18 November 2008

The future energy demands of rapidly-developing countries, the increasing concerns about the reliability of oil supplies and costs, the climate changes that are likely to result from burning fossil fuels and the certainty that transport will remain a major user of energy sources for many years are key issues in current thinking about future energy supplies. These concerns have led to a dramatic re-assessment of the role of alternative fuels for transportation.Click here to register your interest
ATSE Clunies Ross Awards Dinner
The ATSE Clunies Ross Awardees for 2008 will be announced at the Presentation Dinner at the Sofitel Brisbane on May 14. The guest speaker for the evening will be NASA astronaut, Dr Andy Thomas.Click here for further information.
Journal Ranking Exercise
Together with the other three learned Academies, and under the auspices of the National Academy Forum (NAF), the Academy Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) has been engaged on a journal ranking exercise. Outlet ranking lists will form an important part of the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) scheme that will replace the former RQF program. It is expected that the final outlet ranking list will be released in mid-2008 and be used for the forthcoming ERA round in 2009.Click here for further information.
Urban Water Report
Urban Water – Review of Water Supply Planning for Australia’s Non-Metropolitan Urban Water Utilities - Full Report May 2007 (released October 2007)
Scanlon Report
30/50 - The Technological Implications of an Australian Population of 30 million by 2050 - Full Report (May 2007)


This website was last updated on 7 May 2008




Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
Ian McLennan House 197 Royal Parade Parkville Vic 3052 Australia (PO Box 355, Parkville Vic 3052)
Telephone +61 3 9340 1200 Fax + 61 3 9347 8237