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2008 Cor Baayen Award

ERCIM is now accepting nominations for the 2008 Cor Baayen Award. Deadline for nominations: 15 April 2008.

Each year, ERCIM awards a promising young researcher in computer science and applied mathematics with the Cor Baayen Award. The winner of the award receives 5,000 euros, together with an award certificate. The award will be presented at a ceremony during the ERCIM fall meetings on either 19 or 20 November 2008 where the winner will present a talk on his or her work.

Nominees must have carried out their work in one of the 'ERCIM countries' (i.e., Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom). Nominees must have been awarded their PhD (or equivalent) after 15 April 2005.

Nominations may be submitted online only.

For further information, please see:

Last Updated ( Thursday, 14 February 2008 )
