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AMAST 2008 Interlink Workshop
University of Illinois
28-29 July 2008

Urbana Champaign

Photo: Copyright by mrkw at Flickr

Our daily lives depend on a multitude of complex and software-intensive systems. These systems are becoming increasingly distributed, heterogeneous, and decentralized. This trend will continue, while the need for quality of service, security, and trust will grow. The goal of the InterLink working group on "Software-Intensive Systems and New Computing Paradigms" is to identify new developments and future research directions in this area.

Previous InterLink workshops lead to interesting discussions and insights which will, together with the results of this workshop, inform the European Commission's future research funding and international cooperation activities. Participants of the third international InterLink WG1 workshop will continue to explore ensemble computing, new computing paradigms, engineering physical ensembles, and societal computing.

This workshop is colocated with the 12th International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST 2008). AMAST 2008 takes place at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The university campus is famous for its beautiful landscape and coherent architecture as well as distinctive landmarks. It was identified as one of 50 college or university 'works of art' by T.A. Gaines in his book "The Campus as a Work of Art".

Please note that there are no registration fees but registration is mandatory for participating in the workshop.

