bristol / the environment Friday May 09, 2008 14:21 by imcvol

Bristol Indymedia Film Night - Monday 12th May 2008 8pm @ Cube Cinema. Entry £4/£5.

Best Documentary: 2008 CFTPA Indie Award Nomination & 2008 Genie Awards "Sprawl is eating the planet. Across North America the landscape is being leveled - blasted clean of distinctive features and overlaid with zombie monoculture. Politicians call it growth. Developers call it business. The Moss family call it home."

Also features Steve Ward of Carfree UK, an organisation which works to promote carfree development and its environmental, social, financial and health benefits. Presented in partnership with The Architecture Centre, Bristol as part of their 'Spring Green' season.Full article.

| Radiant City: A Documentary About Suburban Sprawl | | | | Other Events/News: we shop therefore we are?? | 9th May: Film: "Colombia: Promises & Bullets" | 10th May: Bath Free Shop | 9th May: Film: "Colombia: Promises & Bullets" | 13th May: Trafficking & Migration - What Can Be Done? Sprawl | 13th May: Labour Behind the Label Film Night and speaker | 14th May: Meet Greenpeace Evening | 14th May: Kebele World Economy Group |

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bristol / miscellaneous Tuesday May 06, 2008 11:32 by imcvol

Bristol Unite Against Fascism Meeting - Friday May 9th

With an openly fascist mayor of Rome and the BNP gaining a seat in the London parliment and another 10 local councillors (despite fielding a candidate who claimed rape was a myth), some fear a march to the right in Europe. ZOB - UAF writes: A Bristol Unite Against Fascism (UAF) public meeting How can we organise to stop the local and national growth of the Nazi BNP? 7pm, Friday May 9th @ Transport House, Victoria Street, Bristol BS1. Full article.

| Stopping the fascist BNP | | Other Related Links: | Fascist BNP leader was in Bristol | Fascist BNP leader stopped from speaking at Bath University |

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bristol / media and culture Friday May 02, 2008 18:19 by imcvol

Monday 5th May 2008 8pm @ Cube Cinema, Stokes Croft, Bristol - Entry Free!

The spotlight is again on Guantanamo as now an al-Jazeera cameraman has been freed from detention there having been held for six years without charge. In January, Bristol Indymedia hosted a talk by former Guantanamo bay detainee Moazzam Begg. The talk was a huge success and we filled the Cube twice over! As a follow on to that event, Bristol Indymedia will be screening the award winning documentary 'Gitmo: The new Rules of War'. 'Gitmo' was the winner of the 'Best Documentary' award at the Seattle Film Festival and recipient of a 'Special Jury Mention' at the Miami Film Festival and the musical score won first prize for music in at the Festival international Musique et Cinéma in France. The film looks at the detention facility and talk to various people involved. Full article.

| Bristol Indymedia Film Night: FREE! 'Gitmo: The New Rules of War' | | Other Events: 3rd May: Fried Breakfast & Infoshop | 6th May: Children Within the Immigration Machine | 9th May: Film: "Colombia: Promises & Bullets" | 12th May: Radiant City: A Documentary About Suburban Sprawl | 13th May: Labour Behind the Label Film Night and speaker | 19th May: Moazzam Begg Event in Bristol |

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south west / local government Friday May 02, 2008 09:18 by imcvol

Local Election News & Views

Amidst mild gains for the LibDems and Conservatives in the South West elections, one Bristolian cast a vote, despite currently living abroad. Ballot Liberation Front writes; About a week after I moved to Prague, I overheard a conversation where an English ex-pat was proudly proclaiming the virtues of English democracy. "It's great", I heard him say, "on May 1st I can cast my vote at the British Embassy right here in Prague". Fantastic. I had been worried that due to living abroad, I would become one of the "disenfranchised youth of today", unable to exercise my democratic right, and duty. But, thanks to this fine Englishman, I now knew this was not true. So I ensured that today, as voters head to the polling booths, I set out for the British Embassy to cast my vote. Faced with a choice of "More of the same", "more of the same" or, "more of the same", I opted for "No suitable candidate". Full article.

| Exercising My Democratic Right Abroad | | Other Election/Voting Stories: South West Election Results | Has anyone seen my councillor | BNP Mayoral candidate's wife is Met copper! (UK Indymedia) | Not just Boris, but the BNP too! (UK Indymedia)

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Breaking News

Fri 09 May, 22:20

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textShirley Marshall to retire 21:26 Fri 09 May by poor dear 0 comments

textFilm Night: Radiant City, A Documentary About Suburban Sprawl 14:21 Fri 09 May by imcvol 0 comments

textBristol cycle path campaign 30th march 2008 09:20 Fri 09 May by Madboy 1 comments

alfsomerset.jpg imageBattery farm raided by the ALF 17:52 Wed 07 May by Animal Liberation Front 1 comments

textWe shop therefore we are?? 17:38 Wed 07 May by Glenn Vowles 5 comments

textRailway Path Photographic Competition - Call for Sponsorship 11:07 Wed 07 May by biker 0 comments

textStopping the Rise of the Fascists 11:32 Tue 06 May by imcvol 1 comments

textSWRDA - Green Awards & Airport Expansions 16:01 Mon 05 May by SWRDAwatch 0 comments

tn_trsquarenakbaday_01.jpg imageLondon Palestine Demo Saturday 10th May 18:13 Sun 04 May by Ed Hill 1 comments

textAUDIO Dialect - Westcountry doctor speaks out on the murder of Dr. David Kelly 00:58 Sun 04 May by Dialect 0 comments

textBristol Anarchist Bookfair Update 22:34 Sat 03 May by Book Worm 0 comments

textLive streaming - NOW! Sat afternoon from 4pm 16:24 Sat 03 May by brh 0 comments

textMay Film Night: FREE! 'Gitmo: The New Rules of War' 18:19 Fri 02 May by imcvol 0 comments

textUrban development sabotaged 17:22 Fri 02 May by E.L.F. & A.L.F. 6 comments

textHells Angels on Church Road, Redfield Bristol 14:47 Fri 02 May by Church Road Resident 0 comments

text"Our Dreams Will Never Fit In Their Ballot Boxes" 09:18 Fri 02 May by imcvol 0 comments

textSouth West Election Results 09:11 Fri 02 May by Emma 4 comments

Winston proudly displaying his ballot imageExercising My Democratic Right Abroad 13:32 Thu 01 May by Ballot Liberation Front 3 comments

textHas anyone seen my councillor 09:17 Thu 01 May by Poor Dear 2 comments

Big City? imageWe Are Not London 21:43 Tue 29 Apr by Rich Fisher 0 comments

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